"Coming, brother?"

Xia Fukun looked at the sudden appearance of the demons and drew a smile from the corner of his mouth.

Those demons were stunned for a moment. Obviously, they didn't expect that there was a human outside the passage.


This human being, you say, is there

But where did this human special come from? But also mouth with a cigarette, puffing at them.

Before they attack Xia Fukun.

I saw Xia Fukun waving his hand.

All of a sudden——

Almost all of these demons were received by Xia Fukun in the demon refining system, and converted into a large number of refining points.

More than a dozen demons, all of a sudden only a lonely one, eyes with dull looking at Xia Fukun.

"You, come here."

Xia Fukun hooked the lonely devil.

The devil hesitated for a moment, and walked towards Xia Fukun honestly.

"What's your name?"

Xia Fukun glanced at the devil.

"My lord... My name is dalabanbar, bedib dobiruon."

Xia Fukun was stunned for a moment.


"My lord... My name is dalabengba, bederbeeb dobiruon..."

Xia Fukun

Such a long name???

And how does it feel like this name is a bit like lyrics???

"Forget it, I'll call you Bi Lu Weng. I ask you, what's the situation in this abyss?"

"In the abyss?"

Dalabengba made bedib dobiruon freeze for a moment.

Obviously, I didn't expect that this human would ask himself about the situation in the abyss. Is it difficult for this human to enter the abyss?

"My Lord, are you going to the abyss? There were twelve kings in the abyss. The twelve kings are all epic beings. "

"Epic level?"

Xia Fukun was stunned for a moment. Isn't the epic level the realm of sainthood?

"What's the strongest level?"

"The strongest one is the Seven Star epic Satan king, whose fighting power is almost the same as that of the powerful one in the eighth level of your humanity."


Xia Fukun took a deep breath when he heard the words of nadalabengba and bedib dobiruon.

He is now a strong man at the top of the three transformation saints. In this Jiuyou continent, he is basically invincible. However, the most powerful in this abyss has reached the realm of eight transformation saints

"What about the remaining eleven kings?"

Xia Fukun asked bedib dobiruon of dalabengba.

"The remaining eleven kings range from epic one star to epic five stars."

It was also after listening to the words of dalabengba banderbeeb dobiruon that Xia Fukun nodded.

"Well, in that case, it's none of your business."

Dalabengba banderbeeb dobiruon:

Next second——

Dalabengba banderbeeb dobiruon felt that his brain was turning. In a moment, he lost his consciousness.

Another second——

His eyes opened in vain.

However, the brilliance in his eyes was obviously not his dalabeng, but his Benedict dobiruon

"The power of demons is stronger than that of human beings. No wonder they can fight against human beings by leaping over their ranks."

Xia Fukun looked at his hands and murmured. At the moment, he has entered the body of dalabengba banderbeeb dobiruon.

With his current strength, he can almost exert the demonic power of the epic three stars. However, the strength of dalabengba banderbeeb dobiruon is only at the level of king. Therefore, Xia Fukun dare not release all his strength and suppress his strength after the late king. Xia Fukun looks at the abyss passage in front of him and grins, Plunge into the abyss

In the abyss

When Xia Fukun opened his eyes, he was stunned by the surrounding scene.In this abyss, what appeared in front of him was endless blood red.

The smell of corrosion is everywhere.

Around, from time to time there will be some low-level demons passing by.

However, because dalabengba banderbeeb dobiruon is a king level demon, these demons will salute Xia Fukun when passing by him.

In Xia Fukun's mind, he has all the memories of this dalabengba, bedib dobiruon, so he also knows how to do it.

It's just that the hierarchy and dignity of the demons are too arrogant, isn't it?

According to the memory of dalabamba, bedib dobiruon, the demons who saluted him asked each one to spit in return.

But Xia Fukun can't do such abnormal things! Even if he's in dalabengba now, he's in the body of bedib dobiruon... Even if he's a demon now

So Xia Fukun ignored the demons who saluted him and went straight to Bian Cheng Wang, one of the twelve kings.

And Xia Fukun didn't give them a return.

It seems that these demons are still suffering?

Xia Fukun read a story when he was on earth.

Some people kneel for a long time, will produce servility, unwilling to stand up.

These demons are the same to him

Is there anyone who wants to be sprayed? You know, this is really being sprayed! It's not swearing!

"Do you think there's something important about dalabengba, King bedib dobiruon?"

"I think it must be like this, otherwise dalabeng bar, the king of banderbeeb dobiruon will not give us a gift back!"

After Xia Fukun left, the devil began to talk.

"I miss the taste of the saliva of bedib dobiruon in dalabeng bar..."

"Ha ha! You're such a loser! You don't know, I've even tasted Bian Cheng Wang's saliva before! "

"The trough! True or false, what's the taste? I said, "why do you practice so fast recently..."


Xia Fukun didn't hear these demons' comments. If he did, maybe he would feel nausea

The king of Biancheng, the king of bedibdobiruon in dalabengba, is the ninth of the twelve kings of the abyss. The powerful existence of epic two stars!

According to the common sense, Xia Fukun doesn't need to advise the Biancheng king, but he can't help it. Now he doesn't know what's going on in the abyss, and now he's on the body of banderbeeb dobiruon in dalabengba. Naturally, he needs to return to the Biancheng king to report.

Because Xia Fukun now appears in the capacity of dalabengba banderbeeb dobiruon, there is no one to stop him in Biancheng King's palace.

So soon, Xia Fukun came to Bian Chengwang