In the third round, there were 16 battles. After the night bewildered witch won, she was sure to be promoted to the fifth round with her current fighting points.

The second scene is Hugh and Yu's eldest daughter, Shangyue. Although Quan Yu, Shangyue's brother, had agreed with Hugh, what Shangyue didn't know was that her brother left her a surprise.

At the beginning of the battle, Hugh gathered a large number of fire elements. Strangely, he did not limit these fire elements, but formed all kinds of forms through the way of element resonance.

The sky is full of fire, rain and falling meteorites. It's like a natural disaster. Shangyue is ignorant. Didn't you say you'd give up for five minutes? How could you suddenly move the truth.

In fact, Hugh didn't take it seriously. He didn't even use the black flame to burn his soul.

When the five minute time limit arrived, the venue was already red, and the fire was dazzling. Shangyue fell to the ground, and his consciousness was on the verge of coma.

As soon as the battle between Hugh and Shangyue is over, the Gemini star will come on the stage. His opponent is a contractual person from the Holy Land paradise. This is a man dressed as a priest, full of prodigal temperament.

Unfortunately, one minute after the battle began, the staff from the holy land was smashed by the invisible force field of the twin stars. So far, there is only one fighter from the holy land.

The fighting went on one by one. After more than two hours, the 15th battle was over. It was not only because some people abstained, but also because of the order of drawing lots.

A total of 32 people drew lots. Su Xiao found that at the end of the second round, the top 16 of the fighting points did not match each other. The draw seemed to divide the participants into two groups. The first 16 were one group, and the 16-32 were the second group. The two groups of participants matched oppositely.

This is a very reasonable way to draw. If you can reach the top 16 of the competition points, you have already proved your strength. In the first three rounds of the battle for hegemony of the strong, sometimes you really depend on your luck, but in the fourth round, you are fighting for strength.

Su Xiao remembers that the reincarnation paradise pointed out that the fourth round is the elimination of points. Now it seems that this match of opponents is one of the rules of the elimination of points.

"Audience, I know that you, like me, are still interested in this event, but the next one is the last one!"

Huck is not only excited at this time, but also relaxed. He is going to leave work, and he is about to have a six-month holiday. How can he not be happy with the benefits of hosting the fourth round of the battle for hegemony of the strong.

Su Xiao walked in the player's passage, just stepped on the ground, and the reminder of reincarnation park appeared.

You gain the hourglass of light + 13. ]

when this prompt appears, the moustache in front of you gives a light cough, which means, brother, you know.

Su Xiao went to the battle ground. The metal floor under his feet was not smooth. The brown coating on it had a antiskid effect. The smell of burnt smell drifted in the air, which was caused by the battle of Hugh.


The sword of barrow was cut on the Divine Shield. Both of them disappeared and the battle began.

Although the benefits, but Su Xiao will not relax vigilance, he pulled out the knife at the same time, the exile on the cuff peel.

The exile broke through a layer of storm and went straight to the moustache. The moustache stretched out with one hand, and a bright light wall appeared.

Bang, banishment pierces the light wall and flies by the ear of the little beard.

"Lie down Trough! "

The muscles on the moustache's face were twitching. Although he didn't take it seriously, the light wall ranked the first three in his defense ability. At this time, he felt the feeling of fighting with the destroyer.

The light blue arc flashed in the air and flew back to Su Xiao in exile. To be safe, he used the "energy blocking" ability to avoid the sudden explosion of the moustache.

Green steel shadow external form: energy blocking (active), can cover green steel shadow energy to the enemy's body surface, the effect lasts for 10 minutes, when the enemy uses energy skills, there is a chance to interrupt, and cause the enemy to fall into a state of paralysis.

Tip: if this ability is used against enemies of legal system, the enemy has a 50% chance to be forced to interrupt when casting, and fall into a state of indeterminate paralysis, which lasts for 0.7-3 seconds, and causes real damage of the enemy's consumed mana × 0.8.



Moustache was more satisfied with the previous deal, and he had judged that he would almost certainly die to fight Su Xiao.

Let go of Gao Xuan's heart, and prepare for a proper meaning of moustache. For five minutes, you can't always look at each other. It's really too fake. Even if there's a behind the scenes transaction, you can't make it too fake.

The hands of moustache were folded. He made this gesture to remind Su Xiao that he was going to make a move. Let Su Xiao be more careful.

The breath of the moustache suddenly soared. A blue bubble appeared beside him. After that, the second blue bubble appeared. Look at the trend. The third one is about to be generated. It can only be said that the moustache is lucky. 50% of the chance is that the energy will be blocked. It will be triggered after three times of casting.

PA la

The light blue arc appeared on the surface of the moustache. His eyes were wide and his body was straight as a pillar. Then he fell straight to the side. There was a laugh in the audience. Although he was not kind, he couldn't help it. The moustache was too straight, just like a wooden stick.

The skull of the moustache bumped into the metal ground, and the sound hurt.

In the audience, the casters from arcane eternal star saw this scene. Most of them did not change their looks. Sorcerer Sophia sighed. She experienced that feeling.

as like as two peas, he was able to touch his forehead. He was the same as the boy who was the first time he was blocked by energy for thousands of years ago. The only difference was that his head hit a rock.

The scene was a bit awkward. Su Xiao hesitated to mend it. According to the agreement, it's OK to die.

"The battle is extremely anxious. What's wrong with player 16? Is it limited by the enemy's ability? Although player 78 fell, he restricted player 16 with his own ability. It's dangerous! It's a silent game! "

explains that Huck is awesome to the force. If he only listens to his explanation, the battle in the field is very anxious.

Five minutes later.


The moustache hit the ground and rolled several times before it stopped. Ten meters away from him, the Dragon cutting flash was nailed to the ground. Su Xiao stepped on the handle of the Dragon cutting flash with one foot and two small arms wrapped around the crystal layer.

The blue liquid is surging around. Once you touch the blue liquid, you will feel a sense of detachment. It has to be said that the strength of the moustache is not weak.


Moustache got up from the ground and coughed continuously. In the five minutes just now, his enemies didn't use a knife at all. They taught him to be autistic with their bare hands. After all, he basically didn't dare to cast. His experience at the beginning of the war was too painful.

Xiaohu remembers Su Xiao's appearance. Today's event is recorded by him. The other side has the ability to kill him, but he abides by his promise. He will never forget this human feeling. Compared with being killed on the court, being beaten up doesn't even count as a fart.

As the blue liquid on the ground dissipated, Su Xiao jumped down and pulled out the Dragon cutting flash on the ground.

For Su Xiaolai, the fourth round is not too difficult. The real difficulty is the fifth round. Hugh, Gemini, Quan Yu, the witch at night, Meng de and others are all promoted to the fifth round. None of them is easy to deal with. It must be a bitter battle.