After arriving in vilning, ice element has never given up collecting intelligence. It wants to find out the location of the handed down artifact by various means, but it has no clue.

Before rod arrived at the battlefield, ice element did exactly such a thing. Even in the process of fighting with the necromancer, ice element did not forget its original task and tried to find information about the handed down artifact.

Even so, until the end of the battle, there was no harvest of ice element. As there is no information about the handed down artifact, ice element can only wait for the opportunity, hoping that one day, it can collect enough information to complete this mission.

cutting-edge news

Different from the common artifact, the effect of the handed down artifact is very special. The blessing that the handed down artifact brings to the user is not only applied to one user, but to all creatures in a range.

The use of the handed down artifact will not cause great movement like the common artifact. The size of the handed down artifact is so huge that it can't be transported by a single creature.

Due to the limitation of the handed down artifact itself, it can not be brought to the battlefield as the general artifact, and its users can not rely on the power of the handed down artifact to change the situation of a war. special

Only when it exists as a symbol can it show its real strength. It can bring high attribute bonus and greatly improve the morale of all creatures belonging to this territory. Let the creatures belonging to this territory play several times of their original strength.

For the defenders, the existence of the handed down artifact can make all the creatures who come to attack scared. In this case, the handed down artifact can play the real power of the artifact.

As for the other effects attached to the handed down artifact, whether it's to protect its territory from natural disasters or other effects, it may not be valued by ordinary players, but it can always produce effects.

For this reason, the territory of the handed down artifact can often attract many powerful creatures to join, which undoubtedly shows the status of the handed down artifact in the hearts of other creatures. Compared with ordinary artifact, the handed down artifact can often represent the existence of a force.

Such a powerful artifact has been kept in a certain position, waiting to be discovered by other creatures. flower

In rod's impression, according to the players who participated in the search for the location of the handed down artifact at that time, the existence of the handed down artifact has a lot to do with the obelisks that exist all over the world.

these And those players also rely on this to find the position of the handed down artifact.

Because of the memory of his previous life, rod was able to confirm that the artifact was in the territory of vilning at this time, but he had no impression of its specific location. For the war caused by the artifact, rod's understanding was limited to the cause and result of the battle.

However, compared with the ice element on the side, the news rod knows is far more than that. At this time, the ice element can not even confirm whether the handed down artifact really exists. In the view of the ice element, maybe all this is just the news made up in the classics.

In order to find the location of the handed down artifact, it may be necessary for rod to personally explore the obelisks that exist all over the world.

And that's what rod thought. Because there was a long time between the time when the artifacts appeared in his memory, rod did not put his energy on searching for them.

In rod's view, as long as he can be in vilning and make arrangements in advance, he will undoubtedly have a great advantage in the fight for the handed down artifact. After that, he just needs to wait for the opportunity, and at the moment when the handed down artifact appears, he can find a way to seize it.

However, after the appearance of the handed down artifact, it will undoubtedly attract the attention of a large number of powerful beings. At that time, the war that broke out in vilning will not be weaker than that in any expansion film.

In this case, even rod did not have a certain degree of assurance that he could take the handed down artifact into his hands.

In rod's impression, in the previous life of the game, when the existence of the handed down artifact was discovered by the players, in the process of the players transporting the handed down artifact, an extremely fierce war broke out, and a large number of players died because of the handed down artifact.

With the efforts of many players, they finally beat back the other forces who came to snatch the handed down artifact. Relying on the function of the handed down artifact, the players at that time built the most powerful town in vilning. Until rod came to this world, this town was extremely prosperous.

But now, without the existence of other players, in rod's view, it may be difficult to cope with the joint attack of other creatures in the process of fighting for the handed down artifact by his own strength.

However, the ice element that appeared in front of rod undoubtedly gave him such an opportunity. In rod's opinion, he might be able to find out the whereabouts of the handed down artifact in advance by relying on the existence of this ice element, so as to avoid the extremely chaotic battle after that.

Looking at the ice element on one side, rod did not mention any news about the handed down artifact to him, but said to him:

"Take me to the object of your allegiance, the position of Lord Witt."

After hearing rod's request, ice element was relieved. It realized that its life might be saved.

Through the existence of peeping eye, rod has learned the location of Lord Witt from the impression of ice element. Even without the guidance of ice element, rod can still find the location of Witt.

Even so, rod's choice is to let the ice element lead the way for him, which naturally has rod's intention.