The president of country C has already reacted to the last incident. He knows that the person in front of him will be very powerful. Before the hypnosis, he knew something inexplicably, not to mention the momentary lack of him just now, and he feels something is wrong. up.

"What did you do to me just now? It's too much for you to do this. I've been enduring it before, but you don't want to think about who I am. Are you qualified?"

Qin Yuan looked at him disdainfully. For him, anyone is qualified in front of him, "Because my strength determines everything, even if you moved that military base to another place, do you think I won't know? ?”

"You! How do you know!"

The president of country C was completely stunned when he heard this. He fell to the ground. He really didn't expect Qin Yuan to be so powerful. This guy can threaten him every time, and he can grab his lifeline every time. He seems to know everything.

He had indeed removed that military base, and it was his own order, so it was absolutely impossible for others to know about it, but the person in front of him easily hit his sore spot directly.

It can be said that this is his last trump card. At this moment, Qin Yuan is also sitting on the chair and began to think. He checked it just now, and the person in front of him really doesn't know. He has such a great right, and he doesn't know the following situation. , Isn't this matter done by country C?

Now the problem is getting more and more complicated. Originally, he thought that he could solve it by finding country C, but it seems that there is not much hope.

First, the extra experimental base they created, and then these special warfare soldiers, really disappeared inexplicably, and the clues were all broken here.

As for the experimental base, they did not conduct experiments on people from other countries, as if they were all from their own country.

This one has to say, it really has nothing to do with him, he really stretched his hand a little too long.

The man sitting opposite him was already sweating coldly from the fright. He felt that Qin Yuan was a monster, a person who could know everything, it was really terrifying, as if nothing could be hidden from him.

To really count, in fact, what happened last time has nothing to do with him, so now the president of country a is very entangled, he doesn't know whether this person should stay, but he can't get rid of him.

Speaking personally that he had seen killing intent in his eyes, he just smiled.

In fact, based on the analysis of the situation just now, Qin Yuan has another idea, that is, there is only one possibility, the president doesn't know about it, and someone else did it.

This situation is more complicated, even this person does not know, it must be done secretly by his subordinates, this is their internal affairs, it will definitely be difficult to investigate.

He stood up, looked at the person in front of him and said slowly: "I hope that no one else will know about today's incident. We have never seen anything."

The president of country A was very angry when he heard this. What does this guy mean? Does he really come and leave this place whenever he wants?

He just turned his head and got angry again, no matter what, he must give an explanation for today's matter, but when he turned his head, the person disappeared, only the half-open window was seen.

He felt even more creepy in his heart, no, this group of people had to be replaced again, and he had to strengthen the security here again, otherwise his own safety would not be guaranteed.

Just like that, the guards outside in the middle of the night didn't know what was going on, and they were called together for no reason.

The leader of country A got angry in front of these people, and the people on the other side were puzzled, why did this guy go crazy in the middle of the night, they can say that there was no dereliction of duty.

But even though this guy got angry, halfway through the talk, he suddenly thought of a question, which the guy kept talking about just now.

What did he say about the disappearance of the special forces? Could there be something hidden in it? Thinking of this, he looked at the secretary next to him and asked, "Is there any military activity going on there recently, or something else I don't know about?"

The secretary was a little surprised when he heard that his eyes flashed here, but he still said calmly: "Mr. Tong, generally they will definitely ask if they have any situation. If Qin Yuan remembers correctly, this person seems to be one of the few These people have actually been on the battlefield of real conflicts before. Although their special operations teams have also been on the battlefield many times, their battlefields are mainly for small-unit conflicts.

Qin Yuan also admired such people very much. At that time, their weapons were not as advanced as they are now, and it was very difficult to make military exploits. It all depended on courage and infinite hard work.

The four people on the opposite side of him had been looking at him the moment he came in, and the general in the middle who was over half a century old laughed and walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Relax, young people should show their own attitude. I have seen you boy before, and every time you have that unconvinced expression, why are we so humble now?"

