This woman, it seems that she really knows about Zhai's family. Otherwise, who dares to be a father-in-law and mother-in-law. Wait, the chief is married, so this woman, will she be the chief's ex-wife.

All of a sudden, sister Zhao hesitated. She only knew that the chief had married once, but she didn't know what the two divorced for.

On the surface, Qiu Chenxi looks very fashionable and beautiful. At least Qiu Chenxi looks a little more delicate than Qiao Nan. Zhai Sheng is also a man. No man doesn't like beautiful women.

Seeing Qiu Chenxi's dress, elder sister Zhao is not sure whether she wants to divorce the chief or the chief. This woman's return to my family's father-in-law and mother-in-law said that this means that this woman doesn't want to leave with the chief. What is the attitude of the chief?

"I said Well, it's no use saying so much to you. You're just a paid nanny. I won't embarrass you. You go in and tell my parents in law that Qiu Chenxi, their daughter-in-law, has come to see them. Wait a minute. You'll open the door for me again. " Miao Liang, the old woman, has a bad heart and will ignore her, but her father-in-law is not bad and likes her very much.

I believe that knowing that she has come, Ren Miaoliang will not be happy any more. Her guild is willing to see her, and I'm not sure that it's willing to give her another chance. Qiu Chenxi has that self-confidence. She doesn't think Miao Liang casually introduces a woman to Zhai Sheng, who is better than herself. If it is so easy, the man who married Zhai Sheng could not be himself.

Standing in front of a person who is not outstanding, Qiu Chenxi feels that she has a great chance to win again. She is fearless.

"Oh, well, you wait." Qiu Chenxi's attitude relieved elder sister Zhao. First, she closed the door slightly, then stepped on her fast feet and ran to tell Zhai Yaohui and his wife the news: "old chief, old lady, there is a woman outside. She said her name is Qiu Chenxi. Come to see you. She, she added, was the chief's wife. "

At least for the first time, that's how the woman described her relationship with Zhai's family.

Zhai Yaohui and Miao Lianglian face a pull, especially Miao Lianglian's face is black, angrily clapping the table: "she still has face, she dare to say Our family, not so alone, let her get out of here! " Thinking of what Qiu Chenxi had done, Miao Liang's eyes crossed and his eyes fell on Zhai Yaohui like knives. The meaning of blame was very obvious.

Zhai Yaohui didn't retort, and his lips were a little tight: "there is no such person in our family, Xiao Zhao, you remember this person. In the future, as long as she comes, you don't need to ask who it is, and don't take care of her, just let her go. "

Even if Zhai Sheng didn't find Qiao Nan, his family didn't want to see Qiu Chenxi again. What's more, Zhai Sheng now likes Qiao Nan. The appearance of Qiu Chenxi is not a good phenomenon. You know, after the end of the new year, Qiao Nan, the future daughter-in-law, hasn't been able to go out once.

Thinking of Zhai Sheng's grinding and hawing, Zhai Yaohui and Miao Liang can't help but live together and worry about their affairs. After the new year, one is forty and one is forty-five. It's not only the old, but also the old. How many years can these two people let them linger?

It's not finished here yet. Qiu Chenxi is going to kill her to join the party. Zhai Yaohui hopes that Qiu Chenxi can leave as soon as possible, and most importantly, don't make any impact on the relationship between Zhai Sheng and Qiao Nan.

"Yes, old chief." Elder sister Zhao straightened her waist. Fortunately, she was smart and didn't pay any attention. She said that the chief liked sister Qiao, and the old chief and the old lady were particularly satisfied with her. What happened to sister Qiao and the chief? That's right. How can we kill another hostess?

It seems that when the woman divorced the chief, no one in the chief's family had any good feelings for the woman. In this way, sister Qiao's position is stable and unshakable. Really recognize a hostess, she would rather recognize sister Qiao, after all, we are still acquaintances.

"Well, I said..." When elder sister Zhao reappeared, Qiu Chenxi raised her legs and went inside. The heroine's posture was very obvious.

Fortunately, elder sister Zhao was ready for it. She held the gate on both sides in both hands early. She had to step on the high-heeled shoes to push back Qiu Chenxi, who didn't let Qiu Chenxi enter the house. "I'm sorry, the old chief and my husband said that our family is not alone. Would you like to make an acquaintance? I think you're looking for the wrong place and you've got the wrong person. "

"You're nuts. Are you sure that's what the old chief said, not made up by yourself?" Qiu Chenxi blushed and felt insulted by the nanny in front of her: "you don't want to be a guard dog for someone, do you want to cheat me? I'll tell you, don't play with such cleverness. You are the last one to suffer. I'd like to advise you to tell Zhai's family that I'm here. I don't know if I can let you go. You should dare to hide it from Zhai's family again. When I come, when Zhai's family knows about it, don't expect me to help you! "

Qiu Chenxi felt the threat. Naturally, the threat came from the woman in Zhao's mouth. In Qiu Chenxi's opinion, it must be the woman who bought sister Zhao, so she didn't tell Zhai's family if she needed help. She came and lied, saying that Zhai's family showed that she didn't exist.In case she was angry with these words, the woman could marry Zhai Sheng more smoothly and take her husband and the position of her chief wife. I didn't expect that there could be such a powerful role in such a remote place as Qingshui town.

Qiu Chenxi's temper came up, and elder sister Zhao was even more unhappy: "you are so strange. You watch a lot of TV, don't you have so many dramas in your mind? I didn't lie or do what you said. The old chief and the old lady are here. They both say that you are not alone in the family. The old chief also said that I must remember you today. If you want to come back later, I won't have to open the door for you. Come on, tell you so much to do, do you believe it or not. "

With that, sister Zhao slammed the door tightly. It's really hard to talk to people who can't carry things clearly.

Qiu Chenxi's face, whose nose was almost hit by the door, was not red, but blue. Long so big, she is still the first time to be so merciless door, the object is still a nanny!