101 - - after the 73rd anniversary of one's engagement

The next morning I woke up with Kaya's warmth on my chest.

As I had said before, I had tried to persuade her again and again that she should do it with someone she really loves, but she said with a pleading look, "The only person I adore is you, of all people! I had no choice but to take the responsibility.

However, there were a number of problems with holding her before Ignifer, who is a god, so I asked him to understand that.

Fortunately, Xana and Tiruna were also understanding.

If it had been any of the other three, there was a good chance they would have told us to embrace them first.

Well, now I have to tell those three people about Kaya as well. ......

Anyway, my power has evolved even further now that I'm done with Ignifel-sama.

She even jokingly said to me, "From now on, you can call yourself the God of Fire, can't you?" I guess my power has improved considerably.

Her skill had also changed from "Phoenix" to "Phoenix Bird," but the description was the same, so I guess her rank had probably improved.

Moreover, through the Phoenix Seal, the other saints had also acquired new martial arts and technical skills.

Naturally, I wondered if it was really all right that so many good things were happening, but then he said, "That's how hard you have been working. It is only natural that you should be rewarded, isn't it? I felt very much relieved when Ignifer-sama said to me, "You have faced so much hardship, haven't you?

Then we decided to make full use of this power, and Kaya gave us important information about the whereabouts of Adamantia, which was our original goal.

It turned out that fishermen were still seeing Adamantia wandering around in the waters around here.

So, we immediately asked Tiruna to search the sea, and we were waiting for her return on the boat.

By the way, is Kaya a "local wife"?

"What's up with you all of a sudden ......?"

Xana suddenly said something like that, and I gave her a half-glance.

I'm not a saint," she said, "and I'm not going to go around with her. I can't take her around, she's not a saint, and she's going to stay here until the trip is over.

'Well, of course that's true, but ......

Then she's not a local wife after all. Good for you. Having someone waiting for you is a surprisingly powerful thing.

"......, indeed."

I don't know if he's serious or not, but he's also promised to make Iris his wife.

Yeah, I have to do my best for the people who are waiting for me.

As I was chewing on Xana's words with sincerity, Pukari and Tiruna peeked out from the surface of the sea and said.

I found it. She's in a pretty deep shell."

◇ ◇

The first thing to do is to make a new one.

I'm sorry, but can you do me a favor? "Well, I'm sorry, but could you do me a favor?

I'll take care of the rest. I will definitely bring Adamantia back.

I'll definitely get Adamantia.

I nodded and patted Tiruna's head.

The actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time, the actual a lot of the time.

I transformed into my Suzaku form and waited for Tiruna's signal.

Hey, Iguza.

'Hm? What's wrong?

In the middle of it, Xana suddenly said something like this.

I also get very motivated when someone pats me on the head, don't you?

"Ha-ha-ha, okay."

Smiling, I gently stroked her head as well.

Thank you," she said. It feels so good.

She was as happy as Tiruna, and her cheeks were tinted with happiness.

I haven't had this kind of skinship recently, come to think of it.

I am glad to hear that she was pleased.

I'm not sure what to do with it.

--I'm so glad to hear that she was so happy.



Suddenly, a huge turtle jumps out of the water.

--It is Adamantia.


Of course, it is Tiruna who is striking the turtle's abdomen with all her might with her fist.

She is probably using the highest ranked martial arts technique given to her by Sinus-sama.



I nodded at Xana's call and flew to Tiruna at full speed.

And then.

Prometheus Excution!


Another sun had appeared in the void.