Full of sunshine, "Captain, today we are going to visit their launch base. This time I will definitely study hard."

"But don't hope too much. With their style, it's estimated that they can't learn anything, but it's better to go and have a look."

Just when they arrived at the previous base, the detector in Qin yuan's hand gave another hint, and he realized that this might be a good opportunity.

After all, now everyone is out, and the security inside is so strict that even if he doesn't follow, there is no problem. No one will doubt them.

Even if someone suspects that an investigation will be carried out on him in the end, it will not find any results just by investigating him.

Thinking of this, Qin yuan looked at the bus waiting for them to leave in front. He suddenly covered his stomach with a painful expression.

"Hey, young, I may have had a bad stomach this morning. Why is it so painful suddenly?"

Li Xiaoman looked concerned and hurriedly asked him what happened and whether to accompany him to the infirmary. Others also hurried to check Qin yuan's situation.

"Judging from the situation, I don't think I can go today. Go quickly. Don't waste everyone's time. Everyone is waiting."

"Captain! How can this be? You are our core, and if you don't go, how can we explain it later?"

"Yes, I'll talk to them now and let them wait at most."

"It's all right. You go to see it and I go to see it. These people won't reveal much. The main thing is that you look at those guys and ask them to wait a little longer. I'm sure I don't want to. I don't know when I'm going to get it."

Wang Wei turned his head and looked at the person in charge of the bus. He looked at them impatiently.

These people don't like to see them at all. If they are told to wait at this time, they probably won't wait at all, and they may even be scolded.

Looking at Qin yuan's painful expression, Li Xiaoman immediately said that she would stay and take care of Qin yuan.

Qin yuan didn't expect this. He quickly refused, "no, no, you're all scientific research talents in the base. Now it's a good opportunity. Everyone should study together and bring back the news."

Li Xiaoman was also very tangled at the moment, but he looked at Qin yuan's trusting eyes, and finally had to go back to the car with the team members.

The person in charge who just went there was a little unhappy and felt that they had wasted too much time.

"Everyone is a rare scientific research talent. I think we should still have a sense of time. After all, it is not your own time that is wasted. It seems that everyone's time outside is very valuable."

Listening to the scientists' strange words, Wang Wei couldn't stand it. When those Americans were late yesterday, why didn't he just catch them without saying it.

"It's easy for you to say that maybe the food here is not clean, and our captain ate it, otherwise he would have gone with us."

Hearing this, the American next to him was even more proud, "ouch, what are you talking about? I can't listen anymore. Why is there nothing wrong with us after we eat? It's just him who eats."


Wang Wei also wanted to argue with them. Li Xiaoman pulled him. Now that the captain is not here, it's best to keep a low profile and don't have any conflict with them.

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