165 - - <Saint Girl Party> Elma Point of View 39: You're fired, pig...

...... haha."

Like Arcadia before, the pig curled up in the corner of the room.

The actuality that he was just a sweaty fatty by human standards was quite a shock to the system.

The pigs are not as good as we think they are.

I had never seen a pig so beaten down before, so I tried to cheer him up.


--I was trying to cheer him up, but he glanced at me and said, ".

The actual "I'm not sure what to do" is a good way to get a good idea of what to expect from the newest and most popular products and services.

This is serious. ......

I shook my head in relief, and like a man (?), I looked at him.

I was shaking my head.


The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that the woman is a woman that you fell in love with at one time, and I think the shock is rather greater for her. ...... But she hasn't changed that much, has she?

I'm sure she's a woman you fell in love with once.

I'm sure that's a big shock to you, but I'm not so sure.

I've been aware of that for some time. ...... I was like, "Oh, I knew it. ......

"What about ......?"

"Ha-ha-ha! "Oh, I knew it!"

"Shut up! Don't laugh at me, you musclehead! You're the one who said it!

As I was protesting to Ophir, she pulled out a new piece of dried meat from a leather bag and said, "Well, don't be so upset.

Don't be so upset. Here, eat this and relax.

No, I don't want any of that.

"Oh, I'll take ......."

"Oh, yeah. Eat it.

Why are you getting it? I'll have some too!

Then I'll have some too.

The three of us were munching on dried meat together, but then we suddenly became calm.

What is this time ......?

Why am I even eating dried meat?

No, it's just delicious. ......

I'm back.

I'm back.

「「「「! 」」」」

Magmel and the others, who had gone out to scout the surroundings just in case, returned.

After putting his luggage on the desk, Magmel discreetly asked, "So, how is Porco?

So, how is Mr. Porco ......?

He was just fine, as you can see. I've been trying to talk to him, but he hasn't--"

Welcome back, Goddess.

...... hmm?

The pigs are very interesting and interesting.

Then, the pig, with an interesting expression on his face, said, "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you.

I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you. But I, Porko! I can't face the goddess with a gloomy face, so I've come back to life!

Oh, my! I'm glad to hear it!


Hey - hey.

I was clenching my fists inwardly at the difference in the way she treated me.
