Even if that's a little serious, but no conscience is absolute.

Zhai Hua's eyes are full of contradictions in the face of her different self in the skirt.

She is not indebted to Qiao Nan for wearing such a beautiful skirt sent by Qiao Nan. When she is open and aboveboard, she doesn't owe anyone, what should she do now?

Zhai Hua was even more depressed when she thought about Shi Qing's accusation at that time. The little girl was obviously brought up by her. Compared with Zhai Sheng, she was not much worse. It's a little white eye wolf. She has been raising for so long. How long does Shi Qing live in Qiao's house? A heart is totally towards Qiao Nan.

If Shi Qing hadn't said that for Qiao Nan before, she wouldn't be so guilty now.

So many foreshadowing materials, Qiao Nan did not make his own first, but first for Zhai's family. It can be said that this is Qiao Nan's favor for Zhai's family, but it is also Qiao Nan's intention.

Qiao Nan tries to use her own ability to give Zhai's family the right gift, instead of accepting only the gift from Zhai's family. In fact, Zhai Hua is the leader of Qiao Nan's idea.

The so-called loan of flowers to Buddha is not suitable for this dress. The cloth is not worth a few dollars. The style and workmanship of this dress are estimated to be able to directly roll down half of the cloth Zhai Sheng bought for Qiao Nan that day.

If you come across something that you like, you can make a small fortune for Qiao Nan only by the two skirts on her and her mother.

The clothes are made by Qiao Nan. Qiao Nan can't be unaware of this.

In any case, Qiao Nan didn't do that. These two clothes with Qiao Nan's full heart were sent to her.

Ah, it's a mess

All blame Shi Qing this little girl is talkative, if her idea is not broken, Qiao Nan even if know, also can pretend to be deaf and dumb, when did not discover. As soon as Shi Qing says it, Qiao Nan can't cheat herself.

Qiao Nan is always going to marry Zhai Sheng. They are the whole family. It seems that she didn't thoroughly educate the little girl before. Shi Qing hasn't yet understood. Don't worry about other people's family affairs.

"What do you think? Looking at yourself in the mirror, I've been dazed. How do you like Nannan's skirt?" Don't know Miao Liang jokes about Zhai Hua, because she hasn't seen Zhai Hua stare at the new clothes.

"Miss is very nice." Aunt sincerely praised a sentence: "this skirt, looking ordinary, wearing a special temperament, better than the clothes bought outside.". The little girl is so dexterous that she will be a good wife in the future

As Zhai's aunt, how could she not know who Qiao Nan is.

Although the little girl named Qiao Nan seldom comes to Zhai's house, the four masters of Zhai's house all have a very good impression on her. Apart from the chief, the three of them like Qiao Nan.

So, aunt will not be silly at this time, in front of Miao Liang's mother and daughter, to say bad things about Qiao Nan, what's more, she really thinks that these two skirts are much more beautiful than those sold outside.

"Pretty?" Miao Liang turns around and takes a picture of her back. She is also not satisfied: "Auntie, wait for me to change. You wash, wash and iron it quickly. I will wear it tomorrow."

"Mine, too!" Zhai Hua hurried after him.

"Ah, Heller." After the two changed their clothes, aunt picked up the clothes and washed them. After ironing, they hung them in their wardrobe. Skirts like this have to be hung to look good.

"What happened to you?" When Miao Liang saw Zhai Hua change his clothes, she asked with concern.

"Nothing, nothing." Zhai Hua dare not tell Miao Liang what happened when she went to get her clothes.

If Qiao Nan's attitude changes and her mother's here, she will be hard to explain. What should she do if Zhai Sheng comes back?

Or, end the holiday ahead of time and go back to the army for training?

Good idea, that's it!

"Mom, I've had enough holidays. I want to go back to the army ahead of time. With so many comrades in the army, the total time to go home in one year is not necessarily as much as I did this time. We can't always enjoy this privilege on the basis that we are * *. I've decided to share weal and woe with my comrades and go to the army. "

Zhai Hua pinches the time to know that Zhai Sheng is almost coming back. Before anything happens, Zhai Hua decides to run.

It's too late for Zhai Sheng to come back and find out if she wants to run again.

Thinking that Qiao Nan is an "outsider" in Ming Dynasty, she is her own. She wants to run away from her brother for an "outsider". Zhai Hua is also a guy who wants to cry without tears. Even if he and Qiao Nan are one of their own people in the quilt, they don't have such an early way to deal with their close relatives.

There is such a brother who was born of the same root and who was too anxious to fry. Zhai Hua said that she can only return home and run to the army to avoid it.

Her heartless brother pours all his heart on the little girl.

They grew up together. She, a sister, has never enjoyed such care from her younger brother.

"Going back so soon? Anyway, you have a vacation. You can have a few more days at home. You haven't come back for a long time, less than your brother. " Miao Liang is reluctant to say anything. After the last time, her relationship with her two children has recovered and become more comfortable.In particular, Zhai Hua, a daughter, has a better understanding of her mother's Dilemma and is willing to talk with her, except for shopping.

She also wants to have a good relationship with her daughter. Her daughter is like a wild boy. She wants to drill in the army. Miao Liang is reluctant to part with her.

"Mom, you are the chief's wife. It's my mother and Zhai Sheng's mother. It seems that you still can't keep up with your thoughts." Zhai Hua patted Miao Liang on the shoulder, but she didn't care.

"Cheng Chengcheng, my family, just three of you have good ideas. I can't keep up with you. OK. You three are soldiers. I'm not. Why am I so good at thinking? " Miao Liang is angry and smiling. She always uses this excuse to prevaricate her.

"But you are the cadre's family in the army." Zhai Hua said with a smile, "Mom, you have to be worthy of your cadre's family identity."

"Go to the army if you like. The three of you, each of you, regard the army as a family. Your father is like this, so are you and Zhai Sheng. You two brothers and sisters, no one is good, it doesn't matter, you don't accompany me, Nan Nan accompany me. If Nannan didn't want to study now, I don't want you back. " Miao Liang said angrily.