"Rubber... Rubber, balloon. "

Luffy inhaled with all his strength, and his whole body expanded into a circle, like a balloon. He pressed Nami and Joba under his body with his body. Because of the limited position, he did not press Sauron, and Sauron did not need Luffy's protection.

Sauron ran to Luffy's side a few steps and grabbed Luffy's body to prevent Luffy from being toppled.

They are acutely aware that there is something in the room to explode, but they don't know what it is.

Nami and Joba are confused, but they don't struggle after being pressed by Luffy.


The deafening noise came from not far away. Nami covered her ears with a cry of pain. Her ears were buzzing and her brain was drowsy.

The impact of the fire and explosion wrapped Lufei and Sauron in a flash. The two men did not retreat. After retreating, Nami and Joba were dead.


The home of the iceberg was blown down. The iceberg was not protected and was directly smashed by the explosion.

Su Xiao, who jumped on the top of the building, was suddenly prompted.

You killed the seven water city iceberg. ]

[iceberg, as an important official in the derivative world, has a high reputation in the derivative world. It has obtained 8.1% of the world's source, and now it has obtained 10.3% of the world's source. ]

Su xiaolue was surprised. He didn't expect to kill the iceberg unintentionally to get so many sources of the world. It seems that to get the source of the world is not necessarily to kill the enemies with strong strength. Some plot characters with special status can also be killed.

However, this kind of person is not easy to kill. If Su Xiao does not have the identity of CP0, he is likely to be wanted and hunted by the world government.

Although killing the iceberg has won many sources of the world, you can ask Su Xiao after reincarnation park to learn that the iceberg has not dropped the treasure chest.

In the room, the fire was off. Luffy's red shoulder was broken. Blood dripped down his forehead and arms. Miraculously, his straw hat was intact.

Sauron's situation is even worse. The big figure is lying aside. He helps Luffy bear most of the power of the explosion. Otherwise, Luffy will be in a lot of trouble.

Nami and Joba looked up in confusion and saw the bloody road.

"Luffy, are you ok?"

Joba was scared and ran to Luffy.

"Leave me alone and see Sauron."

At the moment of the explosion, Luffy clearly saw Sauron in front of him.

When Joba ran to Sauron's side, Joba was shocked. Sauron was not badly burned, but there was a stool leg in his lower abdomen.


Joba was so overwhelmed that he didn't have drugs or even a roll of bandages.

"You have to take Sauron back to the ship, but first you have to deal with the wound."

Joba and Nami ran away and began to search the ruins for some available first aid items, such as clean cloth strips.

Luffy staggers to solong's body and sees the leg of the stool inserted in solong's abdomen. Luffy pulls the leg of the stool out.

Pooh, the blood spurts up Lao Gao, Sauron's eyes turn white with pain.

"You idiot."

Sauron was speechless, and Luffy knew that he had done something wrong. He put the stool leg back to help Sauron stop the bleeding.

Pooh, the leg of the stool was precisely inserted back into the wound, and Sauron's eyes turned over and fainted.

Joba ran back, not sure which room he found some bandages.

"Why did Sauron pass out? He was awake just now."

Joba wondered how esoron's body was going to go into a coma so quickly.

"Ah, this one, just like me."

Luffy holds the stool and so on.


Joba jumped forward and bit Luffy's hand.

"If you can't pull this out, you will lose a lot of blood."

"Yes, Sauron had a lot of blood when I pulled it out, so I put it back in."

"Insert Did you plug it back in? "

Joba was sluggish, but very angry.

"How can we do this to the wounded? Take Sau long back to the ship."

After Joba helped Sauron deal with the wound, Luffy took Sauron and Nami on his back and ran to the golden merry.

If Sauron is alone in the explosion, he will not be in such a mess, but Nami and Joba need to be protected. He almost alone suffered from the impact of the alchemy bomb, and his health is superb.

Luffy and others ran away quickly.

A man dressed as a cowboy looks at the back of the road. The man looks pale, as if his body function has been damaged.

"It seems that the plot has been accelerated by you. Let's see you at juridical island."

