Book 3 Chapter - 1

Volume 3 of the Rhinoceros

An unfunny fellow with no social skills.

Cheonmu Restaurant, what an uniqueness and insincere name this is.

There's no such thing as affection or consideration for an architect.

I couldn't help it. It's a restaurant in Cheonmu Hakgwan. If it's Cheonmu Restaurant.

What's the difference between the name of the second son of the king's family?

Ryu-Yeon made these names as part of a campaign to make the world a better place.

I was thinking about protesting the upper floors of the attached institution, but...

Nothing is happening, so I decided to give up.

Getting involved in useless things that don't benefit yourself.

Because it was against his usual belief in life. But more than a name,

What was more amazing was the diet.

The only common restaurant in the dormitory, on this extensive diet, is only one.

Only the name hung lonely.

Cheonmujeongsik, by the way, tsk tsk tsk tsk...

In fact, asking for a variety of menus and flavors in a large-scale joint restaurant like this...

It is also true that it is too much. This is because ideals are far away and reality is tough.

Because we have to cook a meal for almost a thousand people,

For the efficiency of work, it is simply decided on one diet.

I couldn't swear at him because he said he didn't have it.

But even if you understand all of that, there'

It was too much. At least two things to choose from.

Wouldn't it taste good? But Ryu-Yeon is free to eat.

If you do, you'll never be able to frowse that the taste of the dish.

I was willing to condone generously unless I crossed it.

The eunuch of hermitage escaping from her pocket for a meal.

Rather than fear and flesh-splitting pain, it's a simple diet.

This is because I felt much more comfortable sacrificing my sense of taste.

I've entered the restaurant with a firm and firm resolution like granite.

It was Ryu-Yeon, but fortunately the situation wasn't as serious as it might have been.

As he stepped into his diet, a savory, fragrant smell made his sense of smell.

It's stimulating. If it's a dish that smells good, it tastes hopeless.

It's safe to say that there are few bad cases, so Ryu-Yeon inside.

I was relieved. Tonight's dinner will be served with a dish of course.

There were two kinds of seasoned vegetables and dumpling soup.

And seeing a cup of tea served as dessert, I'm pretty concerned about that.

There was a trace. The bowl is three squares on a rectangular iron plate.

A small groove and two large squares concave inside.

There were rice and soup in big places and side dishes in small places.

It seemed to have been made to contain. Material is made of iron.

It was a bit heavy because it was made. Except for soup, it's three meals a day.

I felt a bit lacking, but I deserved a pass.

The distribution was in two rows on both sides, fortunately.

It wasn't a rush time, so you didn't have to wait long.

"Who is this, the lowborn volcano, is it not a figure of Munpa?"

I'm sitting around a table for six, and I'm working hard on my meal, and suddenly...

A voice interrupting dinner came from behind Ryu-yeon.

It was a bad voice that caused enough discomfort to the listener.

To see if they dare to interrupt your elegant meal.

Ryu-yeon turned his head and chased the source of the voice. The others, too.

Following Ryu-Yeon's gaze, he headed to the source of his voice.

Where the gaze stops, young men and women in red suits are arrogant.

I was standing with eyes in my eyes. At that moment, Yoon Junho jumped out of his seat.

His complexion was very dark for some reason.

"Death, death penalty...Hey, how have you been?"

Yoon Junho greeted in a hurry, taking the example of a gunfight. not calmThe young man and the woman who spoke to him in his sloppiness,

I frowned again. When Yoon Junho pretended to know them, Hyorong asked.

"Who is it?"

"Yes, the names of the people of the volcano are Seed, Liza, and Scholars.

The jade name of this private residence can be Chuja, Let's go, Yeonja. "

A student who was formally introduced by priest Yoon Junho, but was on the verge of Nakanbong Peak.

Those who came from were only nodding their heads once. No matter how much Ryu-Yeon and

It was not polite, even though the party was junior to the academy. Very arrogant

It was clear that they liked to pretend to be arrogant.

The behavior of the insolent could not have appealed to the party.

Of course, there's no one coming, so I don't think there's any need to go.

Ryu-Yeon and his party just looked like nodding heads.

