Calipha frowned and stepped back subconsciously.

"This is sexual harassment."

"That's the one at the dinner party in the capital of seven waters."

Su Xiao looks at Kali FA and soon takes back her eyes.

"What do you have in mind?"


Su Xiao didn't speak. He was observing the situation near the lifting bridge through the sight glass.

"Hello, I'm talking about you."

Calipha looks at Su Xiao with a displeased face, but Su Xiao still doesn't pay attention to him.

"You guy "

in the middle of callifax's speech, Su Xiao looked at her with a smile on her face and saw the gentle smile. Callifa's scalp was numb.

"I've invented a new bomb recently. Would you like to taste it? It's strawberry. "

Caliphaz stepped back and posed for battle. She had a shadow over the alchemy bomb.

"You can choose to watch or leave, but don't disturb me."

When Su Xiao was observing the situation near the lifting bridge, a man in a forest combat suit was lying on the top of a high-rise building on the former Island. He was holding a sniper gun in his hand, and dared not show his head at this time.

The sniper looked at the tower of justice with fear. All the previous scenes fell into his eyes.

"One out of two, at least a purple sniper gun."

There was greed in the eyes of the sniper, but the greed quickly retreated. He looked at the blue quality sniper gun in his eyes. If he shot at each other, he might not last for five minutes.

The frightened sniper chose to shrink and wait for the opportunity.

"Ah, this is the real big guy. He doesn't hide his position when sniping. It's just a battery."

The sniper sighed, admiring Su Xiao's blatant sniping tactics. He didn't hide, and couldn't lift his head to fight the enemy directly.

He didn't know that Su Xiaogen would not have looked for a sniper point. Su Xiao's idea was to find a high point and fight when the enemy came. As for the enemy's firepower, he didn't care about a few shots.

On the top of the judicial tower, Su Xiao observed for a while and found that there were no contractors.

"Bubu, get ready to go down and pick up something."

Su Xiao wraps the broken line around the small saddle behind Buwang. Buwang needs to take this thing with him during the battle so that he can run alone and dog by dog if the situation is not good.

Su Xiao is going to put Buwang down. After Buwang has collected all the scarlet cards, he uses the broken line to pull Buwang up.

Bubuwang was helpless. Looking at the height of tens of meters below his eyes, bubuwang whimpered. His eyes seemed to say: "master, I'm afraid of heights. I can't go down."


Bubwang made a final revolt.

"Be obedient. I'll take you to the beautiful little bitch later."

Bubwang's eyes were shining, his head was up, and his fear of heights swept out. Bubwang didn't want to be a single dog.

Just as Su Xiao was about to put Buwang down, he suddenly found a dark shadow flickering in the distance.

Quickly picked up the sniper gun, and through the sight, Su Xiao saw four furtive contractors.

Four contractors are looking around after the building, two men and two women.

A little girl said timidly, "let's go. It's obviously a trap. Look how terrible these people died."

The younger sister finished saying and hugged her shoulder with her hands.

"Yes, it's too scary. Four scarlet cards, two soul crystals are not picked up."

A student sister also wants to go. She looks at the leader of the four. This is a small adventure group.

"The judicial tower obviously can't go, so it's a huge loss. Our park money adds up to less than 60000 yuan, and we will definitely be detained."

The leader of the team is a middle-aged fat man, who is wearing iron armor and holding a shield.

"You stay here. I'll pick up something and run."

The middle-aged fat man grinned indecently and searched for the enemy's loot, which was a very cool thing. He had already guessed that there was a sniper on the judicial tower, but he had a shield, and he had green to blue quality defense equipment with high physical attributes.

"And Don't go. "

The student sister felt ominous. It was too quiet.

"Be sure to go. The people of the shenhuang adventure group and the mirage group are behind us. We can't fight those people. When we rob something, we'll go there and jump to the sea to escape. Now we're under attack."

The middle-aged fat man left this sentence and lifted his shield out of the bunker. His first goal was to crystallize the soul on the grass.

Scarlet card may not be able to offer good things, but soul crystal is a hot commodity, which can be used or sold by itself.

Su Xiao, on the top of the judicial tower, puts his finger on the trigger. It doesn't matter if the other side raises his shield. If a few shots can't be solved, a dozen will be fired.

The middle-aged fat man slowly comes forward, closer and closer to the soul crystal on the ground.

Six meters, four meters, three meters.

The closer to the crystallization of the soul, the tighter the middle-aged fat man holds the shield in his hand.

Su Xiao's fingers flicked the trigger, and the Spider Queen made a slight shot.


The bullet came out of the chamber and shot at the shield in front of the middle-aged fat man at super high speed.


The bullet was shot, the middle-aged fat man was beaten back half a meter and sat on the ground.

"How could there be such a strong kinetic energy."