This is the man who fought with Su Xiao before. Zuo Lunnan is a cruel man. After he was injured, he went to a doctor to sew up his bladder. Although he was torn during urination, his fighting ability was not weakened.

Zuo Lunnan holds a dozen scarlet cards in his hand. Those who want to join the party have become scarlet cards.

"The emperor's crazy milk is also in the world of pirates, and the three national football hooligans are also there. Things are more and more interesting."

Zuo Lunnan laughs and the judicial island will fight in disorder.

"Who are you calling funny?"

"Brothers, we killed him."

"Forget it, all the guys in the brigade have mental problems."

Three strong men in the same style of armor walked out from the side, and after the three men came out, they first put on a formation. Three hands holding hands, one standing upright in the middle, the other two holding each hand of the man in the middle, leaning to one side.

"Three teases."

Zuo Lunnan shakes his head. Although these three guys are a bit funny, their survival ability is so strong that they are abnormal.

"We are the perfect combination."

"All men."

"The national football team is here! "

when the left round of male eye twitches, he suddenly feels ashamed to fight with these three teasers.

"A group of mental retardation."

In a loud voice, a man dressed in a black priest's robe and carrying a steel sickle walked out of the night.

"Crazy milk, I didn't expect you were also in the capital of seven waters. I always thought you went to judicial Island directly."

Left wheel male opening.

"When you come to the open world like the pirate world, of course, you need to kill several people to help you. But one thing I'm curious about is who hurt you so badly. I heard that your bladder has been stabbed and burst?"

There's some irony in crazy milk's words.

"Well, it's better than the mentally retarded dad who learned the wrong initial skills."

Hearing the words of Zuo Lunnan, crazy milk turned black. He originally wanted to develop in the direction of his father, but he didn't expect to learn the initial skills wrong and become a combat department. Although his milk amount was also amazing, he never milked his teammates. In the eyes of crazy milk, teammates only need to shout 666 and cheer for the big guy.

"That is the will of the holy God."

Crazy milk takes out a black cross and puts it in front of her mouth to kiss.

"God? I think it's an evil spirit. "

"What do you say?"

"I said, your emperor is a cult. No, I should not insult the cult. You are a pyramid scheme."

Crazy milk under the sickle behind, black smoke in his side diffuse, pupil red light flashing.

"I've been trying to kill you for a long time. The last time I interrupted the baptism of Protestants, we'll settle it together today."

The crazy milk holds the steel sickle, the black smoke on her body flickers with the holy golden light.

Zuo Lunnan sneers.

"Although I am not a good person, I will not watch hundreds of young children being sacrificed alive. Any ignorant young children are innocent, and justice will not be done by themselves, but I can kill those who do not like me."

Zuohun man started to move his fingers. Crazy milk immediately became cautious. It was not the first time for the two men to fight.

"What do you know? I'm going to baptize them. They all Come on, I can't explain things to a guy like you. "

"You're lying to ghosts, you fake wands."

"Believe it or not, but I'd like to kill you now. Although God says it's impossible to kill, it doesn't matter to kill the villain."

Zuo Lunnan and crazy milk fight each other. Only the emperor adventure group dare to fight against the brigade. It is a gathering place for devout and crazy believers. Goodness and madness coexist.

The three of the national football team sat on the rubble. They didn't know when to take out popcorn and coke. They wanted to see the football match.

"Big brother, you say who can win."

"Whoever wins, we'll mend the knife after they both win."

"That's not good."

"Nothing bad, neither of them is good. All heterosexual relationships are heresy and heresy. They are the enemy of our big FFF group."

"Big brother, we don't seem to belong to the FFF team. We are the national football team."

"Just joined, do you have any comments?"

"Big brother, we don't have a base."

During the heated discussion among the three Chinese football players, they suddenly found two pairs of cold eyes looking at the three of them.

"Big brother, let's run."

"It's a good suggestion. Who can run the slowest for a while and perform the hammer to screw up the fumaru?"

The three of the national football team started to run, which is called fast. Although they look like strength type, they can run like three runaway wild dogs.