With the voice of dragon dust, echoing in the air, those disciples fully recognized the situation, and finally broke out their determination to fight. At this moment, they forgot their fear in their hearts and were no longer afraid. They had only one thought, that is, to kill desperately.

Long Chen's words have made it very clear that others can help you for a while, but can't help you for a lifetime. If you want to become stronger, you need to rely on yourself. Long Chen only provides them with a short respite.

However, this breathing opportunity is extremely precious. Long Chen helped them to completely straighten out their mentality, get rid of the shackles of fear and let go of killing.

"That's right, that's it. Kill with all your strength, and show those bastards who look down on us. Don't think genius is great.

What is genius for? It's for stepping on them. Use your weapons to slap them in the face. Let's hit them more fiercely. Kill them At this time, Guo ran yelled.

When Guo ran saw the needle, he raised his voice at the right time, which made those disciples more aggressive, because the "we" in Guo Ran's mouth suddenly narrowed the distance between them and the dragon blood army.

Because looking at the group of disciples, Guo ran and others thought of them at the beginning. They were also extremely poor in talent and mediocre in qualification. It was long Chen who pulled them to the height they are today.

Today, seeing people being ridiculed, despised and abandoned, they can't help but arouse their inner strong sympathy. The dragon blood army has long had the heart to help them.

The strong need a chance to grow up, but this opportunity needs someone to give them. If it wasn't for the Dragon dust, they would not have come to Zhongzhou. I'm afraid that Donghuang is also a very mediocre existence, doomed to die of old barren mountains.

So long Chen's hand, let them see long Chen that experienced thousands of ups and downs, still do not forget the original attitude, the boss is always the boss, only according to the original intention.

If more than 30000 strong people try their best, it is a terrible thing. The so-called soft fear of hard, hard fear of horizontal, horizontal fear of life. If people choose to fight hard, they will break out several times higher than usual.

Dragon dust and a group of dragon blood soldiers rush forward, such as sailing boats riding the wind and waves, bone spurred ape demons are constantly killed, the fire dragon is too strong, one breath at a time, a second to kill, there is no need for Dragon dust to hand.

Gu Yang and others followed. For them, these bony ape demons, whose combat power is comparable to that of ordinary strong men in Bihai environment, can't do any effective damage to them.

For those ordinary disciples behind the dragon blood warrior, as long as we put aside the fear of death and give full play to the real strength, the threat is not too big with the cooperation of all.

At the beginning, so many people were killed, mainly because they had never been in contact with such a horrible and ferocious ape demon, did not see the people around them being torn one by one, never so close to death.

Now, with the shackles of death, the combat effectiveness has been improved, and inspired by long Chen, the momentum is like a rainbow, and gradually adapt to the rhythm of the battle.

When Tang Waner completely removed the protection of the wind blade, they were able to support themselves, no longer in the panic, and gradually found the feeling of fighting in the fight.

Looking at the crowd gradually entering the fighting state, long Chen can't help but nod. He is a man, not a God. He can only help so much. How much he can live next depends on their lives, whether they are hard enough or not.

Qian Duoduo has been following Guo Ran's side. He is shocked to find that any one in the dragon blood army is in a terrible mess. He never uses the second move to kill bone spurred ape demons.

Compared with the powerful men of other forces in the distance, the magnificent and grand moves are different. Every time the dragon blood soldiers attack, they are sharp and cruel, and kill them with one blow. They use the quickest and most labor-saving methods to kill bone thorn ape demons.

The valley is thousands of miles wide, and the bony ape demons in all directions rush into the bottom of the valley like a tide. People have to speed up to rush forward, because once the speed slows down, the disciples behind will have to work hard. In every team, some strong ones are arranged at the front.

These are elite disciples with strong combat power. Only in this way can the integrity and impact speed of the team be maintained, while the disciples behind can only seek more happiness from themselves.


In the Presbyterian, a group of elders looked at the picture in the air, and the master of the courtyard couldn't help exclaiming:

"this dragon dust is really powerful. In a few words, it can dispel the fear in the hearts of those disciples and stimulate their desperate courage. This requires extremely strong personality charm.

Once the assessment is over, the surviving disciples will surely become the loyal followers of long Chen. I don't know whether long Chen has a purpose in mind or is born with chivalrous and loyal heart.

If it's the former, then the Dragon dust's mind will be deeply frightening. He has enough strength and a large number of loyal. If it's good, it can benefit people. If it's disaster, I'm afraid... "

"Absolutely not. I have come into contact with this dragon dust. Although he is not arrogant on the surface, he is actually proud and disdains to do something wrong with his words.

