Book 3 Chapter - 11

" It would be exciting to fight like hell.

It looks like we're going to end the war of nerves."

Hyorong held the charges against Ryu-Yeon's wistful way of saying he missed the tour.

"Hold on, I don't want to get into a fight from the very beginning of my full-fledged career.

That's enough to flood yesterday's freshman reception.

I felt like I had a year's worth of accidents yesterday."

He described what happened yesterday as a year's worth of thinking, but unfortunately,

The full-scale accident was not even happening yet. In the future, in the future,

Compared to what's going to happen around here, yesterday's attack on the Hocheon River...

It was a feeble incident that was less than a drop in the ocean. But I'm good at reading the future.

As a flimsy Hyorong, I have no idea what's coming.

It's only natural that you can't.

It was the same with Changhong and Yoon Junho.

"I don't think that's a good place for either of them."

Hyorong nodded to Ryu-yeon's comments.

"I guess so. He's always bickering like that.

I don't think I'm gonna be bothered.'

Still, the game was not decided, and the momentum was only getting worse.

"But in Cheonmu Academy, one person is obliged to a club.

I'm supposed to sign up.

Whether it's academic or martial arts, it's personal.

Choose according to your preference.

That's personal freedom.But don't forget.

The fact that you have to sign up wherever you are."

Changhong said firmly.

Ryu-Yeon and Hyorong began to think again about what kind of club they would join.

"How's the rain club?"

Hyorong recommended one place. That was an area of great interest from usual.

"No, I don't want you."

Ryu-Yeon shook his head.


"I don't think there's anything more to learn. I'll take the Vido with me.

It's enough to overflow. Let's find something else."

Ryu-Yeon himself had a thunderstorm. The final version of the Vidor and the Four Swords.

No more rain lessons were meaningless for him, who had mastered the thunderbolt.

Everything else seemed only a child prank to him.

When I tried to decide where to join, I couldn't find a place to go.

Dozens of clubs lined up on the side of the road.

There was, but there was nowhere tempting. I don't know what they're talking about.

While we were sharing and exchanging opinions, Socheon-gun and Guchang's intangible struggle

It was getting to that point.

You can feel it from two pages away.

The sharpness of each other's intangible relationship.

I felt a stab in the skin.

Now they're both developing the greatest intangible intelligence, keeping each other in check on each other in check.

I'm staring at you.

Now that things have progressed to this point, it's time to pick up the pieces.

It became very difficult. I don't want you to put your foot in a tangle of intangible acquaintances.

There was a danger that if you took a step, your heart would break and die.

It is no exaggeration to say that the space dominated by intangible acquaintances is already a different space.The best masters say this intangible device can kill people.

You can probably guess how great that power is.

It was an intangible keeper that ordinary people die just by looking at them.

Socheon-gun and Guchang may have caught fire with pride and desire to win.

I didn't even think about the virtue of giving way.

He said, "Let's divide life and death."

"Hey, you guys are watching something funny."

Yoon Junho jerked his head back in surprise. The voice behind my back.

It was because I didn't feel any signs even though I was close.

It was a risk that he could have lost his life by cutting his throat in practice.

On the other hand, Ryu-Yeon, Hyorong, and Changhong seem to know everything already.

I couldn't stop being calm.

Meeting with Jin Sung-gon and Lim Sung-jin

"Tsk, tsk, I'm still feeling strong. It's really useless, but you're trying to relaxation."

Once again, I heard a loud voice behind my back, and then Ryu-yeon and...

Hyorong Changhong's head turned back. There's a black spot in one hand.

A huge man with a gon stood a man. a thick, short neck

It was impressive.

"Who are you?"

Hyorong, who was standing next to Ryu-yeon, asked.

"I'm Jin Sung-gon and Lim Sung-jin, third graders in the heaven.

It's nice to meet you."

His arms, legs, thick neck, huge face, reminiscent of a log.

The man introduced himself with overwhelming power. in the hands of a man

I looked at the black gon in the air, and it was surprisingly made of steel.

It looked very thick and heavy.

"You have an unusual weapon. It must be heavy."

I can't resist curiosity about a weapon that looks special and ignorant.

Hyorong asked. Many people used Gon as a weapon in the strong lake.

No other man uses a thick, heavy-looking gon as a weapon.

Generally, it was made of hard wood.

"Not much, it's only 50 pounds."

The man said in a tone that it was not a big deal. It's about this weight.

He showed confidence that he could swing a willow branch.

"50 Geuns?"

"It doesn't really matter."

The exclamation was out of the mouths of my friends, but the next thing I said was,

It belonged to Ryu-Yeon.

The fact that Ryu-Yeon doesn't really think it's a big deal.

Unexpected reaction, very interesting expression.

It appeared on Lim Sung-jin's

"What's your name?"

"My name is Ryu-Yeon."

Smiling and Ryu-Yeon replied.

"Well, that's a nice name. But why are they fighting again?