"Chief, I must keep a low profile in front of you. After all, your strengths are all here."

"You brat don't talk like they used to."

The main reason is that Qin Yuan was said to be a relatively arrogant person in the rumors. After all, he is the God of War. He has a bit of a temper, which everyone thinks is normal.

Gao Shiwei just smiled in response, he couldn't say anything in this situation, and the momentum of the person opposite was also very strong.

After a few casual jokes, several people quickly entered the topic. Qin Yuan saw a map spread out on the table in the middle, and they marked the borders of the map with red circles. This seemed to be some weak links. They It has been analyzed from the very beginning.

"Relax a bit, I've called you here this time to give you a task, but I think you kid should be able to complete it."

Qin Yuan couldn't help but look at the map when he heard this. The people on the opposite side were very satisfied with his reaction, and he could see the key points as soon as he came in. Such a person knows how to read the momentum.

Soon, a top-secret document was given to two people, "You two carefully read this document, except for the supreme commander, you two are the only ones of us who have read it."

Gao Shiwei took the document very carefully. It was a very important thing. When he opened it, he was instantly dumbfounded. There was no title on it, but an A-level early warning plan for the highest combat order.

This is no small matter. The two quickly looked down. Gao Shiwei actually had some expectations at the beginning. The surrounding situation is relatively stable, and if you want to fight, you won't be able to reach anywhere.

After thoroughly reading the content, both of them were relatively relieved. Gao Shiwei felt that he had thought too much before. It turned out to be a simulated battle. This time, a total of 24 countries participated in the simulated battle.

The location of the simulated battle this time is on the Eastern Continent, and the map on the table just now is also the specific situation there, but this time, after the discussion above, it can be regarded as a relatively large training, which can be said to be completely close to actual combat. Competition.

Qin Yuan thought there was some important task, but it looked like this, this kind of training was nothing to him, so he relaxed, and handed over this top-secret document unhurriedly.

The people on the opposite side were a little curious when they saw his attitude. This guy was not excited when he saw this, and raised his brows, "Oh, what do you think after reading it?"

Gao Shiwei glanced at Qin Yuan, and the boy stood up and said loudly: "Report to the chief! I don't think there is any problem. I have experienced many simulation battles."

"Are you so sure? This time is no small matter. If you want to lead the three armies, we will put the heavy burden directly in your hands. Although it is a simulation, don't let me lose too badly. I don't ask to be in the top three. At least it ranks well."

Qin Yuan was very confident, and there was an unquestionable taste in his eyes. He said that let alone the top three, he had never thought about the ranking behind, and this time he was going to take the first place.

To be honest, this competition is very meaningful, and it can be regarded as a demonstration for some other countries with evil intentions, so that they can see the military strength of each country.

Of course, their real playing card is still in their hands, which is the super weapon they were willing to bring before. That is their biggest trump card, and they will not easily expose other things. This time, Qin Yuan can lead the three armies and let him be the highest. commander in chief.

The greatest command power is given to him, and it depends on how this kid will perform next, because this simulation training is not ordinary.

It can be regarded as witnessing their military strength in front of everyone again, and all countries have dispatched their most elite troops to fight.

To put it bluntly, this is a worldwide simulated confrontation. It was like a confrontation between their various military regions before, but this time it has risen to an international level. They need more professional and capable people to come out and lead.

This time, it is a plan for the very beginning of the battle, and there are specific plans behind it. All countries are still studying how to proceed. This is not something they should worry about, and the people behind will deal with it.

The person on the opposite side looked at Qin Yuan's confident expression, and said emphatically again: "This time I want you to lead the three armies. You are not in command of the special forces. Their abilities are not like those of the special forces. I hope you can understand what I mean. what does it mean."

"Reporting to the chief, I am very clear, and I have sufficient experience in this area. I am confident that I can complete this task."

At first, a few people thought that the progress this time would be very difficult, after all, the task

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