If it wasn't for Ding Jiayi to stop her and Qiao Zijin to instigate her, she couldn't wait until she was 40 to meet Zhai Sheng and marry him.

Almost, if her family doesn't object, Qiao Nan feels that she will get married when she meets a pleasant man.

This is the fact, which cannot be denied.

But Qiao Nan knows better that if her life and Zhai Sheng's life really become like this, their married life will not be as happy as they are now.

The more clear, the more nervous and cherish.

"OK, be careful when you are on the road. Look at three more children. Since they can run, these three little ones are very fast. Don't make a mistake, let them bump into something, and all of them are injured. "

This is what Miao Liang is most worried about.

At home, Miao Liang blinks, one less child around her, and the one less will surely have more green.

Miao Liang's heart is aching and half dead. However, the treasure of Qingqing in her body doesn't feel hurt. She laughs and laughs and doesn't have any shadow.

"Mom, don't worry. I'll pay attention. I can't. I'll hold three treasures and let brother Zhai hold two treasures at the same time. " Two, or three children can be assigned.

"Well, I'm still very relieved to have you here. You are not Zhai Sheng. You are more careful and reliable than Zhai Sheng."

All Miao Liang's good faces were given to Qiao Nan's mother and son. Zhai Sheng got used to them. At this age, he didn't care. Otherwise, he would treat Miao Liang differently. His daughter-in-law is like his own, and his son is like his pick-up. It's uncertain when the couple would quarrel.

"Well, it's late. I can't catch the plane any later."

Looking at the old wife's dawdling, telling this and reminding that, Zhai Yaohui can't help but pull the old wife back to his side:

"their family of five is out for a good time. Do you really think it's OK to work and care more about me?"

"Well, I care about Grandpa."

As the best relationship with Grandpa, daibao xiaonai said that she and grandpa are from the same country: "grandma, I, I gave grandpa to you."

Hearing this, Zhai Yaohui was not satisfied.

Sure enough, the children he brought out are different. Dabao is more than Zhai Sheng. Look, Dabao's words are incoherent, but it's all for his grandfather.

Zhai Yaohui, who felt that his son had been raised in vain, said that his grandson had not been raised in vain.

Er Bao grabs his little meat hand and lets Miao Liang squat down.

Miao Liang didn't say a word. She was close to ER Bao and was kissed by Er Bao on her face. "Grandma, I'm good at home. I'll play with you soon."

Three treasure also hugged Miao Liang's thigh, nodded his little head, and agreed with two treasure's words: "darling, listen to Grandpa's words."

“……” Miao Liang is speechless for a while. He is the only granddaughter who has to say this. In other words, Miao Liang has to spray back. Who listens to who?

Zhai Yaohui, who had successfully educated the three children, proudly raised his tail to the sky. "Well, the three of you should listen to your parents. When you come back, grandpa has a gift for you."

The grandchildren are not raised in vain, and the grandchildren are not hurt in vain. The three little grandchildren are really more lovely than their sons and daughters. No, it should be said that their daughters and sons can't be compared with the three little grandchildren.

Zhai Sheng and his wife and children can go out by car and catch a plane.

The three children are young, have a good idea and have a big temper. They know that the suitcase is their own. They don't let their parents help them. They have to learn from their parents and drag them forward.

Zhai Sheng and Qiao Nan are not very used to children. They carry suitcases to let children move their hands. They are very generous to meet the requirements of the three children.

It's funny and funny to see three little ones with three heads, dragging suitcases as high as their own, trotting forward: whose baby is this? How can it be so cute? It's like walking out of the TV.

Three children are brave enough to know that their parents are right behind them, and they walk faster than their parents.

If it wasn't for the airport to be too big and they didn't know the direction, they stumbled and ran for half a day. They felt tired and didn't arrive at the destination, so the three children stopped at a loss and sighed: "tired shit nest."

Tired to two treasure saliva overflows, already spoke quite standard sound to walk suddenly not to want.

Dabao calmed down a bit. Wei Quba watched as he slowly walked up from behind. His mother and father, who didn't lead his way, asked, "where can I fly?" He has been running for half a day. Why hasn't he seen the door?

Qiao Nan smiled and kissed Dabao's face: "I don't know the way. What are you three running for? You are so fast. Mom can't catch up with you with such a big box. What if mom is lost by you?"

Yes, she lost three children, not three.After coming out of the house, the three children's spirits were too excited to be controlled like the wild horse.

She had to give her three children a sense of safety and stop running around. Qiao Nan specifically said in turn, so as to increase the sense of responsibility of the three children. In order not to lose her mother, she believed what her three children would do.

Sure enough, I lost my mother as soon as I heard that I was running, especially Dabao's face was heavy.

Dabao's old tune said tenderly: "then mom, you should keep up with us. Let's go slowly. Don't lose it. Dad, you are going to help us. We will be angry if we lose our mother. "

"I'll cry if my mother loses it." Two treasures are shriveled.

Sanbao is so fierce that he opens his mouth like a tiger: "my father should be obedient and obedient. My mother lost it. I will bite you."

Three children certainly have a heart to protect their mother, but knowing that their father is by their side, the biggest responsibility of looking after their mother must be on their father.

Dad is in charge of it. They are responsible for supervising dad. Right, that's it.

Zhai Sheng, who was thrown out of the pot by three of his parents, sneered. It was really his kind. The appearance of throwing out the pot made him feel very familiar. It seems that when I was young, I didn't do this kind of thing less.

Yes, all three are natural.

The three agreed to stop running around, like a little bodyguard, around Qiao Nan's left and right. They shouted to mom to come this way and said mom should be careful.

The soft and lovely appearance attracted the attention of many people in the airport, making them look at the eyes of the three little ones are almost heart-shaped.