Lin Wenzheng opened the mysterious express in doubt. The reason why it was said to be mysterious was because the express was not signed, nor did it have a mailing address.

At first, Secretary Song was afraid that the express mail might be a "depth bomb" and that it would pose a threat to Secretary Lin's life. He went through it with a scanner to make sure it was only a paper document, and then handed it over to Secretary Lin.

When Lin Wenzheng opened those documents, his usually stern and serious face instantly turned livid, and his whole body trembled slightly when he saw the contents of the documents.

Then, he slapped those documents heavily on the table, picked up his coat, and hurried towards home.


A few days ago, Mu Shaoling got a few bottles of good health wine from abroad.

Ruan Bai left two bottles for her grandfather, and she always wanted to send the other two bottles to Grandpa Lin, but because she was busy with the opening of the new company, she almost forgot about it.

It wasn't until she saw the two bottles of good wine on the wine cabinet at home that she suddenly remembered this matter.

Grandpa Lin is Ruan Bai's biological grandfather. Although Ruan Bai didn't know him for too long, the wise old man is really kind and kind, and he is very kind to Ruan Bai, and Ruan Bai also respects him very much.

On this day, Ruan Bai drove to Mr. Lin's house with two bottles of health-preserving wine.

Mr. Lin hasn't moved to the new house yet, he still lives in the old house.

Because his new house was designed by Ruan Bai himself, the project is quite huge, but Ruan Bai has been handling T Group's affairs on his behalf for a long time, so the project has been in a state of half-stop.

Ruan Bai is very sorry for this, and wants the best designer of T Group to replace him and redesign the new house for Mr. Lin. However, Mr. Lin is also stubborn, insisting on using Ruan Bai, even if the construction period stops, it doesn't matter, just say when she has time, just start working again.

Ruan Bai drove a very ordinary Volkswagen and entered the majestic gate.

Outside, there are sentries holding submachine guns and guarding the post.

The sentinel saw Ruan Bai driving over from a distance, and saluted her.

The smart license plate reader scanned her license plate number and let her in.

As soon as you enter the door, there are two neat and beautiful rows of pine and banyan trees. The straight and spacious asphalt road is newly built, and it seems to have expanded a lot to the side.

At the end of the road are luxurious-looking but somewhat old office buildings of party and government agencies, surrounded by colorful flower clusters and swaying green trees, which are very conspicuous.

The car slowly drove into this old-fashioned cadre community. The outermost single-family villas have small gardens and high courtyard walls, and the walls are covered with power grids. Behind the villas are townhouses. high level.

Mr. Lin's home is a row of small villas in front of the small high-rise buildings. There are dense grape vines outside. There are grapes growing on the vines. Some of them are purple-red, nearly ripe, and tempting to salivate. ; while others are still green, like emerald, and just like agate, and the growth looks very gratifying.

Ruan Bai had just parked the car in the parking area outside Mr. Lin's villa, when the gate of the iron fence was opened.

Accompanied by the sound of light footsteps, a white-haired old man came out.

The old man was supported by the nanny, and looked at her with pity: "Come here, granddaughter, grandpa has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Grandpa." Ruan Bai felt weak in his heart. The old man Lin looked at her a little distressed, and his voice was slightly choked up: "Didn't I tell you to wait in the room? Why did you come out?"

"My eldest granddaughter has lost weight!" Mr. Lin looked at Ruan Bai, his lips trembling slightly.

He wanted to go down the steps to greet Ruan Bai, but was stopped by the nanny next to him: "Old man, it's too hot outside, let's go into the room with Miss Ruan and talk. Miss Ruan, Mr. Lin never knew you were coming , I kept thinking about when you would come over, and I kept looking at the door, afraid that you would suddenly be unable to come because of something..."

Ruan Bai handed over the two bottles of health-preserving wine to the nanny, stepped forward and graciously supported Mr. Lin: "Grandpa, I said I would come over, and I will never break my promise. You, just wait for me on the sofa from now on." , what are you running outside in this hot weather?"

After finishing speaking, she supported Mr. Lin and walked into the living room with ease.

There was a burst of cold air in the living room, and the central air conditioner relieved the dryness of the whole body a bit.

The furnishings of Mr. Lin's house are still the same, simple but clean.

There are old-fashioned sofas and red lacquered wood cabinets in the living room.

There are several hanging baskets hanging from mid-air, and looking down, there are several exquisite high stools, with irregular tropical palms and bonsai of century-old pines and cypresses placed on them.

The living room is separated by a Chinese-style screen, and behind it is an elegant small study.

The door of the study room is half open, and you can see a lot of calligraphy and calligraphy and paintings hanging inside. The calligraphy characters are strong and vigorous; the calligraphy and paintings are full and round, and the pictures are very artistic, like splashed ink paintings.

Next to it is a half-person-high pen stand, on which are hung various long-peak, medium-peak, and short-peak pens.

Mr. Lin is fond of calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting, which is almost known to everyone, and he has profound attainments in this area. Ruan Bai's mother, Zhou Qing, has obtained his true biography.

"Miss Ruan, this is the sandy watermelon bought by our old man and the grapes he planted himself. They have been chilled. You can try it." At this time, the nanny brought over a plate of iced watermelon and grapes. , with drops of water dripping on it, it looks particularly gratifying.

"Thank you, auntie. Grandpa, you can eat first." Ruan Bai picked out the largest piece of watermelon and handed it to Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin repeatedly waved his hands to decline, and handed the watermelon back to his granddaughter: "Xiaobai, you can eat it first, you young people prefer iced things, my old bones can't eat things that are too cold!"

Ruan Bai also knew that his grandfather couldn't bear too cold fruit, so he could only eat it by himself.

She finished eating two pieces of watermelon gracefully, and ate some iced grapes, then pulled two paper towels, and wiped her mouth with endless interest.

"Grandpa, where did you buy the watermelon? It's so sweet, I've never eaten such a sweet watermelon. And the grapes are also very sweet, it's as good as grapes from Xinjiang!"

Seeing that his eldest granddaughter liked it, Mr. Lin said from ear to ear: "This watermelon was sent by someone from your father. The grapes are indeed from Xinjiang. I have grown them for more than 20 years. If you like them, you can get as many as you like." Bring some back."

"Thank you, grandpa, you are so kind to me!" Ruan Bai replied with a smile, seeing that only grandpa was at home, he couldn't help asking: "Grandpa, isn't grandma at home?"

She knows that Grandma Lin doesn't like her very much, so every time she comes here, she won't deliberately appear in front of her to be an eyesore, but Grandma Lin can be regarded as a relatively homely old man, she will be at home most of the time, why is she not here today? It is strange.

As soon as Ruan Bai finished speaking, he saw Lin Ning appearing, holding Grandma Lin's arm affectionately...