Su Xiao walked on the street, where he saw homeless people, and the Parliament had already issued a batch of tents, which was a drop in the bucket.

Ango city is the most prosperous city, which is beyond doubt. However, it is only a city. According to incomplete statistics, the permanent population of Ango city is about 150000. Considering the floating businessmen and tourists, carrying 200000 people is the limit.

When the storm kingdom was destroyed, 110000 civilians and 160000 soldiers arrived in Ango city. They really transported people as goods. More than 300 steam trains went back and forth three times. When they were going to deliver the fourth batch, the steam trains were attacked by humanoid monsters.

The kingdom of Lehman didn't send civilians. There were 720000 soldiers. The king of Lehman was ready to revenge in any case, even if all the people were destroyed.

A total of 990000 people poured into the city of Ango. With the original residents, the population reached about 1.17 million.

Ango city was almost crowded, soldiers were also human. Although the soldiers of Lehman were brave and good at fighting, their temper was also hot. When they were hungry, not everyone could keep calm.

Food has become the most important issue. Fortunately, Ango city is a trade center, where a large number of grains are transported every day and there are grain storage warehouses, but sooner or later, these foods will be eaten up.

"Come here, there's food here."

A shout made the streets riotous. Soon, several men in white long clothes and carrying big and small packages were surrounded. They opened the packages, which contained bread and fresh water, and even some dried meat.

Dozens of civilians ran past Su Xiao to grab food. One of them tripped and was trampled to screams. The crowd around immediately dispersed. This is a good thing. The civilians are not hungry enough to lose their heads.

After a frenzy of looting, the parcels on the ground were taken away. Several people who distributed the food left and looked at the eyes and the scars on their hands and faces. These people were obviously not good people. The distribution rate of food probably had another purpose.

Soldiers know that, but they can't do anything to stop it? Don't be kidding. Hungry people don't listen to any reason.

If this situation continues, it won't work today. The small forces in Ango will spring up like mushrooms.

Passing through tents one by one, Su Xiao and his party went to the direction of the parliament.

Half an hour later, the house of Parliament appeared in front of them. There were soldiers standing around the house of Parliament. They had established a defense line. Some bloody Lehman soldiers guarded here. All the steam guns were collected. They replaced them with cold weapons.

These soldiers are good at using cold weapons. After all, the world's steam weapons are just emerging and are still in the replacement stage. Even in the kingdom of Lehman, they still keep the training of cold weapons. The cost of steam core is high. Besides a few advanced steam guns, almost all steam guns are one shot after firing, so it is necessary to let the steam core re store pressure.

With a bang, two taper guns crossed in front of Su Xiao. This was the original guard of the parliament. Their breath was obviously strong.

"Please show me your approval."

"Are you sure?"

Asaz smiled, and the corner of the guard chief's mouth twitched. He forgot a very important thing. The official in charge of approving the entry permit ran away this noon.

The man of this old man show was numb. When he found that a large number of civilians had arrived in ANGO City, he immediately knew that things were not good. So he took his family members and materials, drove a steam car, and fled to the city. The man running in the opposite direction was numb.

The Deputy member has no right as a formal member. After a moment's deliberation, the guard chief in full armor decides to let him go. The situation is different.

After entering the parliament hall, Su Xiao went straight to the third floor of the Council hall, opened the door, and a large group of people came into view. They were talking to each other. In the center of the room was a round table with eight seats.

At this time, there were only three people sitting in the eight seats, two men and one woman. An old man with thin body and sharp eyes, a big middle-aged man, and finally a woman who looked less than 30 years old and was looking through the documents.

Skinny, sharp eyed congressman frost snake, he said nothing, no one dared to talk to him.

The big man was king Lehman. He was rubbing his back neck lightly with one hand. There was a bruise on his forehead. Behind him was a girl wearing a blue and purple ponytail. The girl was very nervous. She kicked King Lehman on the back neck a few hours ago and knocked him out. This girl was Nancy Elna, who escorted Su Xiao.

Nancy Elna feels like she's finished. She's going to say goodbye to this beautiful world.

In the end, the woman who was looking through the documents was Senator rose. Her eyes were very aggressive. This was the ruthless person who provoked the war of the four countries.

Su Xiao looks for Zhang vacant seat, just sat down, and looks all the way. Seeing this, PRI stands beside Su Xiao's seat. Those eyes are more confused.

"Don't make a fool of yourself, prie, the agent you're looking for. We won't admit that you're the agent of the sanctuary."

Senator Rose's eyes are still focused on the documents in his hands, and his tone is bland.

"Miss Rose, you are more beautiful."

As soon as prie's voice fell, the room suddenly became quiet.

"What do you say?"

Councillor rose turned her eyes, looked at PRI for a moment, then smiled and shook her head.


Eminem behind Su Xiao is not happy. His cognition is very simple. Whoever provokes Su Xiao, he will beat him.

"I, he, and asaz, together."

Pri pointed to Suxiao and asaz respectively, but did not deliberately emphasize his status as a deputy.

"Here we are. Let's start."

The frost snake councillor didn't say much. The chamber was quiet. The officials of the chamber all stepped back and kept a distance from the table. In the past, they were not qualified to enter the chamber. Today, they have to accept the orders of the councillors directly and implement them immediately.

There are only two of the eight members, among the six others, five dead and one in a coma. Before the parliament was held, the frost snake member ordered that the five members who had no real power should be executed in secret to maximize their efforts. The situation is chaotic enough. These five members are not honest at ordinary times, and can become scumbags at present.

"Nonsense, I don't want to repeat it. Go straight to the subject. Do you know where Ango used to be?"

Councillor Rose's white wrists are active. Her wrists are old and uncomfortable.

"It used to be the capital of the Empire of light and darkness."

When King Lehman opened his mouth, he seemed calm, but his anger was rising, and his country was destroyed.

"Yes, it used to be the capital of the light and dark empire. At our feet, there is actually a larger dungeon. The parliament will secretly draw 5% of the trade tax every year. Once a year, it will maintain and strengthen the dungeon. The dungeon established by Emperor Okaz."

When it comes to this, Senator Rose's brow is locked. To open the gate of the dungeon means that someone should stay in the upper Ango town. Otherwise, once everyone is blocked in the dungeon, it's only a matter of time before it's too long before resources are consumed.