Tanan knows that once he conquers the conquered city, he can raise the morale of all creatures in the territory of krylord to the peak. At the same time, he can prove to the mages in blakada that krylord is ready to fight back.

In addition to being able to directly connect with blakada and kluode, the conquest city also blocked the connection between kluode and their depths.

Through the city of conquest, Tanan can reach the deepest part of krylord, where the ancient and powerful creatures of krylord live.

In the peak period of blakhada, those mages had also entered the deepest part of krylord. They wanted to conquer all the creatures here, but they met with tenacious resistance.

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On the surface, they are blocked by the roads and conquered cities in the territory of krylord, which makes them unable to move out easily. But in fact, it is also related to their fear.

The mages specially set up the city of Conquest here. In this way, they wanted to let the powerful mages who appeared later complete their original goal and conquer all the creatures in the territory of krylord, including those in the deep.


cutting-edge news

Many mages will go to the arena to watch. If you pay attention, you can even see the high-level mages in the arena.

The slaves used in the arena naturally came from the territory of krylord. From the half beast population, Tanan learned that among the fighters controlled by the arena, there was even a Cyclops.

Cyclops is one of the creatures living in the depths of krylord. It has the oldest blood of krylord in its body, and its strength is far stronger than that of ordinary ogres.

Tanan doesn't know how the Cyclops was controlled, but as long as he successfully conquers the conquered city and rescues it, Tanan will be able to contact its tribe through this Cyclops, which can also be regarded as establishing contact with the creatures in the depths of krylord.

In addition to the one eyed giant, Tanan was most angry with another barbarian in the arena.

Tanan is more tolerant of creatures of his own race. Even if he does not want to join the fight or wants to withdraw from the territory of krylord, though he is dissatisfied, he will not punish them. It can be said that few people of the same race make Tanan feel so angry.

Through the story of the escaped Orc slave, this barbarian also has the status of hero, but he has no plan to fight for kluode. Instead, he takes the initiative to be loyal to a mage and manages everything in the arena for him.

The barbarian hated his identity, and even wanted to completely abandon the blood of krylord. Therefore, he would not have any pity for all the slaves in the arena. If he offended him a little, he would torture him and finally let him die in the arena.

It can be said that the dead creatures in his hands are more than those in the battle in the arena.

For the barbarian hero who betrayed his own blood, Tanan didn't have any idea of joining hands, just wanted to kill him himself.

At this time, Tanan looked around.

As a result of just ending a battle, his barbarian army is wantonly destroying to vent their emotions. Whether the camp left by these mages or the corpses of these mages have become the targets of these barbarians' destruction.


For a moment, the surrounding scenes were more chaotic and the smell was rampant. Even Tanan, the hero on one side, could not help frowning.

In the process of traveling, Tanan also came to eracia, the most prosperous Terran, to observe their fighting style.

During the observation, Tanan was deeply impressed by the regular army of human beings. In addition to the basic strength shown by the soldiers, their uniform action and strict discipline are still fresh in Tanan's memory. Under the leadership of a high-level knight, this army alone will be able to defeat the inferior army which is far stronger than them.


This is the nature of these barbarians. Tanan can't train these barbarians into human troops, and blakada won't give him time to do so.



Tanan looked at the orc and his name, Gulo, flashed through his mind.

Orcs are generally weak in intelligence and strength, but there will always be a few of them. Compared with other orcs, Gulo has higher intelligence and loyalty to Antarctica, but his strength is weaker.

At the same time, Gulo is also one of the members who have been following Tanan since the beginning of the battle. Tanan's subordinates all know that Tanan has shown great trust in Guluo and let him manage many things. Although Guluo's strength is not good, no barbarian can underestimate it.

Guluo came to Tanan and whispered a few words to Tanan.

After listening to Guluo, Tanan's eyes are fixed. Tanan learned that an ogre hero who had led the group to move out came back here. He seemed to be attached with an abnormal state by the mage and wanted to see himself.