Except for a small mouth that can provide input password, it's nothing special. He stretched out his hand and carefully pressed it on the iron door, trying to sense something else.

"System, how about this thing? Can you analyze it here?"

The system has not responded, and Qin yuan can only change his way.

"System, recycling."

Originally, he wanted to use recycling to analyze the material of the current security system, but the system gave another answer.

"Ding! Remind the host that the security system cannot be recycled!"

"Can you sense the power of that thing inside?"

After a while, the system made an analysis, and a string of data system gave an analysis, which was very intuitive. It directly analyzed the harm of this weapon once it broke out.

Qin yuan can only be described as shocked after watching it. From the base to the periphery, it has all turned into ruins, covering a very wide range.

There is a sea of fire everywhere. There will be no life in these affected areas, and many people will turn to ashes in an instant.

The harm caused by the scope involved is too exaggerated. It can even be said that the final analysis made by the system, even Qin yuan can't stop such harm, because such harm can instantly turn people into ashes in a few seconds.

"System, if I enter this security agreement, will I recycle that weapon?"


The system still gives a cold answer. After all, it is electronic. The system will only make an objective analysis. The biggest problem now is how to break through this weapon. This weapon is too dangerous. Qin yuan feels that it is better to put it in his own system.

He went to the place where he entered the password lock before, stretched out his hand and began to feel slowly. He wanted to use his hacker skills to see if he could successfully break the password.

He tried for a while and found that he couldn't. although his hacker skills had reached the top of the world, the underground security system exceeded his imagination.

At present, there is no way to decipher, which is indeed something that the five countries have not studied for nearly ten years.

Qin yuan felt that there was still a risk that this matter would be leaked. Although it was the top secret, some survivors would emerge one after another.

Just like Frank, no one knows until now. He is the one who knows this half secret.

After going out from here, Qin yuan came to the basement where adaxi was imprisoned again. He made a decision and decided to tell adaxi everything he knew. We can see how hard adaxi made to keep this secret.

After knowing everything, adaxi was still in a state of disbelief, because those people outside had taken various means to interrogate him over the years.

"How can I believe what you told me? I doubt whether you made it up."

"If you think I made it up, what about the password just now? Do you really want these things in the hands of others? Now you can completely trust me."

Adaxi thought carefully for a long time, "I can trust you for the time being. Although I don't know whether this password can guarantee security, at that time, we reached a common agreement. I'm sure there's no problem here, but I don't know whether the two of them leaked out before."

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