"How did you get in here?"

Suddenly, the theory of the death penalty asked questioningly. Same alumni in a place like this.

It's normal to be happy and happy to see each other if you've met them.

There was no friendly atmosphere.

Rather, they are cold and cold like bloodied enemies.

"How did you get in here?"

It was like putting pressure on me.

"The death penalty..."

Yun Junho, a weak-minded person, was at a loss as the religion raised its voice.

Like a cat that drives a mouse, Jongology puts Yoon Junho in a corner.

I was persecuting. He now knows that his alumni priest has entered the academy.

I was talking unwelcomely, but the admission of an alumni would be private.

It's an honor to be honored, but it's something he'll find unhappy and unwelcome.

Where is the reason?

"Humph, see, Master Taesu, you've done all sorts of dirty flattery and flattery.

I'm sure you came in here despite your poor skills."

As if to cheer for the Jongology that drives Yun Junho, Chu Sang-yeon is cynical.

She, too, seemed unhappy with Yoon Junho's admission.

"Oh, no. How could I do that?

It's a complete misunderstanding. "

Yoon Junho also tried to make excuses but to no avail. His death penalty.

Because Sazer had no intention of listening to him from the beginning.

"What do you mean no? I've been loved by Master Tae since I was a volcano.

How dare you enter the Cheonmu Academy with your skills that are not encouraged by Master Tae?

You're a disgrace to our volcano, shame!"

Additional studies in the department of religion pushed Yoon Junho to the brink of eating.

He took turns scolding his alumni and his private wife, Jonghak and Chu Suyeon.

Yoon Junho, who received it, quickly became a crybaby. In his tender heart,

The death penalty and the severe interrogation of the private residence were unbearably sad.

What's more, a counterattack was a dream come true dream.

Yoon Junho couldn't say anything like a man with his mouth sealed.

Changhong, who was worse than then, helped Yoon Junho from the side.

"Isn't that too much? At first glance, I heard that Master Taesang of Junho

It sounds like you've given him a plaque for his talent that he doesn't care about.

Is that wrong?"

Changhong didn't like it, but I hate it and I hate it.

Since the two were seniors, they used honorifics for now. but

If you don't like it, you never know when you'll change to informal speech.

It was not Changhong who was bound by rank and would argue.

"Wrong, that's very accurate. To Master Tae, with his skills that won't even be this guy.

Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you!Palmology was as if it were spitting out saliva. Again Changhong asked.

"As far as I'm concerned, if anyone in the current volcanic wave could be called Master Taesun,

There's only one person left.

Isn't he Yoo Hwan-kwon, a former volcanic wave writer?"

"That's right."

Jonghak answered coldly.

"That's strange."

"What's wrong with you?"

"If you're a plume inspection ship, you've been the best swordsman in the volcano for 50 years.

Aren't you the one who's in the harmonic? He's just a man of his heart.

I don't think I've made a wrong choice by looking at things wrong.

He's like the spiritual pillar of the volcano.

If you object to his choice, interpret it arbitrarily, and you don't believe it,

What's the difference between doubting him?"

"Shut up! How dare you speak so profanely of Master Tae."

Changhong's sharp counterattack caught them off guard. Where it hurts the most

It was because it was the sharpest stab. That's why they don't know who's embarrassed.

He made a loud noise with a conventional technique. Their own agitation to others.

It was a visceral act concerned about what was revealed.

Looking at them, Changhong proudly sardonicized.

"Whoa, I didn't think of the profanity. The choice of such a great man.

You, who have a humble eye, are now committing a greater depravity.

I think there is."

Changhong said, emphasizing particularly the tenuous point of view.

"Where is that deterrent? Why don't you shut up? "

Palmology cried out with a flushed face. A human being on the nail.

It was a patheticly typical response.

"I think you were the one who did it first."

Changhong's sharp eyes set on his face the face of the paleontology.

It turned red with insults. How dare you turn on a junior senior?

I must have thought it was a cheeky piece of work. Yoon Junho is already talented.

It was not a question of not having. The fight has already begun. One fight, one fight.

I couldn't simply back down like this. You can't mop up your pride.

