"100000 yuan for paradise..."

Su Xiao looks at Stan, and Stan spits out a blue smoke to show Su Xiao to think slowly.

"I've killed a lot of contractors. It's the first time that someone comes to claim compensation."

"And what's your answer?"

"Not a cent."

Su Xiao is still smiling, Stan's smile fades, but after a few seconds, he smiles more happily.

"Ha ha, there's a way. Since I don't want to pay the price That's all. "

Stan did not hesitate to get up and leave. As soon as he turned his head, his expression turned ferocious and terrifying. The scar on his face began to be bloodshot, like a poisonous centipede.

"I haven't met such a kind of lone ranger in a long time."

Stan takes out a compass with a faint golden glow.

After Stan walked away, Su Xiao took out a cigarette and lit it. If the ordinary lone ranger, he might indeed break his fortune to avoid disaster.

In reincarnation Park, there are props for tracking contractors. Although the price is high, there must be a large-scale adventure group like Xuemen.

Su Xiao doesn't care about tracking props. 13013 is a fake number. It's only a ghost if it can be traced.

As long as it's not very unlucky, it's not likely to encounter the bloody adventure group in the derivative world. Moreover, the large-scale adventure group is not a one-sided one, such as the barbarian adventure group, which is comparable to the bloody and the divine emperor, and is still in Yuren village.

It can be seen that the threat of the blood gate adventure group is far less than what we thought. Maybe before meeting Su Xiao, the blood gate has been destroyed.

Even if he happens to meet him, he can run even if he can't beat him. Bu Bu Wang is not good at other things, and his running speed is absolutely first-class.

Now Su Xiao is not a blood match, but he can not always be a blood match.

Moreover, he had long thought that he would be hostile to other contractors. As long as he was fighting in the derivative world, it was inevitable.

Don't think about it. Before long, the alchemy bombs on the booth were sold out, leaving 30000 yuan of Paradise coins, and he began to make a large number of [potion 1].

The cost of [potion 1] is not low, 6000 yuan + 300 points.

In the next few days, the blood clan never appeared again, as Stan said, "if you don't want to pay the price, that's OK.".

Time is fleeting, and soon Su Xiao's stay in the reincarnation park has reached its limit.


When Su Xiao regained consciousness, he was already in the living room of the seaside villa.

There are three and a half days left in the real world. After two minutes of thinking in the living room, Su Xiao simply packed.


A day later, XJ Province, Uygur Autonomous Region, chogori peak.

The second highest mountain in the world, also known as K2, is 8611 meters above sea level, where countless climbing enthusiasts are buried.

The cold wind blows the snow. 8300 meters away from the peak of georgoli, on a nearly vertical mountain wall, the snow covers the mountain wall. If you look carefully, a man with a bare upper body and an ice pick in one hand is hanging on the mountain wall, without any protection measures.

The heat was rising from the man, and the cold climate seemed to have no effect on him.


a wolf howls from the top of the mountain. A large snow wolf stands on the top of the mountain and is howling on his head. The cold wind blows the black and white hair.

"These two goods have reached the top. Can cold weather unlock their IQ?"

Su Xiao holds the ice pick and continues to climb.

Half an hour later, at the top of the mountain.

Su Xiao stands on the top of the second highest mountain in the world, looking down at the bottom, white.

Take off a big bag at his waist. Su Xiao takes out a glider suit from it and wears it well. After confirming that the parachute behind is OK, he looks to Buwang.

"See you at the foot of the mountain."

Su Xiao jumps down, and bu Buwang at the top of the mountain wails

The real world is very suitable for relaxation and the staying time is very fast.

[Note: a new derivative world is about to open, and hunters will return to reincarnation park. Please make sure there are no witnesses around. ]

in transit Transfer complete. ]

Su Xiao returns to the exclusive room, just regaining consciousness, an email prompt pops up, and he opens the email.

"Now that the things are ready, come and get them."

The content of the email is very simple. It is signed by mechanical sister.

Hurry to machine street. Su Xiao checks the rest of the park coins. There are 35600 left. He only has 5600 Park coins after 30000 service charges are removed.

But the materials are all ready. There are 8 bottles of "potion 1" in the storage space, plus the rest of the restoration products before, which is enough for him to deal with the new derivative world.


Machinery street, little sister workshop of explosion.

Su Xiaoheng smashes the iron door in front of him. He has smashed the door for ten minutes. If there is no protective measure, the iron door has been smashed by him.

"Who, I haven't given up for ten minutes. Hurry up."

The iron door opened, and the mechanical sister, who was only wearing a bra and trousers, stood at the door, very upset.

"Well, I can't sleep. In order to complete your order, I haven't slept for nearly four days."

Mechanical sister opens up and Su Xiao enters the room.

"It's a success. I'll pay the service charge. I'll go to sleep. The things are on the workbench."

Mechanical sister activated the temporary contract. Su Xiao confirmed that the contract was OK and paid 30000 yuan to mechanical sister.

As soon as she received the money, she fell on the small bed in the corner and slept in seconds.

Su Xiaolai comes to the machine sister's work desk. The metal work desk is five meters long and the door is full of tools.

Su Xiao saw a sniper gun. His first feeling was wild. From the blood red pattern on the gun, it could be seen that this was the Spider Queen.

At this time, the appearance of the Spider Queen changed greatly. It was originally dark, with blood red lines on the surface. Now it is mainly black. The gap of the gun body faintly emits blue light, and blood red lines are twined on the sight.

Originally, the size of the Spider Queen was not small, but now it is more exaggerated, almost catching up with Su Xiao's height.

Finger on gun, Spider Queen's profile appears.

[Spider Queen]

origin: Reincarnation paradise

Quality: dark purple

category: heavy sniper gun

caliber: 17.36mm

ammunition capacity: 10

durability: 7272

attack power: 60-134

equipment demand: strength 52, physical strength 49.

Equipment effect 1: optical infrared detection mirror 4-28 times (passive), adjustable distance, automatic correction of wind speed, distance and other factors, the target of collimation will be the final life midpoint of the bullet (the maximum correction distance is 1036 meters).

Equipment effect 2: accurate trajectory (passive), correction shooting accuracy 17%.

Preparation effect 3: disintegrator (passive), increases the chance to crush enemies by 30%.

Score: 260 +

Introduction: if you want to keep a living mouth, please do not use it, you can only see the fragments of the enemy after using it.

Price: 70000 yuan

Su Xiao picked up the new Spider Queen, feeling heavy. If there was no room for saving, it would be a problem to carry it alone.

Pulling the bolt, the magazine is empty. The 17.36mm bullets used by the Spider Queen are exaggerated. Generally, sniper guns are 7.62mm or 12.7mm bullets.

With the caliber increasing again, Su Xiao was not only worried about the exchange cost of 17.36mm bullets, but also about the special alloy ammunition used by Spider Queen.

[whether to exchange 17.36mm bullets (special), 150 yuan per bullet. ]It's too expensive for Su Xiao.

Bear the heartache to exchange 30 bullets, enough to spend 4500 yuan, which can buy an ordinary blue equipment.