“……” The guard's face turned black and he said nothing. He took an old towel and closed up Ding Jiayi's mouth like a prisoner: "I'm really sorry, comrade police. Our school attaches great importance to education. Now it's time for class. I can't do that. What's more, I also want to protect her. If she shouts like this, her voice must be bad. Other people don't know the situation, but they think it's us who hurt her. "

"I see. We all know. OK, let's take her to the hospital." The policeman said in a good temper.

"You're still the police, haven't you heard that I've given my daughter's name? If my daughter doesn't study in this school, I can know her name! " Ding Jiayi pooped the towel out of her mouth. She was very angry.

Hearing Ding Jiayi's words, the guard couldn't help but get a little nervous. The police wouldn't believe this woman's words, would they? Is the towel in your mouth so easy to spit out?

"Ha ha, Qiao Nan, this year's No. 1 in provincial examination, has won great honor for Pingcheng. Not only do you know, but I also know that we are all Qiao Nan's father? " The police are very angry. Qiao Nan is a child of Pingcheng newspaper. Now, no one in Pingcheng knows that there is a No. 1 candidate in the middle school entrance examination named Qiao Nan. It's impossible to recognize relatives in disorder.

"Ah bah!" Ding Jiayi is like a cat that has been trodden on its tail. If these two policemen become Qiao Nan's father, what does Ding Jiayi become.

"This time it's plugged!" The guard shoved back the towel that Ding Jiayi threw up. The first one, the guard said he was inexperienced. It was too small to be poohed by Ding Jiayi. This time, there will be no more problems.

"OK, let's go." The police escorted Ding Jiayi to the police car.

"Let's go." Watching the police take Ding Jiayi away, the doorman wiped the sweat on his forehead. For such a long time, this kind of parents have only met such a time. If they come a few more times, they'll quit.

When the headmaster heard that the police had finally taken Ding Jiayi away, he was also relieved.

There is Ding Jiayi alone, not only Qiao Nan, but also their school.

"Hahaha, let you accept Qiao Nan as a student." The headmaster of the affiliated high school was happy when he heard the news.

The affiliated middle school and Pingcheng high school in Pingcheng are among the top high schools in the whole province. They are private and public. But in fact, the reputation of affiliated high school has always been on top of Pingcheng high school.

So most of the good students will choose to study in the affiliated middle school, and Pingcheng high school has become the second place.

Pingcheng high school has always wanted to catch up with the attached middle school, which does not pay attention to Pingcheng high school.

This year, because of Qiao Nan's relationship, the relationship between attached high school and Pingcheng high school became tense.

In the past, it was not easy for Pingcheng to come up with a top student in the middle school examination, and then the provincial government came out. 80% of the top student in the middle school examination might choose the attached middle school, and the remaining 20 could not go to Pingcheng high school, but went to another high school.

Qiao Nan is an exception. She is not only the top student in Pingcheng's high school entrance examination, but also a student of Pingcheng high school.

Because earlier her third grade composition, with Qiao Son Jin's composition "hit the shirt", made to the Education Bureau, so that the director general of the attached middle school and Qiao Son Jin this student has an impression. The attached middle school loves and hates Qiao Nan. What it loves is that Qiao Nan is really excellent. What it hates is that Qiao Nan has not become a student of the attached middle school, so they should be ashamed first.

What makes the high school angry is that Qiao Nan not only didn't report to the high school, but also chose Pingcheng high school.

The attached middle school didn't want to accept Qiao Nan as a student, but because of the incident of "bumping the shirt" in the composition, it was holding the shelf and wanted Qiao nan to send her to the door.

It's absolutely impossible to miss a top student in the middle school entrance examination and say that the attached middle school doesn't care at all.

Since Qiao Nan attended Pingcheng high school, some teachers in the affiliated high school have paid more attention to Qiao Nan's achievements than those in Pingcheng high school. Almost every time Pingcheng high school has an important exam, once the score comes out, some teachers in the attached middle school will try to find out Qiao Nan's score.

Every time I hear about Qiao Nan's ranking and total score in Pingcheng high school, only these parties know how tangled they are.

As the head teacher of class one of senior high school attached, the teacher not only cared about Qiao Nan's performance all the time, but also used some methods to get the test paper of Pingcheng high school, and then let the first grade in his class do it.

The final result It makes the head teacher's face green.

The head teacher of class 11 in senior high school always thought that no one should know that he had done it quietly, but in fact, the principal of the attached middle school had noticed it for a long time. Knowing the gap between the first grade of our school and Qiao Nan, the first grade of Pingcheng high school, the headmaster's depression is only deeper and more tangled than that of the head teacher of class 11 of senior high school.

Every year, the college entrance examination has always been dominated by the affiliated high school. No matter how good Pingcheng high school graduation is, it is completely covered by the light of the affiliated high school.

But as soon as Qiao Nan appeared this year, the headmaster of the affiliated high school felt a sense of crisis.As a principal for so long, Qiao Nan is a good or fake student. How can he not see that such an excellent student is not from his own school? This is the biggest regret and chagrin of a teacher and a principal.

Three years later, the top student in the college entrance examination, their affiliated high school will give up to Pingcheng high school, and then they will be oppressed by Pingcheng high school?

Of course not!

The headmaster of the affiliated high school is still depressed about what to do about it. Should he find a way to dig Qiao Nan out of Pingcheng high school? Ding Jiayi makes trouble.

For this reason, whatever is related to Qiao Nan, whether good or bad, these two students in the affiliated high school can get the first news. They are more concerned about Qiao Nan than other teachers in Pingcheng high school.

Ding Jiayi first broke Qiao Nan's reputation, making Qiao Nan almost unable to go to Pingcheng high school. Now she runs to Pingcheng high school to make trouble and is taken to the police station. Ding Jiayi is Qiao Nan's mother and Qiao Nan is a student of Pingcheng high school. Once this story is spread, Pingcheng high school will be doomed!

Fortunately, Qiao Nan didn't come to their affiliated high school at the beginning. Otherwise, they would have a headache for these troubles.

Just as the teacher in the Middle School of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the high school of the?! Say what you just said again. "