118 The Aftermath

"Okay, guys! Can I have your attention for a second please!" Ms Snow shouted at everyone. The students who were screaming and running around finally quieted down and looked towards her.

"Due to unfortunate circumstances, we have to cut the opening ceremony short. As the Autumnfall High School, we can assure you that there won't be any more hiccups today and kindly ask you to leave for your dormitories in a calm manner while we investigate the event that has just transpired. If you have any information about the situation you want to share, me and Vice-Principal Zave will be in our offices. Thank you for your understanding" Ms Snow announced and calmed down the masses. Still from their looks, Linri could see that most of them were going to leave the school after this incident. Zero was not defeated and there was no telling when he would attack again. As they say, when the boat starts to sink the rats are the first ones to leave.

Huh, I guess that was how half of the students are going to disappear. Neat.

Linri turned back to leave with others when his arm was grabbed by someone suddenly.

"Ms Snow! During the ceremony, I heard this guy say he knew about the attack. I think he has information!" The one who shouted was obviously the Mr Goody two shoes Roy. That fucking bastard put him into the spotlight!

When they heard someone knew something about the attack everyone turned towards the source of the voice. They did not know the person who shouted but they definitely knew the guy who he had stopped. Wasn't that the guy who almost made Zero commit suicide? When they were thinking of running he was provoking Zero that clearly must mean he was in leagues with him!

"He must be the with Renegades, get him!" when someone shouted the crowd started to go wild again.

"Yeah! He must be the reason we were attacked in the first place!"



"Let me at him, LET ME AT HIM"

That was how the human brain worked I suppose. When their shortcomings are exposed rather than accepting it as it is, they tend to drag down the guy who is better than them. During Zero's attack, they were all scared and running away but now that there was an easy target, in order to protect their pride they wanted to lynch him. Ah, the most disgusting side of humanity, can you be any more beautiful? Rather than panicking Linri was actually enjoying this. Because simple people like the ones shouting were easy to control so Linri was trying hard to memorise their faces. However, that did not mean that he was going to take what Roy did lying down!

"Roy if you don't let go of my arm right now I am going to burn your face off!" Linri's silver serpent bracelet shined with an eerie red light and he pointed his [Bracers of Nox] towards Roy's face. He really hated his personality and he thought about killing him right here and right now. Otherwise, he might be a big obstacle toward his future plans. Just why couldn't be a hypocrite like the others and let this one go?

Despite his threat, Roy did not seem like he was going to let Linri's arm go. Linri got ready to fire his flamethrower when a human shadow materialised between them and separated the two.

"Haha, everyone is tense now so no need to create a scene here. Right Linri? I already wanted to have a talk with you so I guess we can use this opportunity to have one. How is your mother by the way? Is she finally a hot MILF?" the one who separated them was Principal Richard or better known as 'Richard the pervert'.

"If she heard you speak that way, you wouldn't even see the next day. You know that right?" Linri replied sarcastically. To be honest, Richard came in the most perfect moment. I guess he could get him out of this mess. Also, this incident reinforced Linri's belief of not helping others. He almost got lynched for fuck's sake.

"Of course not! She likes my manly charm" said Richard while leading Linri out of the crowd.


"Okay, Mr Harclaw. Can you explain to us how you knew about the attack?" Zave asked Linri.

Currently, they were in a conference room. Linri was sitting in a chair while all the teachers were in front of him. I guess it wouldn't be a stretch to call this an interrogation.

"Yes, I can"

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"So what?" Linri looked visibly confused.

"Aren't you going to explain it?" asked Mr Hawke the English teacher. If you know the name Hawke it shouldn't come off as a surprise that he was based on the DA:2's main character Hawke. However, that was only in appearance. His personality and abilities were something entirely different. If you could call what Hawke had as a personality in that game.

"No? Why should I? I am an info broker. If somebody wants to learn something from me they have to pay up first" answered Linri like it was a matter of fact.

"Hahaha, I guess you are right" The one who laughed was Richard. However aside from him, all the other teachers were silently looking at him.

