It was after ten o'clock in the evening that Luo Suosi finished the entertainment and returned to his room in the hotel.

Since he is also a star of country Z, his room is on the same floor as Sihuang.

When passing Sihuang's room, Luo Suosi couldn't help but pause, and glanced at the door of Sihuang's room.

"Susi, it's not good! I saw that Yuanjian gave Sihuang a monitoring chip. It seems that some evidence has been found. We need to prepare early!" The manager secretly pulled him aside and said to him Still vivid.

Luo Suosi himself didn't feel anything, and let his agent handle it by himself.

In fact, he has known for a long time that his manager is not an individual talent. The main reason why he can reach the position of today's king is because the company behind him has focused on cultivating him, and he has good musical talent. Even so, Luo Suosi didn't think about changing managers, it doesn't really matter if the other party is stupid or not.

What Luo Suosi did at the Hongying Song meeting today, Luo Suosi never thought that he could hide it from Si Huang, but he didn't expect Si Huang to easily resolve it, and he resolved it so beautifully, but defeated him completely.

Luo Suosi walked to his room without knowing it, and opened the door with the key card. After he entered the room, before he could relax, he was caught off guard by someone who shouldn't appear in front of him.

On the comfortable recliner in the living room, Si Huang in casual attire was sitting there with his back, his legs crossed on the recliner, straight and long enough to make a woman scream.

This scene made Luo Suosi frowned, he calmed down and stood still, "You are not welcome here."

Si Huang: "But I'm still here." She said willfully, "So it doesn't matter whether you are welcome or not."

Luo Suosi frowned even tighter, apparently bored with Sihuang, walked a few steps forward, picked up the phone on the table, and was about to call customer service to have someone come and drive Sihuang out.

It's just that before he dialed the phone, a hand was held.

In fact, Luo Suosi hid, but he didn't dodge.

He raised his head and saw Si Huang who had already arrived beside him without knowing when.

"I talked to your manager, so I know something special." Si Huang pulled his wrist, seemingly casually and without much effort, but he took Luo Suosi, a man who was not thin and small, Tough dragged and had to follow her footsteps.

When the two walked to the seat in the living room, Si Huang let go of Luo Suosi, sat on a chair by herself, and said to the man with an ugly face in front of him: "Your manager told me that you seem to have I just knew Li Lisi and deliberately approached her, not like what the gossip says, because of an accident of fate, Li Lisi discovered you with singing talent, and then accepted you as the only student."

"I also heard that you love Li Lisi so painfully and desperately that you suppress your instincts. Even if you know that Li Lisi will die, you would rather hide and cry alone than help. Are you unwilling to help or can't go?" Help?" Si Huang smiled and said, "Why don't you talk about your difficulties in person?"

"I don't have any difficulties." Luo Suosi sneered, "Yes, I love Li Lisi, but what I do is up to me, and I don't need to explain it to you."

"Then do you know that Li Lisi has a special bloodline?" Sihuang said.

Luo Suosi was startled, then looked deeply at Sihuang, "I answered that I don't know, and you wouldn't believe it either."

"That's right." Si Huang said, "Forcibly exploring other people's privacy without their consent is a very bad thing, but procrastination makes me very upset."

Rosso didn't speak.

Sihuang took out the chip that Uehara had given her before, "Although I don't think I'm a good person, I'm still willing to pay a little reward. As a reward for my spying on your privacy, whether I have the information I want or not , this chip belongs to you.”

Put the chip on the table between the two of you.

Luo Suosi: "I don't have the right to refuse?"

"Yes." Sihuang frowned, and the smiling eyes rippled with confusing ripples, "It's just that your refusal doesn't work."

Bewildered by Si Huang, Luo Suosi's expression soon showed traces of struggle, and soon sweat flowed from his forehead, veins protruded from the corner of his forehead, and his face turned red.

Although his expression was ferocious and ugly, what surprised Sihuang was that Luo Suosi really resisted her confusion, just relying on his willpower?

Si Huang leaned over, stretched out her hand and easily grabbed Luo Suosi's neck, "Why resist? Is your privacy more important than your life?"

Luo Suosi was unmoved, his complexion gradually turned blue with the lack of oxygen.

Sihuang's tone was always gentle, but suddenly her voice changed slightly, and she was somewhat similar to Li Lisi in tone and color, "Why do you want to approach Li Lisi?"

As soon as the name Li Lisi came out, Luo Suosi's expression changed, and a hole appeared in his spirit easily.

Si Huang relaxed the strength of her hand and moved closer to him, her dark green eyes were quietly watching Luo Suosi, "Who the hell is Li Lisi?"

"Who is Li Lisi?" Luo Suosi showed a smiley expression, with a sad voice, "Who is Li Lisi? Haha, she is my favorite person, she is Li Lisi, the only one that cannot be copied."

