At this time, Sihuang had already returned to Jasper Manor in the car that Ivan came to pick up the plane.

This place is still the same as the day she left, especially her room, as if time has stopped, even the books she read before leaving are placed in their original positions.

Ivan personally prepared black tea and refreshments and brought them over to the table in front of Sihuang. With this familiar and conscientious attitude, it seemed that Sihuang had never left.

Si Huang glanced at him, took a sip of black tea, the taste was just right, and said after putting it down, "Send the documents here."

Ivan handed her a handkerchief, "You should rest first after a day's flight. The documents have been prepared for you. It's not too late to read them after you wake up."

This persuasion is gentle and without the slightest pressure, and it brings deep relief to people. Sihuang has slept on the plane before, and with Qin Fan by her side, she doesn't have to worry about anything, so the quality of sleep is good, and now she sleeps no matter what No, so I rejected Ivan's proposal, "No need."

"Yes, my eldest lady." Ivan walked out.

Qin Fan, who has been silent all this time, has already taken the handkerchief from Si Huang's hand, and personally wiped the dirt on her mouth that didn't exist.

Si Huang glanced at him, and the latter was so calm that he didn't even change his face.

It took less than three minutes for Ivan to go back and forth, so he should have asked someone to prepare the documents and wait outside, just to prevent his eldest lady from insisting on seeing this situation.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the two people staring at each other. When Qin Fan wiped Si Huang's mouth, Ivan's ice blue eyes deepened, and he came to Si Huang without changing his footsteps, and held the document in his hand. Said to Qin Fan: "Please pay attention to the occasion."

Qin Fan said: "I am pleasing my lover."

Ivan didn't speak any more, Sihuang had already picked up the document in his hand and started to check it.

These are the properties of the Jasper family, as well as the summary of Berzin Street and the cooperation with the Pierce family, as well as some clues that Sihuang asked Ivan to pay attention to.

Si Huang would hand it to Qin Fan after finishing one copy, and then read the next one by herself, and it had been nearly half an hour by the time she finished it.

Ivan just stood there silently as a humanoid desk for half an hour without a single complaint or dissatisfaction. After Sihuang finished reading it, he asked as usual: "Miss, do you need another black tea?" ?”

The original black tea and refreshments were already cold, and Ivan would not let his young lady use refreshments that had gone cold.

"No need." Si Huang shook his head, looked at the perfect gentleman beside him, and smiled, "You did a great job, Ivan. I know you won't let me down, but being a deacon is too much of a waste of your talent .”

Ivan suddenly bent his knees and knelt on the ground on one knee. While cleaning up the tea set on the low table, he looked deeply at Sihuang for a while, and said seriously: "No, it is my honor to be the deacon of the eldest lady."

"Of course, even if you don't say that, I won't let you go." Si Huang tilted her head, smiling arrogantly and domineeringly, "No matter how talented you are, you are just my Emily's deacon."

Hearing the self-proclaimed 'I'm Emily' made the two men present look different.

Qin Fan's expression was calm. Although these words sounded unpleasant to him, they were said in Emily's identity, that is, from Emily's mouth. Qin Fan still has this trust in Sihuang. He has told himself before that he must give this child freedom and not let his desire for monopoly restrain the other party's wings. Then these are the results of his letting go, then There's no reason why I can't bear it now.

Ivan smiled because of this sentence. This man who has integrated the gentlemanly demeanor and the interests of the nobility into his bones, his smile seems to have been accurately measured on weekdays. There are very few smiles like this from the heart, but every time Not stingy to show it in front of his eldest lady, and only his eldest lady can let him show it.

"As you order, my lady."

Your bondage is the greatest salvation for me.

Your need, to me is the reason to live.

My lady, please keep asking me like this.


The news of Emily Jasper's return to Country Y quickly spread among upper-class Western circles.

Some people who knew Sihuang's identity, and some people who didn't know the truth had different ideas, so Lei Qi immediately set off to Jasper's manor in Country Y to meet Sihuang in person.

Si Huang expressed his appreciation for his knowledgeable and interesting behavior, explaining that even with his help, the other party stood in the position of the first heir of the Pierce family, and did not forget the promise contract with her.

Just leaving the work in hand and running to Jasper immediately, isn't it too high-profile to attract attention?

Ivan's words solved the problem, "A few days ago, Queen Elisa hoped that I could reconcile the relationship with the nobles of country M and country F, so I sent out all the invitations."

"So I came back just in time." Si Huang laughed.

With the early banquet invitation, it is normal for Lei Qi to come early and stay at Jasper's house to wait for the official banquet. In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that the relationship between the two of them is good.

This happens to be a show to the nobles of countries M and F, and Emily Jasper's return at this time seems to have become a solemnity for this emotional exchange banquet.

Lei Qi didn't say a word, but he had already explained clearly when he saw the matter, he shrugged a little bored, but his eyes circled around Sihuang.

