Green hair young people are shot in the head. Without head protection, the only way to be hit by the Spider Queen is to die. Even Su Xiao is no exception.

Headless bodies fall, green haired young people die of greed and hesitation.

Su Xiao was in a state of near death, but there were too many indentures around him.

When he made up his mind, the first target was the dark purple chest.

Green haired young man is too greedy. He not only wants to get dark purple treasure chest, but also covets Su Xiao's equipment, especially the Dragon cutting flash in Su Xiao's hand. If Su Xiao encounters this situation, he will kill first and then take things.

Everyone can be greedy, which is very normal. Su Xiao also has greedy time, but before greedy, he should have self-knowledge and distinguish what can be greedy and what can not be greedy.

Su Xiao will get what he can get. If the risk is higher than the income, Su Xiao will turn around and go.

Shoot the green haired young man. Su Xiao immediately turns the muzzle to the left.


Another shot, a contract man peering in the corridor was shot.

The Spider Queen is very strong at this distance, and the bullets have arrived at the same time as the gunfire.

"This guy is not in a state of frequent death, escape!"

After a shout, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor.

But if you have to go to the theatre for such a long time, you have to leave a ticket.

Bang, bang.

Su Xiao fired two more shots. One shot pierced the chest of a contractor. The contractor was dragged away by his companion, and the other shot hit the wall, scaring the nearby contractor to death.

When the sound of footsteps disappeared, Su Xiao coughed violently and spat out a lot of blood.

The big president's stabbing sword is very sharp. It will take at least half an hour for Su Xiao to recover from the injury. This is still the case with the effect of ELF secret medicine and the aura of ice and snow goddess.

The effect of ELF secret medicine will soon end. The duration of the medicine is only two minutes.

According to the numerical calculation, the Elven secret medicine has recovered 120% of its life value. Su Xiao should be cured, but that's not the case.

A lot of blood loss keeps his health value down. After the recovery effect of the medicine is over, his health value is only restored to 60%.

Although not in a state of total victory, Su Xiao has the ability to continue fighting.


The ground suddenly began to vibrate, and red light came from the ground.

"This is?"

Su Xiao looked around, and soon he knew what had happened.

The land refining array has been launched. It seems that the five pillars have been assembled.

If you look at the asia-u.s. from a high altitude at this time, you can clearly see a circle refining array covering the whole asia-u.s.

The blood red light from the refining array dyed the whole country red. Countless black arms protruded from the ground. These arms were soft and boneless like shadows, but they could catch the soul of human beings.

There are 50 million people in Asia and the United States. Doctors, workers, generals, farmers and so on all collapsed on the ground, struggling painfully.

At this time, there is no difference between the noble and the humble. They are being pulled out of their souls.

The only safety point of the land refining array is the lower part of the presidential palace. This is what the villains in the bottle do on purpose, in order to "protect" the five famous pillars.

Before the door of truth is opened, the villain in the bottle will not kill the human pillar.

There are red light spots across the sky, which is the soul of the Asian American people.


Underground, has revealed the real bottle of small people are laughing.

Its real body looks ugly, black and purple, like a shadow of the human form, full of eyes everywhere.

Tens of millions of souls gather in the small and medium-sized human body, but the small and medium-sized people seem to be dissatisfied.

There are 20 million souls gathered in his body. The souls of the remaining 30 million civilians have not been successfully extracted. The refining array is not complete, and the starting time is not right.

But it has to start the refining array, or there will be no chance.

Up to now, it is not clear why the plan that has been smoothly carried out suddenly stopped.

After hundreds of years underground, the thinking of the villain in the bottle has solidified. In its cognition, human = ant = energy = unable to resist it.

The soul of 20 million people enters the small human body in the bottle and transforms into the stone of the sage. The small human body in the bottle begins to grow rapidly.

It broke the building of the presidential palace and stood like a giant in the night sky. The moon in the sky had become a round black ball.

The best time to start the land refining array is the total solar eclipse, followed by the night.

The figure of the little man in the bottle continues to grow, and one of his purple and black arms reaches to the sky.

"Oh, God!"

The muffled sound is made by the small population in the bottle.

"Answer my soul, come on."

A white line appears in the center of the black ball in the sky, and a rectangular door opens.

The door was dark, with only one white fundus and a huge grey pupil.

This gate is the gate of truth and the foundation of alchemy.

A black shadow tentacles stretched out from the door of truth in the sky, intending to drag the small people in the bottle into the door of truth. The small people in the bottle gathered five famous people to start the land refining array, which is similar to the nature of human body refining.

If you are an ordinary alchemist, the door of truth can instantly drag each other into it, but you can't face the small and medium-sized people with 20 million souls in your body.

The villain in the bottle laughs wildly. He grabs the shadow tentacle of the truth door and tries to drag the truth eye in the door to himself.

"I'll drag you to the ground and be part of my body."

The eyes of truth are slowly dragged out of the door. The white light covers the small people in the bottle, and a strong energy spreads around.


As the energy sweeps through, a large number of houses in central city collapse, as if heaven and earth would collapse in this one.


Below the presidential palace, where Su Xiao is.

Some confused stand up, Su Xiao was just that energy pulse almost knocked out.

Fortunately, he never thought of dealing with small and medium-sized people alone, otherwise he would not win at all.

The villain in the bottle has now become a "God". Of course, the God here is a hypocrite, the God of tempering the world.

In other words, the villain in the bottle drags the "God" into the body, which becomes the container of God, but the God has no self-consciousness.

Just after the land refining, the second refining array is already in preparation.

The formation is not arranged by the villain in the bottle, but by von hornheim.

He placed hundreds of thousands of sages' stones all over Asia and the United States, waiting for the small and medium-sized people to start refining their territory.

The second refining array is similar to the land refining array, but it is reverse.

At the bottom of the presidential palace, the villain in the bottle looks relaxed and sits on a steel seat with a piece of white cloth under his body.

Edward and other five celebrities wake up one after another.

"What's the matter?"

"The land refining array has been launched."


Five people stand together and look warily at the small and medium-sized people in the bottle not far away.

At the moment, the little man in the bottle has got a perfect body and looks like hornheim when he was young.

"Gentlemen, you are useless."

The little man in the bottle has no expression, most of his emotions have been separated.

Edward and others want to use Alchemy to attack small and medium-sized people, but they can't use it at all.

"Alchemy has been sealed by me. Goodbye everyone."

The little man in the bottle raised his hand, and a red ball appeared in the palm of his hand. It was a small sun.

Edward and others are a bit sluggish.

"You, that is..."

Hornheim pretends to be surprised. He is waiting for the second refining array to start.

"For me, who already has God, it's OK to make the sun by hand."

Just as the little man in the bottle was about to kill several people, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

"This is?"

"Ah ~, the moment you get God, you are doomed to failure, the villain in the bottle!"

Hornheim roared, and the second refining array started.


Countless souls rushed out of the small and medium-sized human body in the bottle. Just a few seconds later, the souls of Asian Americans in the small and medium-sized human body in the bottle disappeared.


Su Xiao looks at a large number of souls rising from the sky, and his heart starts to speed up.

Successful, although the bottle of small people master the power of God, but he lost the energy to use the power of God.

"It's time to clean up the instability."

Because of the launch of the land refining array, all the contractors in the steel refining world are hiding under the presidential palace.

Su Xiao didn't want to kill all these contractors. It's impossible. But at least they should be driven out. Otherwise, they may help others to make wedding clothes.

It's only one step away from completing the promotion task.