22 - 17 Saints of Canes vs. Saints of Spears

I see. It seems that this saintly lady is quite good at getting on people's nerves.

The voice was filled with anger, which is unusual for Arca, who always seems to be aloof.

It's true that anyone would be offended if they were suddenly called a dirty woman by someone they had never met before.

The two sides were arguing as my face was scrunched up, and the argument was getting heated up.

I'm just stating the facts as they are. I'm just stating the facts as they are. You are an ugly woman who has gone mad with lust, forgotten her role as a saint, and has become corrupt.

Oh, isn't it worse than before?

I mean, you say that much!

I'm sure you've been left out of this, but Fraile-sama has been very upset since a few minutes ago.

"Oh? Then you must be very clean and innocent, right?

Of course I am. I am proud to be a saint, and I strive to fulfill my role for the well-being of people every day. I was born and fell as a saint, and all my life is for the people living in this world. I am different from you who live for your own pleasure.

I see. I see. You say that a saint should not live for herself because she is the people's hope, is that right?

Yes. Yes, and that is why I detest you. I thank you for coming all the way to Algren for the people, but I will not fight with you.

I see. I understand.

After nodding quietly, Alka turned to me and said, "I'm going to show you something interesting, Iguza.

I'll show you something interesting, Iguza.


While I blinked my eyes, Arka nimbly took out the divine spear on his back.

You're not trying to start a fight, are you?

"Oh, hey, Arka!

I tried to stop him in a panic, but Arka kept looking forward and said, "Just shut up and watch.

Just keep quiet and watch. You'll love it.

No, I don't think so. ......

When he found out that he couldn't win with his mouth, he tried to use all his strength. You really are a barbarian, aren't you?

I'm not sure what you're talking about.


"-hump! and poked the floor once with a stone poke.

A momentary silence enveloped the area, and I too (...... what? Nothing's happening?). Nothing happened.) I was tilting my head, but the moment came suddenly.



The eyes of everyone present, including me and Frail-sama, except for Arka, rolled back in their sockets.

It was only natural.

After all, Magmel's long skirt, which boasted an iron-clad guard, was suddenly raised.

And then I saw it.

I saw that Magmel's underwear, which had been appealing that she was innocent and had no interest in men, was something quite s*xy and cute.

I was so surprised to see that Magmel's underwear, which had been appealing to her innocent and innocent nature and her lack of interest in men, was quite s*xy and cute.

Naturally, Magmel held her skirt with a bright red face.

Seeing this, Arka said with a scowl, as if to repay her for all she had done.

Oh? The saint of wands seems to be wearing very thin underwear, but I thought you didn't live for your own pleasure?

Oh, you ......!"

And I am sorry, my lord. Well, let's just consider it a greeting between saints and let bygones be bygones.

"Ha, ha. ......

Of course, you can leave the demons to us. In any case...



Arka pulls me by the arm.

And then, with a face that was truly convinced from the bottom of her heart, she said, "My beloved son-in-law is the strongest woman on earth who will prevail over the saints.

My beloved son-in-law is the strongest man on earth, even stronger than a saint. Even if all the demons in the world were his opponent, he would not be defeated.

◇ ◇

As soon as he stepped out of the castle, Arka burst out laughing.

He was a sight to behold.

What a spectacle. ...... The lord of the castle, but the saint over there looked like she was about to burst a blood vessel. ......

As he was leaving the throne room, he said, "Saint Arcadia! You are the only one I will never forgive! Remember that!" I remember Magmael, who was so angry, and my face twitches.

Arcadia puffed up her cheeks as if she was sulking a little and said, "I'll never forgive you.

"Because he called our relationship 'dirty'? Isn't that frustrating?

"What? Then, maybe that's why he was angry with me. ......

I'm not sure if he was angry with me or not.

I'm not sure. ...... Oh man, what am I going to do?

The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go to the store and ask for a discount.

Oh, ......."

The most important thing to remember is that you can't just take a look at your own personal personal information.

I'm very glad you feel that way. I'm very glad you feel that way."

'...... mmm.'


No, this is awkward!

Say something!

I finally couldn't take it anymore and tried to stop stroking.


I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say something. Just a little more, please. ......

Oh, oh ......."

I was looking up at Alka, and I kept stroking her head gently for a while.