The middle-aged fat man has numb hands and looks at the raised shield inside. His first reaction is to withdraw the shield.

Unfortunately, it's too late. Greed is the original sin.

Bang, bang, Bang

Su Xiao repeatedly pulled the trigger. Bullets with the length of his index finger hit the shield. Sparks splashed all over the shield. There were pits on the shield. The middle-aged fat man was plowed several meters.

When the shooting stopped, the middle-aged fat man's hands were split and his left wrist was distorted.


The student sister put her head behind the building and shouted.

PA La, the cement splashed, the student sister hurriedly tightened and turned around, with several bloodstains on her cheek.

"Team Can the captain come back? "

The delicate girl has tears in her eyes. No one answers him. Their captain may be back.

Bang, Bang

The gunfire continued. After receiving more than ten shots, the middle-aged fat man could not hold the shield in his hand any longer. The shield was hit and flew, and the bones of his arms were broken in many places.

The body is directly exposed to the enemy's guns, and the middle-aged fat man knows it is over.

PA, PA, blood spray splash, middle-aged fat man's leg and chest were beaten through, the sound of gunfire stopped.

The middle-aged fat man crawled hard on the ground, leaving a bloodstain along the way. He wanted to lie down and go back to the shelter, and the student sister rushed out of the shelter directly to drag the middle-aged fat man back to the shelter.

"Don't come here! This is a trap. The enemy deliberately does this. Many abnormal snipers will lure the enemy with the wounded. "

The middle-aged fat man shouted, but the student sister ran forward regardless.

Su Xiao is not an abnormal sniper. He just has no bullets. It's embarrassing.

Quickly exit the magazine, fill in three bullets, Su Xiao will insert the clip back, a natural pull bolt, aiming at the student sister.

The student sister has dragged the middle-aged fat man far away and immediately entered the bunker.

Bang, a bullet passed through the student sister's shoulder. One of her arms hit her directly. The student sister fell on the middle-aged fat man.

Just as Su Xiao was about to solve the two, he rushed out of the building.

Bang, bang. Two shots later, one shot went down, and one bullet went blank. A male indentor survived.

Su Xiao immediately filled in the bullets, but the male indentured man even ignored his own life and death, throwing the three people who were shot into the building, his expression seemed to struggle, which seemed not his will.

Su Xiao quickly filled in a bullet and aimed it at the male indenter.

Bang, one shot! Su Xiaomei's head is wrinkled, which is not a contract.

After the building, it's quiet. Don't think about it. The three people are hiding behind.

"Cucurbit baby saves Grandpa, send one by one, but the friendship is very deep. "

Su Xiao slowly withdrew the magazine and began to fill the bullets.

After the building, the middle-aged fat man gasped for breath. He had never thought how strong the sniper was.

"Captain, Ichiro is dead. It seems that I want to get a new summon. Unexpectedly, the compulsory control is successful. I failed before, so I had to rush out on my own."

Although the student sister was interrupted by her arm, she was laughing. Her teammates were not dead, just a summoner.

"Find a place to jump to the sea and escape. Sure enough, we are not qualified to go to the judicial tower. I am too greedy. I didn't choose to seek benefits in Qiandao before, and I thought that the judicial tower became rich overnight."

The three contractors helped each other to leave. Today they have learned the lesson of blood and can't be greedy.

Su Xiao waited for a while and found out that the contractors had gone after nothing happened. He put bubuteni down, and bubuwang happily picked up four scarlet cards, Soul Crystal × 26000 yuan coin savings cards.

When Su Xiao pulled Buwang up, Buwang's mouth was full and his cheeks were puffed up like a greedy hamster.

Put the scarlet card and Soul Crystal away, and use the park coin savings card directly.

"Robin, we're here to save you!"

A shout came from the top of the building closest to the judicial tower on the island.

Su Xiao takes a look. Isn't this Munch D. Luffy? He raises a sniper gun directly.


Luffy flew straight back a few meters and disappeared from the edge of the roof. Roll on the ground for a few laps and stop.

The bullet of the Spider Queen is special ammunition. It's very fast. Su Xiao feels that he can't hide. Now it seems that even the main character Lu Fei can't hide.

Luffy's body was not pierced. After all, he is a rubber fruit man. His body is very elastic, which can relieve the bullet's kinetic energy, but there are also bloodstains on his shoulder.

Luffy was hit by this gun a little bit muddled. Not only Luffy muddled, but also Spandam, the leader of cp9 in the judicial tower. He heard someone shouting just now, but he didn't find anyone for a long time.

"Damn it."

Spandam had just turned his head, and there was a cry from outside.

"Who attacked me!"

It was Luffy's cry again.

Bang! A slight shot.

Spandam turned to look out of the window and still didn't see anyone