315 Chapter 315: Soul pact 2

Name:Legendary Guardian Author:Riviz
"What happened to the creator's laws… Last I remembered you and the other guardian spirits are not allowed to directly interfere with the activities of mortals…" Samael said.

"First of all, you are no mortal… and even if you are right and the law applies to this situation… Then fuck the law… I will keep my host safe… I have come too far to let him go now" Demos' voice neither quavered nor shook when he spoke.

Seeing the conviction in his voice and the lack of fear Demos displayed when he claimed he would go against the creator just to keep Derik safe, Samael really had no reason left to deny how committed he is to this goal.

In the end, they all aimed for the same goal but they ended up using different methods. At this point, Samael recalled Demos' words a few minutes ago and found them reasonable. Since the soul transfusion combat technique is a treasure hidden within the planet, it shouldn't be entirely impossible for someone to assume that the world has a method of countering this technique if used against the hosts. In the end, taking over Cyrus' body and stealing the life inheritance may carry risks which will definitely lead to death. 

"I guess this path may not be absolutely necessary…. But that doesn't mean I have completely changed my mind on the issue… I don't plan to leave here empty handed either, so I suggest you give me something to hold on to" Samael was engulfed by a pillar of golden light and after he dissipated, he returned to his normal form.

Seeing Samael had no intention of fighting anymore, Demos powered down as well, returning to his normal charming human form. As soon as both sides withdrew their powers, the lightning vanished and the space became calm again. By then Derik, Cyrus, and Demos were drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Those two guardian spirits may not have noticed, but if they wasted any more time or even decided to fight, Derik and his crew would have been reduced to ashes by the lightning.

"So this is the strength of a demigod" Cyrus muttered weakly while shooting Samael a glance.

They have heard stories of all the warriors and mages who managed to attain the demigod status vanishing mysteriously. Back then they didn't know the reason and didn't even bother to check but now they understood why. The gap between the mortal realm and the realm of the gods is too vast, something that cannot be covered easily. Derik and Cyrus could tell if Demos and Samael fought here, there will be severe consequences for both the planet and the people living in it.

"I have an offer you may be interested in" Demos winked at Samael while giving him a thumbs up, making the life guardian spirit feel annoyed but amused at the same time.

"If you do then say it… I'm just a few moments away from blowing you and these kids into oblivion" Samael snorted disdainfully.

"Take the life mage as your disciple… Become his guardian spirit…Impact your will and strength in him… Let him carry your burden, just like Derik does mine" Demos said, leaving the life guardian spirit stunned due to shock.

Samael quickly shot Cyrus a glance only to meet the pleading gaze that made him feel more miserable. Drifting backward while he pondered on the issue, Samael found the offer quite reasonable. His true goal has always been to remove the Creator and protect this planet just like every other guardian spirit should do. The only difference between him and the others is that he never really trusted all those who possess the creator's soul imprint, so he chose to carry out this task all alone. In his opinion, the perfect disciple must be one who possesses the same element like the life guardian spirit host. But the only difference between Cyrus and all the other hosts is his ability to see things for what they truly are.

After centuries of guiding different hosts in the past only for them to die fighting the host of the death guardian spirit in a bitter battle, Samael went insane. He failed to understand why someone would assume that the death element represents evil while the life element represents good. This mindset has led to so many wars between the supposed good and evil sects, leading to the death of many talented mages and guardian spirit hosts. 

The last death and life mage trained by Demos and Samael who made it to the peak of the silver realm and only a step away from the gold realm, battle each other bitterly and even when the continent joined hands and surrounded them with their forces, those two ignored their true enemies and focused on killing each other. In the end, the life mage was victorious but was too weak to fight against the continent alone and was swiftly killed.

If those two joined hands, they would have defeated their true foes or even escaped so easily. But the resentment they had for each other just because of their different elements, mad them act foolishly and die in a pitiful manner. This is the reason why he chose to take the power of the life mage for his own and change his status as a guardian spirit, to a host.