It didn't take long for him to read it before he was interrupted by a warning cold gaze, and when he looked up, he saw a handsome foreign guy with brown hair, who looked familiar. I heard Ivan's words on the other side, "Mr. Pierce, it's a bit impolite for you to stare at the eldest lady like this."

Lei Qi felt that his voice was magnetic and gentle, but it carried a bullet-like sense of danger, so the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Sorry, it's my problem." He responded to Ivan, and winked at Sihuang as if he was suffering.

Si Huang raised her eyelids, "Speak up if you have something to say."

Lei Qi: "You..." At first I wanted to say that you are a man, but then I thought about the existence of Ivan, a psychopath, and changed my words, "It's not a little white rabbit, do these two need to take care of you so closely?" ?” It’s really like two flower protectors, Ivan is fine, after all, he is a psychopath, and everyone knows this. What about the other one? Don't you know Si Huang's real identity?

Si Huang said lightly: "I don't need nurses, but I am very satisfied with them, they can stop some people from acting stupidly."

Lei Xie: "..." Well, he almost forgot that after Sihuang became Emily, some words and deeds would be accompanied by the unique habits of country Y nobles.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Si Huang continued to look at the information in his hand, all of which were provided by Lei Qi, related to his investigation and the assets he currently holds.

This time, I came to Country Y not to play, but to really do something big. It's just that Lei Qi's silence didn't last long. He swiped his phone for a while, and suddenly asked Si Huang in surprise, "Why is there news about you from country Z?"

He looked at the latest country Z entertainment news on his phone, and it was no surprise that it was Sihuang's headlines, but the latest entertainment news was a short video shot by someone who didn't know.

The camera is estimated to be a little far away, and the picture is also a little blurry, which makes the picture distorted, but it is not difficult to see that the person appearing in the video is indeed Si Huang, and the blurred side face belongs to Si Huang's eyebrows and eyes.

The picture is not long, all I can see is that Si Huang walks into the car with a side face, and all the faces disappear in the car.

Lei Qi looked at the time and found that the time of this video was yesterday afternoon, but at that time, shouldn't Si Huang be on the plane, flying to country Y?

Hearing this, Si Huang became interested, "Bring it to me to have a look."

Lei Qi handed her the phone.

Si Huang clicked on the video and watched it again, her eyes narrowed slightly, the dark and incomprehensible smile in her eyes made Lei Xi feel numb inexplicably.

With a bit of ridicule and disgust, Si Huang's smiling face was amazingly beautiful, "Is it only possible to do this, I have to do more to cover it up myself."

Lei Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he understood, "Is this person real? You know him, so you made him up to fool people? And this face, how could someone look so similar to you .”

"You think it looks like it?" Si Huang asked Lei Qi back.

After hearing about Zong Haohao from Yuxi, Sihuang gave Yuxi instructions on what to do next, but did not go to see Zong Haohao in person.

Posting news on V blog is not only to respond to fans, but also to make the news of Sihuang's return more real, and with her own photos, it is more credible, and to tell some people who know the truth that she Sihuang is not It's not about escaping from her own identity, it's just that she used this chess piece that was going to be used against her, and it was also a warning to Zong Haohao, to let him understand that she, Sihuang, is alive and well, and now it's not him who decides whether he wants it or not. Pretend to be Sihuang, but whether she wants him to pretend.

She wanted it, and he couldn't refuse. If she doesn't want it, he can't resist!

If Zong Haohao was smarter and more knowledgeable, then he should be obedient, so that he would not end up miserable in the future.

If he still can't see through it and has some thoughts that he shouldn't have, then the result will be known in due time.

At this time Lei Qi heard Si Huang's rhetorical question, but couldn't answer for a while. When he saw it for the first time, he really thought it was very similar. He took the phone back and looked at it again, and then said seriously: "Is this intentionally blurred and distorted? To be honest, I really thought it was the first time I saw it. You, after all, have the same face and figure, plus you just updated the V blog dynamics before, everyone will think it's you."

"Even if you can be deceived, that's enough." Si Huang said.

Lei Xie asked: "Why do you want to keep this person?"

Si Huang: "The higher authorities suspect that the little God of Wealth is Si Huang, and if they want to convict me, then I will give an alibi to prove it. Fans all over the country are my witnesses. Who can convict me?"

Lei Qi was dumbfounded.

Si Huang said again: "If they really want to arrest Si Huang, then give Si Huang to them to arrest. Once Si Huang is arrested, I will release the news to the outside world."

Lei Qi discovered for the first time that the profession of an actor can be so scary. Thinking of Si Huang's influence, this guy is simply not human, he is a monster who can confuse people's hearts! All the people who are fans of him are extremely fans. If one day they really hear that Si Huang has been arrested, they might start to make a fuss, no! It's not a matter of course, but a certainty! Because he knows that Sihuang not only has fans, but also a group of people behind him, for example, he is one of them.

"You are so arrogant, do your fans know?"

It was originally a shocking sentence, but Si Huang said calmly: "I know."

Lei Qi was speechless.