"What do you mean he is right? If he has info, of course, he should share it without demanding anything" It was Keiji Makoto the geology teacher. He was an earth elemental. Just like how Linri can manipulate Fire and Ice he could manipulate earth. Linri did not know much about his personality as Kou, the person who created him, didn't really like to RP with him much.

"I disagree with that notion. If we were to force him to explain his situation it might backfire and he might give us the wrong information. So I think we should give the kid his benefits and go on our way" It was Ms Valerie the psychology teacher. Despite her European sounding name, she was actually a hanawanese. Her most defining features were the black animal ears and five tails. She was the person Linri was wary about the most as she was a Kitsune just like his mother. Which means, she should be part of the people who were hunting his family.

"I don't really care. I don't think this kid can know more than what we can dig up so I am honestly fine either way" Ms Snow also chimed in.

"So if we were to pay you, what would be your demands Mr Harclaw?" Zave finally asked him after considering his options for a while.

"Information! So how about you guys download all the information stored in your mainframe and give it to me?" This was what he desired most at the moment. Money can be earned but it was extremely hard to get his hand on some information. At first, he thought about connecting his chip to the mainframe without giving his info but he didn't really trust them enough. Meaning, this was the best solution he could come up with in his current situation. I mean they could still give him wrong info or leave behind a Trojan horse in the file to upload his info to the mainframe but he didn't even update it in the first place. So what could they gain from him aside from his attributes which they already knew about?

"Don't you think that you are asking for too much?" Zave asked him. Since he did not outright deny him that meant he was open to negotiations.

"Absolutely not, I think I am even losing out in this deal, to be honest. But what can I do? I decided to be a good samaritan for once and thought it would be alright. So here is a freebie, our attacker's name was Zero. I am pretty sure you have heard of him before" Everyone in the room raised their brows. It seemed like they did not expect this would be the attacker's identity.

"Okay Linri I accept the deal so go on and tell me more about this 'Zero'" Richard agreed out of nowhere. It worked on his favour so Linri was not complaining.

"You already know about Zero so I am going to pass talking about him. Aside from that his reason for the attack was an organisation known as 'Renegades'. Currently, they are weak but they are prophesied to rule the world in the future. As for what kind of an organisation it is I have not much info aside from the fact that any and all ability users are welcome. As for their ideology you can liken them to the Nazis from WWII-"

"Mr Harclaw, we don't use the N-word in here" the one who cut him off was Zave. Oh right, he was german, wasn't he?

"ANYWAY, they believe in the supremacy of all the ability holders and all normies or rather mortals should serve them. Think of mortals as the slaves from ancient Egypt and ability holders as the royal family and you should get the idea about their belief in how the society should be. Oh yeah, they are also planning an attack on Autumnfall. That's all I will say so is there any specific questions you want to ask?"

"What do you mean by 'attack'?"

"Nothing serious, just some power play. They will send some envoys to attack the school to demonstrate their power and invite us to join them. Obviously, there will be some people who will join them and there will be others who won't. It won't be as serious as the fight against Zero. You know, the classic cult stuff"

"What do you mean nothing serious! This is absolutely serious. When are they going to attack!?" Mr Hawke slammed his table and got up from his seat.

"Who knows?" Linri just shrugged. He had no intention to give them the answer just yet. Why shouldn't he let them sit on the edge of their seats for a while and cave in first? That way he could gain even more benefits. In the worst-case scenario, the attack would happen but by then Linri would already have awakened his bloodline and be absolutely safe. It was just three people. He could definitely hold his ground even if he was alone and what's more, he was not going to be alone.

"I have one last question. How do you know all this stuff?" Ms Snow asked the crucial question.

"Sorry, I don't sell my sources. Even if I am an info broker I still have some integrity" Since Linri refused to answer they couldn't force him. They all knew the dark side of the world and knew how his line of people worked. There were even some info brokers that would rather die than to reveal their sources.

"Okay Linri, You can leave" the teachers chased Linri out of the room before getting into a fierce discussion.