It was because it was yellow. Their faces are already angry.

It was red-hot like an iron bellows.

"Don't talk nonsense. A fool who can't even use plum blossom.

How can he be the enemy of the Volcano faction? I'm ashamed of my mouth.

It's just a shame."

What is this sound? The eyes of Hyorong and Changhong were wide open. And

They began to seriously question their hearing and language reading skills.

They've just been told by a man who doesn't quite understand.

Only Ryu-Yeon watched the development with his eyes wide open.

Again, the fierce gaze of palatology recognizes himself as a priest.

Quite doubtful if there is - headed for Yoon Junho.

"You're a low-performing volcano who can't even spread a plum black herbivore.

It is disgraceful and disgraceful to enter this sacred Cheonmu Academy.

If you have a conscience and still have shame, pack your bags and leave here immediately."

The abusive language of palatology was ruthless.

"Death penalty!"

No matter how many times I think about it, he's a terrible jerk. Give him a slap in the face.

Do you want me to grind it for you? It'll make you feel better and refreshed.

That's how Hyorong thought it over it.

" If there's no more shame left in you, if you'really.

Be extra careful not to cause trouble to the private gate! Well, your existence itself...

It's a nuisance, though."

He was arrogant. His words, his actions, his facial expressions, he's more than Yoon Junho.It was full of conceit to stand firm superiority. His arrogant words and actions.

It couldn't have made a good impression on Ryu-Yeon's group.

"Watch your language!"

Hyorong, who couldn't stand his opponent's arrogance and rudeness, stepped up. Then there's the darkest of palatology.

My eyebrows wriggled.

"Ho, what's your habit of talking to a senior? Volcano earthquake kid and his friends?"

At the tone of Jongology, Hyorong and Changhong stiffened their faces and resented. but

Ryu-yeon hasn't responded much yet, so guess what she's thinking.

It was hard, looking down on people, deep down in the bones, to the end of my head.

He seemed to be a man of authority, arrogance and self-righteousness.

In short, it was clear that he was not worth dealing with. But Yoon Junho...

There was no word. Not a word of contradiction to the insulting statements of palatology.

It was something that I couldn't do. The atmosphere is getting worse and worse.

Ryu-Yeon glanced at Yun Junho who was restless.

I asked Hyorong. He's not like a freshman who just got in this year.

Because it was very easy to ask questions because I knew a lot. But his question is, you're gonna have to sit in front of the crowd.

There was no shortage to push it down with dismay at once.

"But what's plum blossom?"

Ryu-Yeon put plum blossom, one of the 12 most famous swords in the river.

I asked Hyorong if there was such a thing in the world.

"You don't even know that?"

Hyorong was surprised and asked again. One of the 12 most famous swords in the world.

How can I not be surprised that I don't know. If Ryu-Yeon told him that,

Do you happen to know which way the sun rises?

I wouldn't be surprised if I asked.

The additional year of the department of paleontology is also hot, but he looks ridiculous.

I looked at Ryu-Yeon. In their eyes, there's a guy like that.

There was a clear sign that If any of the people in the river are volcanic,

If there's anyone who doesn't know how to use plum blossoms, he's probably an idiot or something.

There must be a world of fools. In a world where common sense exists.

I don't know if that makes sense, but Ryu-Yeon's question is, no jokes, no jokes.

It was no joke. He didn't really know anything, so he was curious.

I only asked politely in the simple desire to satisfy.

Although Ryu-Yeon was a volcanic python and Cho Chun-woo during the time of Mount Ami.

I've had it as a disciple, but during the camp, they gave me plum blossoms.

Even the buyer had never heard of it. Because I didn't have a chance to see.

Well, most of what they taught and asked their disciples to do was not even close to their season.

Housework and sideline jobs were mostly irrelevant and teaching - still Ryu-Yeon.

They are claimed to be teaching. - It was also almost a one-way street.

So not only the volcanic waves, but all the disciples of the congregation, they're completely blank about the season.

All 16 of the marquis were consistent, doing rice, laundry, wood,

You've got a lot of work to do, and when will you ever find yourself free?

What a time to look back. To spare personal leisure time.