Because I just heard about Bai Guangxi, Sihuang at this time is very sensitive to the word 'copy'.

Before Si Huang asked again, Luo Suosi had already said again: "Her original name was Lilith St. Rigg, but because she was an illegitimate daughter with impure blood, she was kicked out of the house and has been living in Country Z. Survival. I am the person in the Rigg family who is responsible for taking care of her since childhood, and we have been growing since childhood, but I remember her, but she doesn't remember me."

"Originally, I could have a better future and take care of an heir with a purer blood, but I fell in love with her, so I chose to leave Lige and give up my future, just to come to her, just like before Be with her, watch her. But I will not save her, you are the one who took her life, you know?"

Luo Suosi stared at Sihuang with undisguised hatred, "She gave birth to you, and you sucked her life away! Even if she wasn't drugged, she wouldn't be able to survive!"

Sihuang's heart was shocked, and it flashed in her mind that Wubao once said that she could not have a child, because the child would kill her, and the child itself would not survive.

This is the price for her resurrection, so what is Li Lisi's reason? Born with blood problems?

Si Huang's distraction was only for a moment, staring at Luo Suosi for a while, and suddenly said: "You are lying."

Luo Suosi smiled, but matched his grim expression, "Sounds like a reasonable story, doesn't it?"

Maybe Li Lisi's name caused Luo Suosi to have a mental flaw at the beginning, but this person's willpower was unexpectedly terrifying, and he recovered in secret, and made up this so-called story.

Looking into Luo Suosi's eyes, Si Huang calmed down unexpectedly.

"You're provoking me on purpose." Say it in a calm statement tone.

Luo Suosi's eyes blinked, and the next second he was punched in the eyes, and he fell to the ground in a crooked manner.

Si Huang picked up the ashtray on the table and threw it down, just hitting Luo Suosi's leg. The strength of this blow made the ashtray rebound a few times, and Luo Suosi couldn't help screaming.

"What do you think I will do to provoke me?" Si Huang left his seat, bent down and punched Luo Suosi a few more times. Although Luo Suosi tried to resist, but he was not Si Huang's opponent, "Hit you like this? Yes, I will hit people when I am angry. Now that I hit you, what are you going to do next?"

"Hahaha...hahahaha." Luo Suosi was lying on the ground, Ren Sihuang punched and kicked and laughed, like a psychopath.

Si Huang suddenly understood that maybe the problem wasn't that complicated, this man just wanted to beat her up after angering her.

A few minutes later, Luo Suosi lost all appearance of a heavenly king, lying on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Sihuang knelt down, approached Luo Suosi and whispered, "Do you know what happened to Qianye Bai? He was dismembered."

Luo Susi raised his head suddenly.

Si Huang chuckled: "Your story is not bad, why don't you go to my room and continue telling it?"

Luo Susi twitched the corners of his mouth, but did not speak.

"Okay, see you next time." Si Huang glanced at him, it was too conspicuous to drag people away like this.

She got up and left.


The door was closed.

Luo Suosi on the ground waited for a while before getting up with difficulty, took out his mobile phone, dialed the number of the hospital, and asked the hospital to send an ambulance.

Outside the door, Sihuang glanced at the door panel, held down the ready-to-move five treasures, and said to it with consciousness: "There are many opportunities to catch him, so you don't need to take risks."

If there is something wrong with Luo Suosi, maybe there is any danger around him, let Wubao go to monitor alone, what should he do if he is caught before?

After being persuaded by Si Huang, Wu Bao not only did not give up the idea of ​​helping, but became more active - being so cared by His Majesty, I must live up to the love!

[Your Majesty, in fact, after you level up, the minister's ability has also been enhanced! 】


[It's not just others who can't die! 】Wubao Tsundere,【Within a certain range, if the minister's body dies, he can also get a new body! 】

These words made Sihuang frowned. After being together for so long, Sihuang has gotten used to Wubao as a hamster. Besides, she doesn't think that death is a matter of talk, it must be experienced for a short time. A long and painful process.

Wu Bao went on to say: [Actually, I can communicate with small animals better! 】

In the past, it could only communicate with some spiritual animals, but now ordinary animals can also communicate with some simple commands. Thinking about it, it feels great!

After returning home, I must order that little girl Liushun to massage and lick my uncle's fur! snort!

Sihuang glanced at Wubao's arrogant and petite expression, and felt that this one was really easy to understand. Others were more active and smart, but it was the opposite when it came to Wubao.

-----Off Topic-----

Five Treasures: I can not only communicate with small animals, but also with small monthly tickets! Come! Tickets listen to orders! Jump into the arms of His Majesty the male god~\(≧▽≦)/~ la la la