Seeing his little hand holding one of the vegetable bags, Nianmu felt warm in his heart, glanced at Uncle Zhang who was standing beside him waiting with him, and smiled.

The bag was full of things, and it was a bit heavy, so she couldn't let the child carry it. She shook her head and said, "No need, I'll carry it. Next time, don't wait at the door, wait for me in the car."

Taotao's immature face was full of smiles, and said, "I think I can see my sister right away."

Uncle Zhang was listening to his Tong Yan, and couldn't help but sighed: "Young master likes you very much, so we went upstairs just now, and found that you haven't come back yet, so young master insisted on waiting for you at the door , but it’s not good to park a car by the door, so I parked the car aside and waited for you here with him.”

Nianmu nodded, the weather is not too cold now, the child is nothing but tired standing here waiting, but it is cold here in winter, she is reluctant to let him suffer here.

She thought for a while, whether she should give him a spare key to the apartment, but after thinking about it, Mu Shaoling was still monitoring her, and if she gave it, he could enter the apartment at any time.

It's not that there's nothing in the apartment that you can't see, but Mu Shaoling is as careful as silk, and she's afraid that he will find out.

When Nian Mu thought about it, he dismissed the idea.

Holding the two bags in her left hand at the same time, she stretched out her right hand towards the child and said, "Come on, let's go upstairs."

Taotao held her hand happily, and when Uncle Zhang saw this, he said, "Miss Nian, I will trouble you, young master, and I will come pick him up at night."

"Okay." Nianmu led Taotao into the entrance of the community.

After returning to the apartment with the child, like Mu Ru did before, she prepared fruit for Taotao. Seeing him take out homework books one by one from his schoolbag, she asked, "Do you have a lot of homework today?"

"Not many, but some I don't know how to do." Taotao said with a smile. It's not that he doesn't know how, but he just wants Nianmu to tutor him.

As soon as she heard it, she said, "Well, I'll cook first, and if you don't know how to cook, leave it alone, and then I'll come over to tutor you after I finish cooking, okay?"

"Okay!" Taotao took a pencil and began to do homework seriously.

Nian Mu patted his head lovingly. Zhan Zhan and Ruan Ruan were already five years old when they married Mu Shaoling. Don't worry about her.

Occasionally sit beside them and watch them do their homework, basically without tutoring.

At that time, she also thought about experiencing the fun of tutoring children with homework, so she placed her hopes on Taotao, but she never expected that she would be kidnapped by Abep to the island of terror before he had time to go to school.

Now, she didn't expect that she would have this chance.

Nianmu walked into the kitchen, washed his hands and started cooking.

Taotao was sitting in the living room, eating the fruit that Nianmu had prepared, while starting to do her homework.

Occasionally, Nianmu poked his head out to look at the children in the living room, thinking that he didn't know how long Mu Shaoling would let Taotao come here, and whether he should prepare a small desk for him to do homework.

After cooking, she went to tutor the child. Taotao left several questions, and she patiently assisted the child to finish writing and then checked it again.

Taotao handed her the pen, "Sister, if there is no problem with my homework, you can sign it."

When Nian Mu was about to take the pen, he was startled, shook his head and said, "Isn't this autographed by the parents?"

Taotao was also taken aback. It was indeed signed by his parents. Usually after his homework is finished, if Mu Shaoling has not come back, it will be signed by their great-grandfather, "But sister, you helped me complete it."

"Well, put away your homework first, and ask your great-grandfather to sign it for you when you get home." Nian Mu thought, it would be better not to sign her name.

The teacher at the school knew Mu Shaoling's name, Mr. Mu's name, and Ruan Bai's name, but he didn't know his own name. If the teacher asked, how would the child explain it?

Said to be tutored by his sister?

How could she be his older sister? Taotao should call her an aunt because of their age difference, but the child insisted, and she couldn't help it.

Since it was difficult to explain to the teacher, Nianmu insisted on asking him to take it back and sign it for the Mu family.

Seeing that she was so persistent, Taotao had no choice but to put away her schoolbag.

Nianmu pinched his face and said, "Okay, are you hungry? How about we eat?"

Taotao nodded and stood up.

Nianmu pointed to the direction of the bathroom, and said, "Go wash your hands first, and I'll make you a meal."

Taotao nodded, hummed a nursery rhyme and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Listening to the song he sang, Nianmu smiled. This song was often sung to him when he was a child. Unexpectedly, three years later, he learned this song, and unnaturally, he still will sing.

Nianmu went into the kitchen and filled two bowls of rice, one in an ordinary bowl and the other in an insulated bowl. She put the rice behind the dining table and brought out the meat and vegetables.

After washing her hands, Taotao sat at the dining table, looked at the rice in the bowl, and asked, "Sister, why is the color of the rice different this time?"

"This is whole grains. Eating them is good for your health." Nianmu said, and handed the spoon in front of him. She only needs to take the pulse to know the child's physical condition. Although Taotao eats a lot, he is a picky eater for a long time. He was a little malnourished, and she thought of using this method to help him recuperate.

Including the fruits he ate just now are also good for his body.

"Sister, you are so caring." Taotao took a bite of his meal and showed no resistance.

The cook of Mu's family had also prepared coarse grains for the children before, but they didn't like to eat them. When Mr. Mu saw this, he ordered them not to prepare coarse grains for the children in the future.

Therefore, Taotao has no concept of coarse grains.

After the meal, it was time for the children to play cartoons. Nianmu was worried that the children would not be able to eat if they ate too much fruit, so she only washed the unresponsive fruits. She washed the rest of the fruit and took it out for the children.

"Tao Tao, eat some fruit." Nian Mu said.

Taotao clapped her hands happily, sat on the sofa, leaned forward slightly, and picked up a piece of fruit.

Nian Mu glanced at the time and asked, "Did Uncle Zhang say what time he would pick you up?"

Taotao nodded and said, "Uncle Zhang said that he will pick me up at nine o'clock."

Nianmu nodded. It is already half past eight in the evening, and there is still half an hour before the child will be picked up.

In fact, every time Taotao came to her side and was taken back, he would directly show his reluctance, while she was very calm, but in fact she was also reluctant.

But she was just a sister in his heart, so what right did she have to possess the child?