It wasn't Ryu-yeon who was so easy. So his question is,

In a way, it was a matter. Of course it is absurd and ridiculous.

Even if the facts remain the same. Regardless of the absurdity of the question.

Hyorong managed to keep his mind straightened at the ridiculousness, and he was kind enough to say,

I answered his question. Like a cold sweat on his forehead.

I don't know if it was Ryu-Yeon's illusion that felt.

Or did he look at it correctly...

"It's called the Plum Blossom Screening, a volcanic wave of poison.

It's said to be modeled after the way the wind blows. Plum Blossom ScreeningHistory is as old as the history of volcanic waves.

It consists of 36 sections, 72.864, from which a number of...

Pronged subgraphs were invented and studied. But still this

There's no saying that you've seen the end of the plum blossom test. In the history of volcanic waves,

A lot of sword masters have been constantly produced, but no one has ever been confident.

No one said they saw the end of the plum sword. That's how difficult it is.

It's called a profound prosecution. This is my guess, the volcanic wave is probably...

In addition to the common plum sword method now known in the river forest, they are only seen.

Guess there's another plum sword. With the plumage test currently known,

Actually, it's too much to dampen the pride of swordsmen in the history of volcanic waves.

Many of the advanced and improved methods of swordsmanship that inherited and developed this plum-blossom method.

There are a lot of volcanic waves. They're now supportive of volcanic waves.

For example, plum trees and fall makeup.

All of these are based on a pack of plum blossoms.

These are the tricks and tricks. So everyone says it's a volcano.

I always think of plum blossoms. It's too much to say that it's the origin of a volcanic wave.

A three-year-old snuffling dog that even a child knows.

You don't know how to use plum blossoms, and you're a man who marvels at people in so many ways.

I'm surprised and amazed at how talented you are. It’s really amazing! "

" Haha, what a surprise. It's just that this body is excellent.

By the way, it's really comfortable because you know so much. I know too much.

Sometimes that's very interesting, though."

" Well, it's nothing to be surprised about that. It's all because I'm good hahaha!"

At Ryu-Yeon's words, Hyorong scratched the back of his head and glossed. Hyorong은

I know a lot of things. Sometimes I feel like I'm some kind of experienced powerhouse.

Or someone who's been living in a Catholic academy for years.

I could see it. That's how well I know about the school and the situation.

There was. Anyway, it's a pretty good name for a volcano wave.

What does Ryu-Yeon have to do with the development of the famous cult?

You're saying there is? Did they give Ryu-yeon rice cake or rice?

Did you make him wait for you? You've done nothing for me. You don't have to be disappointed.

No, but I don't think it's possible that things that have no connection to you dare to be holy.

In addition to disturbing mealtimes, it significantly reduces one's appetite.

He was committing a crime that would make him angry. In the back of Ryu-Yeon's mind, it's severe.

An unpleasantness began to rise. His mind and his head tell him,

It was here.

'The discomfort index is rising rapidly. I'm afraid my sense of taste is going down.

Urgent action to reduce discomfort index.'

Ryu-yeon's inner self is willing to respond to this request of mind.

Nodding. The word of palatology is a critical psychological blow to Yun Junho.

It looks like it's been coated clothes on. It was rat poison that touched his most painful part.

Yoon Junho is desperately losing his motivation.

I could feel it. I started to feel bitter from the bottom of my heart.

"Oh, my God, you're so rude."

Changhong's eyes caught fire as he looked at Yoon Junho, who was shrinking endlessly.

Changhong was familiar with this sort of character. You're not as good as you are.

It's the arrogance of people who think nothing more than ridicule.

A bunch of stupid people who don't even have a penny of hair. deserving of contemptIt was clear that they were beings. People have different talents and personalities than others.

I think my talent might decrease due to my lack of skills. Everyone

What a monotonous and brutal world a genius would be. By the way, your skills

A humble assessment of the same alumni and their own.

I don't know if I can make a priest look like a piece of shit.

Changhong felt a great deal of anger at their heartless attitude. Meanwhile

Unlike Changhong, who is increasingly gripped by anger, his appetite has declined rapidly.

