Li Ni lay on the bed all morning, and the nanny didn't bother her again.

At noon, the bedroom door was pushed open, and the nanny walked in. Seeing that the breakfast placed there had not been touched at all, she couldn't help mocking: "Miss Li, you really waste food."

Li Ni closed her eyes, she didn't want to talk too much with her, no matter what she said, she couldn't get out by herself, so it's better to save some energy.

The nanny glanced at the person at the door and said, "Since Miss Li, you don't want to eat, you can get a nutritional injection."

"I won't take it!" Li Ni opened her eyes, knowing what a nutritional injection is, she resisted.

She wanted to use a hunger strike to resist Song Beiye, and asked him to let her go. If she was injected with a nutritional injection, it would be useless for her to go on a hunger strike.

Although the nutrition of the nutrition injection is not as good as the nutrition of the food, it can hang her life and prevent her from having an accident.

The nanny had a cold face and didn't intend to follow her wishes. Anyway, this was Song Beiye's arrangement.

"Miss Li, you didn't cherish the opportunity that was given to you." She said, and at the same time, two people in white robes walked in from the door.

Li Ni didn't ask them for help, because she knew that the people who could enter the villa must be from Song Beiye, and they would not betray that man just to save themselves.

"Even if you give me an injection, I won't cooperate!" Li Ni sat up and looked at the person in front of her defensively.

The nanny didn't listen to her words, and watched the male doctor take out a therapeutic belt specially bound for patients with mental problems from the medical box, and exchanged a wink with the female doctor who was accompanying her.

The two took the medical belt and walked to the bed.

Li Ni realized what they were going to do. In order for her to receive nutritional injections, they were going to tie her up.

"Go away and don't touch me." She resisted.

The nanny didn't listen to her, and worked with the female doctor to tie him up.

Li Ni went on a hunger strike, and her hands and feet were already weak. The two of them tied her up together, but she couldn't do anything about it. In their eyes, that bit of struggling strength was nothing at all.

After the nanny was tied up, she looked at Li Ni and mocked: "Miss Li, if you eat obediently, you won't have so much trouble. Look, two women can easily subdue you now. You make such a fuss What's the point?"

Li Ni closed her eyes in despair. It was really meaningless. It was just two people who stopped her. How could she get out of the cage that Song Beiye had arranged?

Nian Mu was kidnapped, and Mu Shaoling and others went to look for her. Now she is trapped here by Song Beiye. I'm afraid no one knows about it, let alone someone else is looking for her...

Li Ni couldn't help crying when she thought of Song Beixi.

She had always thought that Song Beixi had given her the hardships of these years, but after thinking about it these two days, she seemed to have nothing to do with Song Beixi.

On the contrary, if it weren't for his appearance, my life would be much more difficult.

I'm afraid he doesn't even have the ability to heal Wang Na.

Her misfortune can be said to be given by Zhang Xingxing, or Song Beiye, but it is definitely not, Song Beixi.

It's just that Song Beixi has been around her the most over the years, so it's only natural that she blames Song Beixi for all her unhappiness.

He is the most innocent one, he is obviously in front of a good person, but she treats him like a bad person, and has endured all the tempers that should not be borne by him...

The male doctor prepared the nutritional needle, hung it on the bed, and then took Li Ni's hand.

She was tied up and couldn't struggle, but the moment her hand was lifted, she clenched her fist subconsciously.

The doctor frowned, she was not easy to get an injection like this, and looking at Li Ni who was still unwilling to submit obediently even though she was tied up, the male doctor reminded: "Miss Li, if you continue like this, I can only give you a diazepam first, Then I injected the nutrition injection again, and the moment I woke up from the stable taste was uncomfortable, "

Li Ni tried the taste of stability, and her body couldn't help shivering.

Maybe the nanny is right, no matter how hard she struggles, it will be futile. Anyway, this time she will be injected with nutritional injections. She might as well make herself more comfortable.

Li Ni loosened her fist slowly.

Seeing that his threat had taken effect, the male doctor nodded in satisfaction and began to give Li Ni an injection.

The needle slowly pierced into the vein, Li Ni felt a slight pain, and then felt the adhesive tape on the back of her hand.

She opened her eyes, staring blankly.

The female doctor helped to adjust the speed of the drip, and then said to the nanny: "The injection has already started, let's go out first, and the nutrition injection will be ready in about half an hour."

The nanny worried: "Leave her here alone, are you afraid that she will do something to hurt you?"

The male doctor smiled softly, showing no sympathy for Li Ni's current situation, "It's okay, these medical belts are tied up, it's even difficult for her to pull out the needle by herself, let alone hurt herself."

The nanny listened and nodded.

The female doctor looked at Li Ni and saw tears in the corners of her eyes. Out of a little pity, she said, "Don't worry, you will definitely feel uncomfortable after starving for so many days. When the nutritional injections work, you won't be sick." Feel bad."

After speaking, the three left together.

Li Ni was lying on the bed, struggling to look up at the nutrition needle on the bedside. Little by little, the needle liquid entered her body through intravenous injection, supporting her life.

Even if she can live with these nutritional needles, she knows that such days are numbered.

Song Beiye is not a patient man, he will be rude to her after waiting for her menstruation to leave...

Li Ni thought about Song Beixi, and wondered if this man continued to go to the apartment to look for her shamelessly after she drove him away.

I think should not be……

If so, he would have saved himself by now.

That's right, her attitude was so bad before, how could a proud man like Song Beixi endure it? Moreover, he is such an excellent man, what kind of woman does he need?

Why be obsessed with a woman with a stubborn temper like me who doesn't look good at her without status?

Li Ni smiled wryly. She hadn't gone to work in Huazhu for a few days. I don't know if Zhou Xiaosu noticed that she was gone.

But thinking back to the past, she would be taken away from City A by Song Beixi at every turn, and she would not go to work for a long time. Zhou Xiaosu didn't say anything, nor would she look for herself.

Maybe she hasn't found out yet...

As Li Ni thought about it, her consciousness gradually became chaotic and she fell into sleep.

Half an hour later, the female doctor came in and saw that the nutrition injection was almost done, so she stood by the bed and waited for the remaining nutrition injection to be ready to be pulled out.

The nanny walked in worriedly and asked without hearing any sound, "What's wrong with her?"