It's not a day or two, but it's more dangerous today than any other day."

The emotional conflict between the Sword and the Gobaekhoe was not a day or two.

I haven't been as livid as I am today.

"That's something we don't know.

But if you're going to tell me a little bit of a start, this guy here.

It's the starting point for Hyorong's club membership."

"What? Join!"

Lim Sung-jin looked very surprised.

Then he spoke quickly.

"You'd better quit, if you go into a place like that.

You'll spend all day and night fighting.

So what's the fun of life?

That's so boring and boring.

It's best not to go in there. Yeah, sure."

Lim Sung-jin shook his head in a skeptical manner and said.

His tone showed signs of concern.

"Is that so?"

"Of course, he's digging his own grave when he sees it go into a place like that.

In other words, you lose gunpowder and jump into the fire."Lim Sung-jin stopped him in a harsh tone. And those two things.

22 reasons why this club should never be accepted.

He spoke enthusiastically as he entered.

" Now you understand."

Anyone would have been convinced if they had just heard Lim Sung-jin's rant.

Ryu-yeon and Hyorong nodded.

Only then did Lim Sung-jin have a satisfactory smile on his lips.

"Well, do you have any recommendations? Senior?"

Before Ryu-Yeon finished talking, Lim Sung-jin said,

He said it as if he had been waiting for it.

"Of course, join our club.

We're the best club in the sky.

It's a place where a man's heart is on fire."

" Where's that amazing place?"

" If there's such an amazing place, I'd do anything to get there.

Unless it's paid."

Ryu-Yeon asked, shining starry eyes with excitement.

Ryu-yeon is supposed to be

Only for what is called free or free or cheap.

It had an infinite interest.

The problem was that everything else was out of his interest for now.

"Of course, it doesn't cost money, so you'll find out if you follow me with confidence.

Before that..."

The eyes of Lim Sung-jin are still wasting his energy.

I headed to Gu Chang.

They don't give up an inch of their sweaty faces.

Still using up a lot of energy without it.

If it lasted any longer, neither side was likely to be safe.

"I'll have to finish that ugly thing."

After talking, Lim Sung-jin approached them.

It was a dangerous act.

Im Sung-jin, who is just around the corner of the place where intangible friends are rampant,

Without hesitation, he thrusts his troubles into the space.

Slowly the gon was stretched forward.

Soon, Lim Sung-jin's troubled intangible intelligence gradually erodes.

He's got one of the things that people are most reluctant to do right now, intangible friendship.

It's about stepping into a rife space.

If you do something wrong, you may suffer internal injuries or even lose your life in severe cases.

It happened. It was a lot of guts and courage.

He's not the greatest master, so he's a deadly powerful intangible.

I'm not spewing it out, but it's dangerous.

It had enough power to injure the body.

Regardless of those facts, his ironclad is very...

Slowly passed between the two.

A third party intervenes in the two sides of the tug-of-war.

There has been a change in the situation of war.

Lim Sung-jin's troubles trembled violently.

To pass through them is to see their intangible possibilities.

It was nothing short of a flip-flop.

Lim Sung-jin, like a flash of his troubles as slowly as time goes by.

I put it forward.


A roaring sound of heaven and earth rose and surrounded the area.

There was a powerful roar, a tear in the eardrums, and a shock wave swept through the area.

Ryu-Yeon hit the body of the group.

"Are you safe?"

Hyorong is curious about the results in the middle of the dust.

I asked while looking.

"I'm sure you've been listening because you're confident.

Don't tell me you were being reckless without any countermeasures.

You don't look like someone who's going to be that brave."

Ryu-Yeon said, looking at the epicenter of the shock, which slowly clears up dust.

"If you die there, you'll be dead."

"I agree with that."

Finally, all the dust that had risen like a dark dawn fog cleared up.

I caught their eye with a grain of salt.

Fortunately, everyone was able to escape death.

It wasn't entirely a disaster. On the lips of Socheon-gun and Guchang.With the thin blood running down, they both suffered minor internal injuries.

It was shaped, but it didn't seem to have much to worry about.

Their clothes were in tatters. Lim Sung-jin was the only one who was fine.

Indeed, he was a man of great faith. With one hand straightened the iron.

Seeing him standing tall, Ryu-Yeon uttered a short exclamation.

"You're so ignorant."

"It's violent, but it works."

Smilingly, Lim Sung-jin said. I think I heard Ryu-Yeon.

I thought you'd say thank you, but Socheon-gun and Guchang are like shells to eat.

Shut up and turn your back. Then each went his own way.

"Tsk, you don't even say thank you, you just walk away.

I didn't think he was that rude."

Changhong lashed out at their rudeness. Anyway

Thanks to Lim Sung-jin for ending the confrontation between the two.

It was only natural to vote.

But without a word of appreciation for a man who might have saved his life,

There was no disrespect or such rudeness to jerk off.

Maybe your life could have been saved if you did something wrong.

