The news that a devil fruit appeared in the trading market spread, as Su Xiao expected, the devil fruit ignited the trading market.

But he never thought that the situation would be so exaggerated.

Most of the market's contractors or employees are close to the neighborhood, crowded, and sometimes angry.

"That bastard touched my chest. You stand up for me."

One of the contractors turned red and she was attacked.

"Don't step on it. Hey, you stepped on my face."

One of the contractors who had been pushed to the ground shouted angrily that he could not stand up in the crowd.

At this time, Su Xiao's stall is full of contractors, asking for prices and the auction price has been soaring.

60000, 65000, 70000, 73000

Before long, the bidding price of devil fruit reached 123000 yuan, and the price increase began to slow down.

Not that the devil fruit is worth 120000 yuan, but that there are too few contracts with 120000 yuan of liquidity.

The bidding price is rising, and Su Xiao has received countless messages.

"Your position in the real world has been found out. Give up the devil's fruit and spare your life - some anonymous contractor."

"Our seven-star adventure group has offered 160000 yuan for private auction."

"How about bartering? There is no floating Park currency in hand. "

There are threats and inducements. There are many people who sincerely buy devil fruits, but the price is not high.

Before long, the bidding price of devil fruit rose to 150000 yuan, and no one has raised the price for two minutes.

Just five minutes after no one offered, a female indentor in a light blue mage's robe crowded into the booth.

The female contract maker sighed with relief, with a helpless look on her face. It was too dangerous to squeeze into the crowd. She wanted to prevent being attacked by others.

This is a female mage. The strong water element around her makes Su Xiao immediately judge that this is a water mage.

The female mage has no heavy makeup, but the plain face is also attractive, giving people a weak and strong feeling.

"It's crazy to finally squeeze in."

The sorceress picked up the devil fruit and nodded with satisfaction.

Seeing that the other party picked up the devil fruit, Su Xiaomei picked it up, and the price of 150000 yuan was given by this woman, otherwise she could not touch the devil fruit on the stall.

"It's very suitable for old scar. I don't know how he will eat this fruit."

The woman contract person sweet sweet a smile, a few contract person on one side all looked stupefied.

"Get out of the way, don't make a bid to squash a fart here, have some quality, shit, a bunch of stupid beeps."

A ruffian man came forward. He was wearing a brown leather coat, only two buttons were fastened, showing his chest muscles. He was followed by several contractors, who were obedient.

After seeing this man, the mage's face changed a little and her competitor came.

The sorceress looked at Su Xiao. She was about to speak to Su Xiao, but her body was stiff.

At this time, in the female mage's perception, although Su Xiao was sitting behind the stall, he was like a sitting God, with a light blue evil spirit floating on his body.

The female mage suddenly had a kind of conflict of turning around and running away. She said to herself, "what's the matter with this guy? It's like meeting a natural enemy!"

The sorceress's perception is right. She did meet the natural enemy.

"Quenching ink, you are also there."

Ruffian ruffian's tone is frivolous, and he does not hide his desire in his eyes. His eyes are like lasers, which seem to penetrate clothes.

Mage Chumo chuckles. She can't control other people's eyes. Although she is dissatisfied, she doesn't show it on her face.

"Crow, are you going to fight with me?"

The voice of quenching ink is gentle and the tone is gentle, which can convey a kind of resolute attitude vaguely. She will decide this fruit.

"Of course, let me see. Have you made an offer for 150000 yuan?"

The crow crouches down, smiles and nods to Su Xiao, and sends a message.

"Brother, we cooperate with this woman. She killed my good brother before. It's a win-win situation."

When crow sent this message, he suddenly remembered that this scene was similar to a movie he had seen. He wanted to imitate his idol.

Crow bid, see crow out of the price after quenching ink some speechless.

The crow's offer is 1500001 yuan.

"Crow, what do you mean? You are childish."

The smile on Cui Mo's face disappeared. At this time, she could not fall behind. She immediately offered 160000 yuan.

The crow smiled scornfully and continued to be 1 point higher than the paradise coin.

Quenching ink makes a helpless expression, which seems to be a headache for crows.

"You win, the devil's fruit belongs to you."

For the sudden compromise of quenching ink, crow didn't care. It was a dream to buy the devil fruit for 160000 yuan.

From the beginning to the end, Su Xiao didn't speak. He just needed to watch these two contractors perform.

After a few minutes, quenching ink seemed unable to sit down. She bid again, raising the price directly to 170000 yuan.

The crow followed, adding another one.

This time, ink quenching hesitated for a long time. I hesitated for a few minutes and didn't bid. You know, after ten minutes, the auction will be over. At that time, the crow will buy the devil fruit.

It took nine minutes for the ink to be quenched before the price was 175000 yuan.

Crow smirked, raised 1 point of Paradise coin again, and left a message to Su Xiao.

"Brother, after the transaction is successful, you can give me a share. This woman can pay at least 300000 yuan or more. I'll drag him to death with 1 yuan today."

"Crow, don't do that."

In this way, the price has been increased by others, and it is still 1 point. The patience of quenching ink is gradually consumed.

"Kill my brother. You can't buy this devil fruit today. "

when she heard the crow's words, her face began to cool. She insisted that she bid again after 9:40, 180000 yuan.

The crow continued to rise 1 point higher than the paradise coin, not only quenching the ink and silence, but also some of the contractors around.

But as you all know, the ultimate buyer of this demon fruit is quenching ink.

After the price of 180001 yuan lasted for 9 minutes and 55 seconds, quenching ink finally couldn't sit still and bid again. 190000 yuan.

Just when the crow wanted to bid again, a voice came.

"Good acting, you two."

A man in full armor stepped forward. The voice of the man was like a bell. The armor on his head covered his face.

Crow mouth a turn, just want to turn around curse, but was blocked by quenching ink.

"Crow, it seems that we have been seen through. The temporary alliance is over."

Quenching ink turns around and leaves, ignoring the crow with its mouth slightly open.

"Almost succeeded, are you special..."

The crow was very upset and looked at the armored man.

The armored man raised his chin and said, "you can see the expression of the stall owner."

The crow looked at Su Xiao and found that Su Xiao was a pair of expressions: "please start your performance."

They sang and Su Xiao didn't find out at first, but crow's second message made him feel wrong.

And the price they offered seemed to be very high, but it didn't meet his psychological expectation. They were using people's greed to expect them to increase the price all the time.

Crow has been in the card time, quenching ink is responsible for raising the price.

"It's bad for me and good for me. I can't do this. And you, I'll give 180000 yuan for this devil fruit. If I sell it or not, I'll see to it."

This "watch to do" has been deliberately enhanced, and the threat is more obvious. However, the nature of the crow is revealed after tearing the face. He is a ruffian in the real world. After gaining the power, his perverse character is more obvious.