The mechanical chariot galloped. Bouwang, with his swollen muzzle, sat in the back seat. Mogoro, who was inlaid with alloy plates, was driving. Obviously, the former leader of the fire skull sect didn't believe bouwang's driving skills, let alone "black technology" self driving.

Su Xiao, who is sitting in the front passenger's seat, picks up the "French compass" from under the windshield, which is a compass + weather forecast device.

After preliminary understanding, Su Xiao learned that mogoro's weapon is a biological weapon, which is best at medium distance combat and has strong firepower. But the bullets of that biological weapon are very special, which requires mogoro to consume vitality and form flesh and blood.

In addition to the middle distance fight, mogoro has a strong ability. Because of the characteristics of his undead, the cells in his body will gradually 'die', so he should often peel off the undead cells in his body.

But this kind of defect, is developed by mogoro a kind of detection ability, the effect how, mogoro didn't say.

"How long does it take to get there?"

Su Xiao looks at the French compass slowly rotating in the outer ring of his hand. It means it's going to rain, and it's a rainstorm.

"At least, six days."

Mogrona has a metal texture, and the dull voice comes from him, most of the time he is silent.

"6 days..."

Su Xiao closes the cover of the French compass and looks at the gradually cloudy sky. For a few hours at most, it will start to rain heavily.

Su Xiao has been under surveillance since a few days ago. At first, it was very close. But as more and more hunters gathered in No. 9 shelter, the sense of surveillance began to be almost nonexistent.

Of course, Su Xiao will not ignore the sense of being watched. Before that, he suspected that he was the assassin of other shelters. After all, he had the medicine.

However, Su Xiao feels that he is more likely to be the person of Tianqi paradise than the watcher of hostile forces. He never forgets the hint of reincarnation paradise. After he kills the battle angels, Tianqi paradise will call other battle angels.

So far, Su Xiao has killed two battle angels. According to his speculation, under the control of reincarnation paradise, it is impossible for Tianqi paradise to recruit endless battle angels.

Su Xiao looks at the scene outside the window. If there was a sense of surveillance before, there is a high probability that the battle angel is watching him. If not, he should also make sure whether there is an enemy following him. The place he is going to is very dangerous, so he must deal with the enemy with high threat before arriving there.

If it wasn't for the hunters at No. 9, Su Xiao would at least use them to cut off.

Su Xiao didn't do this, not only because of his cooperation with mogoro, but also because he didn't want to take those hunters with him. Those people will be greedy for life and fear death, and will give full play to their selfishness.

It's OK to gather them together and bomb them. If the situation is not right, those people will be scattered in a flash. If they can't get it right, they will probably stab in the back.

Because of this, Su Xiaocai chose none of them. Even the brothers with the longest contact time and Ghana are not very credible.


The sky was thundering and cloudy. Before the rainstorm, the mechanical chariot stopped by a half abandoned lighthouse.

The lighthouse as a whole is like a big chimney, which has been abandoned for a long time. After entering the interior, Su Xiao found that there are less than 50 square meters, and the interior is hollowed out. From several piles of ashes on the ground, we can see that hunters often rest here.

The torrential rain soon fell, and there was a crash outside the lighthouse. There was still some leakage at the top of the tower.

Su Xiao planned to catch up in the rain, but mogoro refused. According to mogoro, although the internal combustion engine of the mechanical chariot is waterproof, it must not take risks. Later, there is a long way to go. The mechanical chariot is very important.

With more than 20 days to go, Su Xiao was not in a hurry, so he agreed to take shelter in the lighthouse.

The wood in the fire was crackling. Su Xiao sat in front of the fire. Compared with the dark rainstorm outside, the lighthouse was obviously warm and dry.

"Mogoro, how many years ago did you get there?"

In his spare time, Su Xiao asked mogoro for information about the area where the extraordinary plant, dibham, was located.

"Many years ago."

Mogoro's answer was simple, and he said the same thing as he didn't.

"Wang ~"

brabwang and mogoro obviously "offend", because the other side does not believe in its driving skills.

"Be specific."

"There It's dangerous. "


Obviously, mogoro belongs to the type of people who can't fart with a few sticks. He is reticent, cruel, but honest.

Su Xiao, bu Buwang, Amu and Baja all stare at mogoro. After a few minutes, mogoro's corner of the eye takes a puff.

"There are a lot of undead and alien animals."

Mogoro managed to suppress such a message, and then it was gone. "


Su Xiao gives up asking mogoro for information. The other side is hiding some secrets, but everyone has some secrets.

"Start when the rain stops..."

"Someone triggered my trap."

Mogoro suddenly interrupts Su Xiao.


"At least 2 kilometers, give me 10 seconds."

Several of the ducts on mogoro's spine elongated and pierced the ground.

"Over there, three beasts No, it's human beings, three human beings, two kilometers away, moving at high speed. "

Mogoro picks a piece of metal armour from his arm while talking. Under the armour is a mass of creeping black biological tissue, which is the immortal cell.

Su Xiao takes over the metal plate thrown by mogoro, hesitates for a moment, and attaches the plate to the black king's armguard in his left arm.

With a crack, the biological organization clings to the black king's armguard, which has the power of stillness. Su Xiao is not afraid of mogoro's tricks.

"Fever means being close to the enemy, tremble means being far away, leaving Represents a loss of purpose. "

Mogoro has a lot of tracking experience.

The black armor piece broke away from Su Xiao's arm guard. Mogro silently picked up the armor piece and sat back in front of the fire.

"Man, you're not reliable. My pants are off."

BAHA's expression is very tangled, it is ready to meet the enemy, who knows mogoro's tracking seconds failed.

"That man, cut off a piece of flesh and blood from his leg."

The conduit on mogoro's back surged. Within a while, there was a dark biological tissue crawling into the lighthouse. On this dark biological tissue, there was a large piece of flesh and blood.

This dark biological tissue is the undead cells that mogoro peeled off before. Every once in a while, he has to peel off this thing from his body, otherwise he will become an irrational undead.

"Three people..."

Su Xiao crouches in front of mogoro's immortal cells, as if he is hesitating.

"It will take at least a few hours for the storm to stop. It should Enough. "

Su Xiao grabs the immortal cells on the ground. Seeing this, mogoro frowns.

"It will bite..."

Zila, green steel shadow energy rush, immortal cells escape from Su Xiao's hands, leaving only some blood on his hands.


Su Xiao looks at mogoro.


Mogoro's eyes drooped. He had forgotten how monstrous his allies were because he had reached an alliance.

"Bub, Eminem, Baja, you wait here first."

Su Xiao walked out of the lighthouse. He never liked to meet the enemy passively. Since the enemy liked to follow him, he took the initiative to meet him.

[Note: the hunter has worn the title of old hunter. ]

[blood mark (active) has been activated. ]

[Title Effect 1: Blood mark (active), which can track the target with blood. Even if the prey is located in a derivative world, a primary world, and a trial world, it can still track accurately. ]

[hint: this skill has no consumption. Each tracking can last for 12 hours. Each world progress can be used once. If the prey is located in other world, the world coordinates of the prey can be obtained, and the tracking effect will end immediately. ]


A mark drawn by blood appears in front of Su Xiaoshen and disappears at the next moment.