Changhong shook his head with a look of incomprehension.

Lim Sung-jin didn't seem too upset about their rudeness.

After finishing his business, Lim Sung-jin said, looking back at Ryu-yeon and the group.

"Well, let's go!"


The Associated Press is one of the most preposterous clubs in the world.

It was an example. To explain the activities and the purpose of establishment there,

It was a love club for a beautiful lady. The name smelled suspicious.

The most important essential skill there was hiding undercover.

The art of hiding one's body, hiding traces and signs... is the art of chasing an opponent.

It was the underlying technology that led to today's Aso Society.

Then why is there a close connection between the existence of the Society of Aso and the undercover operation that cannot be separated?

Are you in a relationship?

The reason can be found in the main activities of the Associated Press.

If you don't have enough hiding skills here, you'll do something wrong to women.

It was because there was a high possibility of being stabbed or beaten.

Therefore, the master of silverware, not the master of silverware, but the master of clumsy skills, is engaged in full-scale activities.

I was in a position to restrain myself.

If you do something wrong and you hate women all over the school, if you have a grudge against them.

The club will be uprooted for frost in May and New Year.

It was because there was a risk.

There is always resentment, curses and retaliation in mind from women.

It was the kind of place it was supposed to be. What is the most important thing about silverware?

No, what is the best silver spoon?

It was just harmony. It's when you become one with the world.

It's the most perfectly conceivable thing.

Of course, it's never as easy and simple as it sounds. It's like an optical illusion.

The silverware used was only the lowest technique.

As you know, the world consists of yin and yang miso that split up from the taegeuk.

In other words, everything is made up of a combination of qi, no matter what its nature is.

That's why it's sending out certain wavelengths.

Only a few people with special training could feel it.

The human body, too, is a tiny little universe made up of qi.

One's own to the wavelength of the flag that the world emits or possesses.

It's only when you assimilate your chi that you're right in front of your opponent.

You'll be able to hide yourself.

I mean, not letting the other person recognize you or recognize you.

It would be a more accurate expression.

At first, this is also a place where people want to realize the laws of silver lining.It was a meeting.

The name was also known as Sleep Eunhoe at that time.

By the way, the 8th general manager of the Sleep Conference, Byun Tae-im, the king of the noble family, has mastered hiding undercover techniques.

In a constructive direction for one's hobby -

Many people criticized the misuse of martial arts and the illegitimate nature of abuse.-

As I tried to use it, my personality changed dramatically, so even the signboards...

It was to be changed. He was a terrible serious smiley-cat.

Since then, the association has changed its name to Ashojeojeojeojeojeojeojeojeo,

Under the belief that beauty and fragrance are shared with many disadvantaged people.

Paying attention to the personal information and living alone of beautiful girls.

It was transformed into a club.

Jin Sung-gon and Lim Sung-jin took Ryu-yeon and his group.

It was in front of the door of the Aso Society.

He was one of the most sincere members of the Association of Asso.

Changhong clasped his head in a headache as if he knew something.

A giant body that looks like it's going to be hard to move.

A pungent face that looks like it's burying eyes, nose and mouth.

A small, flat nose, a mouth that's about to drool.

Triple chin that looks hot just by looking at it.

It's a test of one's stomach and patience.

It couldn't help but be a face and body.

I thought it would be hard to even look at a person with a weak stomach.

Fortunately, Ryu-Yeon is very squeamish and curious.

He is a very active man. I feel like I'm eating my body.

It is natural to be mistaken, and he was Byeontae, the head of the Asojeo Society here.

This guy, whose name sounds like a pervert at first glance,

I don't know what's going on in the corner of the building.

I was sitting grimly.

It's as if he's absorbing the sun surrounding him.

His surroundings were dreary and dreary.

How he can dream of and carry out hiding with a giant body like that.

It was a question of its own.

Ryu-yeon and his party, who shared a brief communication with Lim Sung-jin,

I sat down at the recommendation of Lim Sung-jin.

Inside the Aso Society building, hundreds of beautiful women's paintings.

It was plastered, which made the eye and mind of the beholder flashy.

"Is this a fairy island?"

It points to hundreds of beauties plastered all over the walls and ceilings.

Hyorong asked.

Lim shook his head.

"No, we don't deal with imaginary women, so we're not here.

All the paintings are real women who exist.

Except in exceptional cases, after 25 years of age,

It's customary to change to a different picture."

When I looked at the painting, I found out that the age of the woman at the time of the painting,

The date and year of writing was written.

Exactly when I'm 26, I'll relentlessly tear it off with a new painting.

It was like changing.

"Is this a celadon?"

Ryu-Yeon's round-looking blue porcelain on one shelf.

He pointed and said.

"No, it's a syllabus."

Lim Sung-jin answered casually.

"Huh? Do you have any business in the chamber?

Why are there so many potions on display?"

"It's a special outline. It's a bedrock used by a small man.