I don't know what to do with those guys who are making a huge contribution.

Ryu-Yeon began to think seriously about whether to return.

Is there any hot way to get your discomfort index down? Thinking around

Ryu-yeon, who was rolling, suddenly entered his plate resting during the meal.

For a moment, there was one thought that flashed through his mind.

Why don't we just stick it in the corner of the tray?'

Ryu-yeon didn't think much of it. Of course, there has been no change in expression.

If you hit it with a broad side, it'll be less damaging. Thin and sharp.

Why don't you poke the top of your head in the corner? Ryu-Yeon은

I decided to consider it seriously. I'm sure the edges are better than the cross-section of the plate.

It could deal a much worse blow to the target. The concentration rate of power...

It was because it was different. On second thought, very appropriate and excellent.

Ryu-Yeon complimented himself on the edge of his plate.

Patted silently. He was very honest and serious now. And it's worth it.

There was enough ability and willingness. As soon as possible, at the request of the surrounding academic community,

One indulgence issued - not guilty of murder.

Simple permission - with a pair of eating wooden chopsticks in your hand

Kind and cool to cool off their low-capacity brains between the eyes of two people.

I could have drilled the vent. So it's a steel plate, to say the least.

I heard a clear echo from the middle finger hitting the plate lightly.

Strength: The force of resistance to a metallic material not to break.

There seemed to be no problem at all in terms of degree and not at all. In a blacksmith's shop

Ryu-yeon, an experienced prosecutor with nearly six years of abuse, said the transplant plate was wearing off.

At first glance, I recognized that it was the work of a great craftsman who was small and very strong.

A little bit of a corner to avoid any possible danger.

I've made it round and round, and that's no obstacle to Ryu-Yeon.

The producer may have had the foresight to anticipate a situation like this.

I don't know when, where, and how his plate might turn into a weapon.

The contents of the tray are now fully contained in your stomach.

Ryu-yeon, who confirmed the success of the feeding, decided without hesitation to fly the food tray.

I did. There was nothing to be desired or hesitated about it. "As long as I don't kill him."

With emotion, Ryu-Yeon's hands grabbed his plate. finally hard

Just before the plates fly off and go into action to split the tops of their heads.

His hand paused and something came to a halt.

"Stop it! Stop it!"

It was a low but clear and powerful voice. For a long time to blame and ridicule Yoon Junho.

Where the eyes of the two men, who were raising their voices as targets, were just heard.

The main character of the voice was standing. The main character of the voice was Mo Yong-hwi unexpectedly.

I couldn't stand the vulgarity and complacency of both of them.Mo Yong-hwi stepped forward. Mo Yong-hwi is a man of little skill and shallow knowledge.

I hated those who were over-confident and shameless.

He was the embodiment of honesty, morality and observance. As I said before,

He was a severely ill man with incurable neoplasm. Which means he's evil.

I'm told you have a personality that hates the wrong things to the extreme.

It was the same thing to say the same thing. His neurosis is both physical and mental.

It was because everything required extreme cleanliness. The incarnation of laws and rules.

Mo Yong-hwi's sharp but delicate nerves can't get rid of these delinquents.

It couldn't have been tolerated.

"Who are you?"

How dare a rude man interrupt your conversation?

The eyes of the two turned to a man. The hearts of all the women jump.

A good enough face to make, a polished prayer like a master.

And seven peony flowers embroidered on the right breast of the snow-white jangsam.

However, peony flowers were more famous as a symbol of any family than the scent or shape.

They were doing a good job of it because they were strong people. Among the freshmen of the year,

They are the masters of the seven peony blossoms, and they are the ones who will give that much prayer.

As far as I remember, there was only one. At the moment, the complexion of palatology changed subtly.

"Are you Mo Yong-hwi, the famous seven-year-old sword?"

Even though he knew about it, he asked for it.

"Yes, Bulcho is a humble man named Mo Yong-hwi."

When I got my confirmation on the authentic documents, I immediately got an embarrassing look on my face.

I built it, and it wasn't a good match for me to deal with without any countermeasures.

He's the most sensitive one this time, even in his and her old court.

He was a big shot who cared and paid attention. under his authority