Two slightly bulky carriages drove on the dirt road, pressing out deep ruts. Although the iron black carriage looked ugly, the dokens who pulled the carriage in front of the carriage was extremely powerful.


The mechanical winch rotates, and the drunkard of "sunset red" team climbs under the carriage and is disassembling something.

"Well, dokens, who is pulling the cart, can't carry it. Let go of the winch."

The old man, who was as strong as a bear, clapped and banged on the floor of the car. He was very angry.

"Soon, shut up."

Drunkard obviously is not easy to provoke. He is a scout in the team, and is good at equipment repair, explosive coordination, assassination, etc.

Josiah, a bear like old man, was obviously a type of hardline, charging nine out of ten battles.

Carmen, the saint Councillor, is of the old Yin beep type. His strength is not as good as Josiah's, his skill is not as good as witch's grave, but his comprehensive ability is strong.

The witch's grave of Alzheimer's is a long-range fire. He is good at using bows and crossbows, shotguns, siege crossbows, blowarrows and other long-range weapons. Whenever he catches a witch alive, he is responsible for torture.

Drunkard, blood bear, Carmen, Gunter (Witch's grave), these are the names of the four people. The four people on the carriage look as usual, and they can't see the spirit of the strong man who will never return, because in their eyes, it's reasonable to never return, to die in the south is duty, to live back is blood earning.

In the chariot of the sunset red dare to die team, the witch grave is staring at the shed, obviously suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

"We will circle here from here. If the vein doesn't change much, it's a large swamp. When we get here, it's equivalent to the compound land in the south. We can only give up the carriage, pass the gate of dawn here, and pass the gate of dawn is the direct subordinate territory of the MOI family. After passing the gate of dawn, our destination is the altar of dust and mud, and yours is the fog Castle. "

Carmen's fingers are on a bloody area, which is specially marked on the map.

"Must pass from here?"

Su Xiao points to the gate of dawn.

"It's necessary to pass here. The gate of dawn is not built by witches. It's a natural dangerous place. No witches will live nearby. We used to pass through the maze or the wind tower several times. This time, of course, we need to change our route."

Carmen is very experienced. He knows the topography of the south very well. After all, he has gone deep into the south many times.

"The gate of dawn seems to be my home town."

When the witch tomb suddenly opened, Carmen smiled and shook his head. He didn't care what the witch tomb said. This guy often said something unknown. Considering his dementia, it's not surprising.

"As long as we pass the gate of dawn, we need to be careful. You can have a general understanding of the situation of the dust altar. We need to go there to determine the location of the doom. The previous doom lives in the dust altar. The situation in recent years is not clear. As for the fog castle "

Carmen began to introduce the situation of misty fort in detail. Misty fort was built on the hillside of a mountain range. Because of the waterfalls on both sides of the mountain range, from the bottom of the mountain, the fortress looks like floating in the mist.

Misty castle is the headquarters of the MOI family, which is equivalent to the headquarters of the Church of the healing. MOI Nola has lived in misty castle for many years. Without accident, she is here in nine out of ten.

The sunset red team is responsible for solving the bad luck at the altar of dust and mud. Su Xiao enters the fog castle and the two teams strive to advance at the same time. When Su Xiao sees MOI Nora, the sunset red team tries to win the bad luck first. It's better to catch it alive and kill the bad luck as soon as the time comes. At the same time, Su Xiao kills MOI Nora and breaks the immortal ability of the two sisters.

The dust altar is not too far away from the mist castle. Even so, it is difficult for the church to synchronize. The wireless headset provided by Su Xiao makes synchronization no longer difficult.

Although Carmen felt that the wireless headphones were magical, obviously a product of the cross era, he did not ask the origin of this thing, and Su Xiao did not explain it. Both of them knew that there must be no internal contradiction now.

"That's about the plan. I've discussed it several times before. It should be OK."

Carmen looks up at Su Xiao.

"No problem."

"That's fine, but we need to do something before we go to the gate of dawn."

At this point, Carmen clenched his cane. There is no doubt about the combat power of the sunset red team. But they haven't hunted witches for a long time. They need to warm up. Especially when they fight with witches' graves, he will be more sober.

At this time, the group was still in the Central Plains, and went straight to the south. To warm up, there were many witches in the south.


South, misty fort.

The rapid waterfall flows straight down, the roaring sound of water spreads all over the valley, and a wooden house can be seen under the valley. The witch's base camp is not as luxurious as expected. After all, most witches are squatting at home. As long as there is sufficient material reserve, these paranoid women can find ways to improve themselves or develop weapons in the first half or even one year of the house.

Witches with sufficient experimental materials are not dangerous in fact, but one thing is that witches are transformed from human beings. Their body structure is more than 99% similar to human beings. Because of this, before developing drugs or abilities, they will first use civilian experiments to avoid irreversible damage to themselves caused by the failure of experiments.

It's true that witches are not dangerous when squatting at home, but when their experimental "materials" are exhausted, it's time for evil spirits to come out of the cage. That's why humans hate witches so much.

A wail came from the cabin in the valley. After a while, the scream became weaker and weaker.

On the inner side of the U-shaped Valley is a lofty mountain. There is a castle built between two waterfalls on the mountain. Because of the long time, the castle is almost integrated with the mountain.

In the water pool directly below the castle, the waterfall arouses a large amount of white water flowers. At the relatively gentle water on the bank, the mist rises. The water flowing from the waterfall is not cold, which is actually a natural hot spring.

A dozen witches with red mango body are soaking in the hot spring. Although the witches squat at home, it doesn't mean that they don't like clean water. Besides, there is the natural hot spring.


A little girl with short gray hair was immersed in warm water, and a dozen witches around cast their eyes from time to time to avoid any accident to the little girl.

The little girl is a four stage white witch. She breaks common sense and awakens her ability of prophecy in the four stages. Instead of inferring the future with words or omens, she can directly see the future and show it. Of course, this powerful ability has a weakness, that is, she can't predict too strong a person.

Because of this, this little white witch is the heart and soul of most black witches. Who hasn't had a disaster overnight? If the little girl foresaw the danger, she could save the witch's life.

"Amy, I'm going to faint if I soak again."

A large witch lifted the little girl from the hot spring.

"The future "

the little girl's voice was a little dull. Hearing her words, a dozen witches around looked at her together, and the Royal sister who held her looked serious.

"Amy, what do you see?"

Yu elder sister gently drags the little girl's back to predict the future, which is not the ability without risk. This little girl sometimes goes into shock during the prediction of the future.

After a while, the little girl's expression is no longer dull, her fingers light on the water, layers of ripples spread, and a picture appears in the water.

"These old men are The Witch Hunter

"It looks a little bit like that, just think of them."

"Are all the witch hunters in the Church of Saint Yu dead? How can they send the old, the weak and the disabled to the south?"

Just as the words of several witches came to an end, a black witch with white hair rose abruptly from the water.

"Witch Grave. "

The scarred old witch's lips trembled, and something known as fear ran through her eyes.