Mu Shaoling sat on the sofa and looked at him coldly.

Just now he was still showing off the matter of obtaining the certificate with Li Ni, which was Chi Guoguo's provocation.

Mu Shaoling was very upset.

"Mr. Mu, the master's house should look like the master's house. You don't want Professor Nian to help me, do you? This suitcase is quite heavy." Song Beixi looked at him with a smile, his face full of scheming.

Mu Shaoling naturally didn't want Nianmu to be troubled, he stood up abruptly, "I'll do it."

Song Beixi picked up two suitcases and said, "Don't say brother, I didn't take care of you, I carried the heavy ones, you come with the light ones."

Mu Shaoling lifted the remaining two suitcases, saying that the weight was not too heavy for him, so it was easy to lift.

Song Beixi looked at him, "Let's go, lead the way."

Mu Shaoling walked upstairs without saying a word.

Li Ni watched the two go upstairs until their backs disappeared, she looked at Nian Mu embarrassedly, "Nian Mu, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to disturb you and Mr. Mu again."

"What are you talking about..." Nian Mu looked at the diamond ring on her finger, his eyes filled with joy, Li Ni must be very happy now...

To marry the man I love the most.

Although she was once married to her favorite man and had a ring representing sincerity and sincerity, but that ring was later taken off by Abep, and she doesn't know where the ring is now.

Perhaps Abbep put it away.

But there is a high probability that it will be thrown into the sea.

It is almost impossible to find the diamond ring in the sea.

Nian Mu said, "By the way, congratulations on becoming Mrs. Song."

"Thank you." When mentioning the matter of marrying Song Beixi, Li Ni smiled happily again.

Envious of others.

Nianmu liked her happy smile very much.

And sincerely wish her, hope that this happy smile can always exist on her face.

Li Ni glanced at the stairs. Song Beixi and Mu Shaoling hadn't come down yet, so she talked about her request, "Nianmu, I wanted to ask you to help me recuperate my body before, but you didn't agree at that time. Now, can you help me?" me?"

She wanted to have a child before, so she saw a doctor because of this. The doctor said that her miscarriage had a lot of impact on her body. Even after so many years, she didn't take good care of it in the early stage, and now her body is not suitable for pregnancy.

But being unfit for pregnancy doesn't mean you can't get pregnant.

According to the doctor, it is to be recuperated.

For this kind of conditioning, Chinese medicine is the best, and she has a person who is very familiar with Chinese medicine by her side.

Li Ni trusts Nian Mu inexplicably.

"I promised you before that as long as you are married and want children, I will definitely help you." Nian Mu said, motioning her to roll up her sleeves.

She knew what happened to Li Ni before, so even if she didn't take her pulse, she knew the general situation.

Li Ni rolled up her sleeves and put her hands on the tea table, "Well, I had a miscarriage before..."

"Well, that was all in the past. Now our goal is to restore our body and conceive a baby smoothly." Nianmu pretended to be Qin Song and put his hand on Li Ni's veins.

Chinese medicine is interlinked, as long as she can know Li Ni's physical problems from the pulse, she can recuperate well.

After a while, Nianmu asked Li Ni to change hands.

Finally, she said: "Your body is a little weak, it should be caused by long-term psychological pressure and staying up late at work, and your foundation is cold, didn't you take care of it before?"

"At that time, there were many things at home, and there was no adjustment." Li Ni recalled the time when Song Beiye forced her to have a miscarriage.

Before her body recovered, she insisted on going to work.

At that time, I felt young and nothing.

It is only now that I realize that my original thoughts were so naive, and the waywardness at that time was overdrawing my body.

"It's okay, you can do it now." Nianmu picked up the phone and began to edit the prescription, "You are still young now, by the way, you should have seen a doctor before, right?"

"Well, a series of examinations were done." Li Ni replied, what the doctor said was not substantially different from what Nian Mu said.

Nian Mu said, "Is folic acid prescribed for you?"

"Yes." Li Ni was a little nervous. She believed in Nian Mu, but he was too serious when he was taking the pulse.

She almost thought that she was going to miss the child.

Nianmu wrote the prescription, and then sent it to Li Ni's WeChat, "I sent it to you, take a look, these medicinal materials can be bought in pharmacies, but it takes time to decoct and take, and it is quite bitter..."

She knew that Li Ni was afraid of suffering, so she specially reminded her.

"It's okay, I can persevere." Li Ni secretly decided that for the sake of the child, she had to work hard.

"Also, continue to take folic acid. This medicine is a course of treatment every month. After one month, I will show you what's going on. If it's done well, you'll be ready to have a baby." Nianmu urged, envious of Li Ni.

She got married and had children, all step by step.

Thinking about her and Mu Shaoling, until now, she felt that her past with Mu Shaoling was not real.

It's like dreaming.

It's like watching other people's TV series, other people's movies, like a dream.

"One month?" Li Ni was a little surprised, thinking that she would have to recuperate for half a year, or even a year.

"I'm not sure, we'll have to wait a month for everything to be discussed, but according to this prescription, if you persist in drinking it, it will take effect soon, and you can feel it yourself." Nianmu gave her an example by breaking his fingers. "For example, you will feel that your sleep quality is better, you don't like to dream anymore, your walking pace will be easier, and you can persist in running for a longer time. These are all signs of improvement."

"Nianmu, thank you so much." Li Ni had the urge to hug Nianmu, but she held back.

Nian Mu is not Nguyen Bai, they shouldn't be so close.

Song Beixi and Mu Shaoling packed their luggage and walked downstairs, just in time to hear Li Ni thanking Nianmu, "Honey, what are you thanking Nianmu for?"

"Professor Nian helped me feel the pulse just now, and also said to recuperate my body." Li Ni blinked at Nianmu.

Nian Mu understood what she meant.

Li Ni probably wanted to take care of her body, get pregnant, and give Song Beixi a surprise.

She understood why Li Ni did this.

Li Ni wanted to bear the expectations and disappointments of preparing for pregnancy by herself, and she didn't want Song Beixi to join in, because it would be too painful.

"Honey, what's wrong with your health?" Song Beixi hurriedly sat beside Li Ni, "What's wrong?"

After speaking, he looked at Nian Mu, "Professor Nian?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I've been feeling tired lately and I'm prone to dreaming. When I mentioned it, Nian Mu took my pulse to see if there was anything I should pay attention to. As a result, my body was really weak, so I needed to take medicine. Take care of yourself." Li Ni held his hand, signaling him not to be so nervous.