276 - - 211 They are not fetters.

Time goes back a bit.




With a flash of a kesa slash, a medium-sized dragon species was captured into the blade of his disastrous sword by the man who had been called the "Hero of Light.

After leaving Iguza and his friends, he and his companions traveled around the world to familiarize themselves with the warning bells and returned to his homeland, a small country called Vivarc, to prepare for the coming battle against the demons.

He never underestimated the enemy.

In fact, it was precisely because he had experienced something like that that he had carefully planned and prepared to intercept whatever demons were coming to attack him.

Wivalk was surrounded by steep cliffs in the remaining three directions, except for the front, and was truly a "natural fortress," and was said to rival the fortified city of Algren in terms of "defense. It is said to be comparable to the fortified city of Algren in terms of defense.

Ha, ha. ......

Despite this, the town of Vivarc was engulfed in a plume of smoke, and the entire area was dyed a deep red.

The screams of the people and the roars of the monsters seemed to drown out the screams.

The castle at the far end of the town was already half destroyed, and we had heard reports not long before that the king and queen had been caught in the rubble of the collapsed castle.

-Yes, Vivarc has been dropped.

Kutt ......"

Needless to say, the cause was a horde of demons far beyond anything imaginable.

Moreover, they were not afraid of any weak attribute attacks or traps that they avoided.

The actuality that the actual demons are usually unbelievable, there is no way that conventional strategies will work, and the gates were breached in the blink of an eye.

Why is this ...... happening?

The man bit his lip and shook with frustration.

But now is not the time to mourn.

The country was indeed destroyed, and the king and queen were dead.

But the people of Vivarc are still alive.

Then move your feet!

Don't hold back!

Save as many people as you can! the man regained his grip on his sword and looked ahead once again.

But then...

--The man's sword is in his hand, and he looks forward again.



Suddenly, a huge black sphere ......, or perhaps a jutsu-technical energy body, comes flying with a roar, and all hope disappears from the faces of the people.

The same is true for the men, who can only vaguely look at the flying energy body.

A direct hit from such an object would probably wipe out the country of Vivarc without leaving even a trace of its existence.

The desperate resistance, the thoughts of the people who had scattered, and everything else would be lost.


Is this the end of ......?

With this,......, the man unconsciously lowered his sword--the next moment.

--The next moment, the man lowered his sword unconsciously.


Suddenly, the energy body shattered, and as if following it, the dark clouds in the sky, the fire and smoke that had enveloped the entire country, and even the demons were all wiped out together.

What in the world had happened?

The man was so stunned that he forgot even to breathe, but his surprise was not limited to that.


The wounds in his body, including fatigue, were healed in an instant, and particles gathered here and there to form a human shape.

The moment the man realized that these were the people whose lives had been taken by the demons, he looked up at the sky again and his mouth relaxed at the sight of "him" who was performing this miracle.

I see.......... You are indeed a savior. ......

◇ ◇ "--Okay, now you're all right.

"-Okay, now we're good to go.

The actual "I'm not sure what to do with it, but I'm not sure what to do with it either.

So, that guy got away with it. ......

I'm going to go after him and blow him to hell. The most important thing to remember is that you should not be afraid to ask for help.

"Yes, that's right. But there is one thing I want to do first.

What do you want to do?

I nodded and said "ah" to Tiruna who tilted her head.

The actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time. But Ophir is right. I have a feeling that now that he's cornered, he's thinking of some crazy shit.

I agree. He is going to take not only us, but the whole world with him, at the very least.

Yes, I think there is a good chance of that.

The "All Revival" and warding techniques will be applied to all the towns and villages in the world.

"Don't worry. But as you might expect, there are a lot of them, and I need everyone's help.

'Out of the question. What exactly do you want us to do?

After I cast the spell, I want you to explain the situation and ask for help in evacuating the people in the vicinity, preferably to a warded town or village.

"Hmm, so you're going to protect all humans and subhumans?"

"Yes, that's right."

I nodded my head in agreement, and Trubeau-sama said, "You may think it's heartless, but..." He then added, "We're going to revive them anyway.

If you are going to revive them anyway, wouldn't it be more efficient to leave them for now and revive them after you have defeated the subhuman? He told you that, didn't he? That your desire to protect someone is your weakness.

"...... Yes, that's right. That's what he told me.

In fact, Elysium has escaped from you because you covered for them.


But that's exactly why. I don't like the fact that he's calling innocent people a liability and a weakness. That's why I want to show them. Their existence is not a burden. We are strong because we are carrying them on our backs.

I see. Therefore, you go to the trouble of using warding techniques to split their power and even revive them?

Yes. Even if your hometown is burned to the ground, as long as your loved ones are alive, hope is not lost. Just as the people of Maghreb were able to do, we can all work hard together again.

As I nodded my head in agreement, Mr. Trudeau seemed to be convinced.

I see. If you say that much, then I have nothing to say. Then protect them with all your might.

Yes, of course!

I clenched my fists tightly, but I did not know it at that time.

This decision would later have a great impact on our destiny.