When it was time for dinner, Lei Qi stayed and had dinner with Si Huang and then left, saying that he couldn't stand the two housekeepers around Si Huang. In fact, Sihuang knew that the reason why he did other things alone was not simply to annoy Qin Fan and Yifan, but also to confuse outsiders.

Si Huang stayed in the room with Qin Fan, and even Ivan was temporarily ordered to do other things, leaving the two of them to discuss the next plan together.

Originally having a good conversation about business, Qin Fan suddenly said: "You don't look like me, I can recognize it at a glance."

At first, Si Huang didn't understand what he meant by his endless words, and it took two seconds to realize, dumbfounding, "I know."

"You don't need to look, I can smell it with my eyes closed." Qin Fan proved again.

This time Si Huang really laughed out loud, pointing at Qin Fan's nose, "Dog nose?"

Qin Fan grabbed her hand, then put her finger into his mouth with gloomy eyes, rubbed it with his teeth a few times, and wrapped it with his tongue again.

The eyes and tight, more sexy body are like coquettish males in courtship.

Si Huang understood what he meant, and there was a hint of evil in his smile, and he didn't take back his hand.

They haven't made out in a while because they're both busy with other things.

"Dong dong." There was a sudden knock on the door, breaking the beautiful atmosphere in the room. Accompanied by Ivan's voice, "Miss, there is a piece of mail that needs to be read by you."

Qin Fan's face turned black, his eyes were cold and dangerous, he knew that this Ivan Jasper was a trouble for a long time.

Si Huang responded with a smile, "Come in." He raised his eyebrows at Qin Fan, motioning him to open his mouth.

Qin Fan stared at her, and after a few glances, he didn't let go until Ivan opened the door.

This also allowed Ivan to clearly see what the two of them did just now. Unfortunately, Qin Fan had already let go, so he couldn't say anything else. Walking in front of Sihuang peacefully, Ivan took out the handkerchief that was ready at any time, knelt down on one knee, and stretched out his hand to Sihuang, with the palm of the white glove facing upwards, making a gesture for Sihuang to send his hand to him. Actions, respect reveals infinite care.

It seemed that he wanted to help her wipe off the watermark on her fingers that Qin Fan had contained. Sihuang glanced at Qin Fan, who had already taken the handkerchief from Ivan's hand, "There is no need to do this kind of thing in the future."

Ivan looked at Qin Fan with unclear eyes and no fluctuations.

Qin Fan had already wiped Sihuang's fingers, threw the handkerchief on the table, and looked at Ivan, "Do you think I will let you get close to my lover when I am present?"

Seeing that Si Huang didn't speak, Ivan seemed to be acquiescing. After a while, he said to Qin Fan: "Please pay attention to the scale, and don't neglect the young lady while pleasing the young lady."

Si Huang said at this time: "What email do you want me to read?"

Ivan stood up again, and responded to Si Huang: "Queen Elisa knows that the eldest lady is back, and hopes that the eldest lady can meet her after the banquet."

"I'll be with Missy."

"Enter the palace?" Si Huang asked.

Ivan: "Yes."

Si Huang thought for a while, "Understood, since it is the Queen's order, of course I will go."

After the matter was finished, Ivan did not leave immediately, but suddenly shouted at Sihuang: "Miss."

"Huh?" Si Huang raised his head and faced him.

Ivan said softly, "Miss, please trust me."

Si Huang watched him silent for two seconds, and the latter remained motionless.

"You have been captured by me a long time ago, my deacon, my eagle dog, and my Ivan." Sihuang's smile can be called rampant, and her pure English is like a devil's shackles, killing Ivan's body and soul Locked, the only key is in her hands. And now she is showing the key arrogantly, but she has no intention of unlocking it for Ivan, "I already own your soul, how can I not believe you?"

The sound of 'How could I not believe you? ’ As if to say, I have always believed in myself.

Ivan also smiled, "Yes, my eldest lady, I will always belong to you."

When Ivan left, Sihuang was embraced by Qin Fan, and a man's faint voice sounded in his ears, "Your deacon, your eagle dog, your Ivan?"

"Emily's." Si Huang said without hesitation.

Qin Fan knew that it was pointless for him to be jealous of these few words, but, "It's not pleasant to hear these words come out of your mouth."

"You are my lover, my soul mate, and the indispensable light of my life." I also said this passage in pure English, more mellow and leisurely than when I said it to Ivan before, it was a secret language for my lover Ambiguity and affection form a vortex of fascination and suck people in.

Qin Fan's body froze, and then hugged him even tighter, without saying a word, Lian Sihuang, who had hot eyes, felt like he was being burned.

She felt Qin Fan's changes, and thought that today's work could be finished ahead of schedule, anyway, everything that should be done and looked at was almost done.

-----Off Topic-----

The perfect gentleman & the deacon are here to show off their loyalty again! Little angels, hurry up and smash out the hidden notes~ It’s been so sweet lately, and you’re still hanging on me, how awesome~ _(: 3ゝ∠)_Roll!