Moreover, he attaches great importance to love and is very good to the people around him. In terms of character, he will never have any problems, "Li Changfeng said.

"Since elder Li Changfeng dares to guarantee, I'm at ease," the master said with a smile."Don't, Lord. Don't put on your hat. Villains can't afford it, and they dare not guarantee it.

There is no problem with the character of long Chen, but he is too persistent. Once he decides something, he will not change. I'm afraid he is not a carefree master. I'm thin and dare not guarantee him! " Li Changfeng said with a bitter smile!

"The reason why daozong allowed them to build up their own power is to cultivate their leadership ability. There is no lack of talent in daozong. What we lack is a strong person with leadership level.

the five great talents in Zhongzhou are all carefully selected figures. They are the top choice in terms of talent, strength and talent, and are highly expected by daozong.

However, the arrival of long Chen seems to have disrupted the original plan. The disciples of Siyu have always been green leaves and are dominated by Zhongzhou disciples. However, it seems that there will be some changes this time.

In fact, the inner gate examination is the stage for Zhongzhou disciples, and the disciples of four regions are just coming to play soy sauce.

"The share of the core disciples this time..." Li Changfeng.

"According to the law, there is no dragon dust, but our competition is fair!

If long Chen can really keep pace with other Tianjiao at the last level, we will fight for "the great humanity of the master".

"But the number of core disciples is basically set internally, and there is law enforcement Hall..." Li Changfeng hesitated.

"No harm, since you have chosen not to tolerate any more, let's be tough all the time.

We put up with it for so long that they thought we were bullies.

And now it's still a little far away. Although long Chen has strong charm and good leadership, I'm afraid it can't be compared with Zhongzhou Tianjiao in terms of strength.

After all, the details are too different. Zhongzhou is a few monsters, and now the strength is just the tip of the iceberg. " The master of the courtyard said with a smile!

People think of it as well. Although long Chen is in the top of the four regions' disciples, he suffers too much in front of Zhongzhou Tianjiao, and almost everyone looks down on him!

However, the head of the courtyard, Li Changfeng and a few other people thought of another problem. Although judging from the current signs, long Chen is not qualified to be compared with the monster of Zhongzhou.

But a little boy who didn't know what to say, but shocked his grandfather. It was not simple.

In fact, both the master and Li Changfeng hope that long Chen can perform well enough, and the Presbyterian can strive for the share of core disciples for long Chen.

To help longchen is to help the Presbyterian. The Presbyterian can not directly conflict with the law enforcement hall, but it can make use of long Chen to show its strong stand and establish its own prestige.

The Presbyterian has to be tough now, otherwise it will be suppressed by the law enforcement hall, and the Dragon dust is the best weapon.


Long Chen didn't know that there were so many people talking about him behind him. Now he is leading the dragon blood army to sprint forward with all his strength, because the bone thorn ape demon is becoming more and more powerful.

Now the fierce battle for more than an hour, but less than 800 miles forward, because they found that the bony ape devil in front of them was growing bigger and stronger, and its lethality was extremely terrible.

The army rushes forward, but there are people falling down at any time. There is no way. There are too many bony ape demons. This kind of terrifying Warcraft has strong combat power and is brave and fearless to die. No matter how many times it is killed, it will not retreat!

It seems that they only have killing in their minds, without any sense of fear. They seem to be born killing machines, merciless and brutal.

Six teams rush forward. To everyone's surprise, the slag team led by longchen has the lowest mortality rate!

In a period of more than an hour, the number of deaths does not reach 800, while in other teams, at least tens of thousands of people fall. This is the difference between trying hard and not working hard.

"Bone thorn ape demons are getting stronger and stronger," Gu Yang said in a deep voice.

Because the number of bone spurred ape is decreasing, but the body is getting stronger and stronger. Even the dragon blood soldiers dare not be careless.


All of a sudden, the sky was dark, and countless huge figures covered the void. On the sky, a strange creature with leopard body and rib wings appeared.

As soon as the leopard appeared, it went straight to the crowd. It was as fast as a mirage.


A four grade Skywalker, a treasure level sword in his hand, was smashed by the magic leopard's claw. At the same time, half of his body burst out, sending out a scream.

Everyone was shocked. The magic leopard was not only fast, but also extremely terrifying. This was fatal. As soon as the magic leopard appeared, it immediately attacked the people frantically. As soon as they were caught off guard, many people were killed immediately, and the scene became chaotic!.


suddenly, several magic leopards jumped directly at longchen, which was as fast as lightning, which made everyone startled. Long Chen smiled and held out his big hand.

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