"Master, there is information from the Thieves Guild that Kilgor, the king of barbarians, joined Moriel's army with his troops."

Returning to the battlefield with the newly transformed ghost dragon, Rhodes received a message from the commander.

"Barbarians? They are not to be feared at all. No matter how many come, they will only become a member of the undead army." Rhode replied calmly. Those barbarians alone could not make him fear.

"The intelligence says that the barbarians seem to be a little different and have undergone some kind of transformation." Adjutant Trossa said hesitantly, "If what the intelligence says is true, what we have to deal with is a large group of people. Alien monsters."

Rhodes pondered for a moment, and finally shook his head. Does Moriel plan to use barbarians, or transformed monsters, to defeat his undead army? This sounds unrealistic.

"How is the situation in Tanan?"

"Master, there is no progress on Tanan's side. Allama said that Tanan still insisted on fighting a fierce battle after being eroded by the filthy blood, which also made the filthy blood eroded even more thoroughly, and wanted to restore the hero. It still takes a lot of time.”

Rhode looked into the distance. This is not good news. The longer the delay, the better it will be for Moriel. When she completely masters the power of the time domain, everything will be too late.

After saying goodbye to the adjutant, Rhodes thought for a while, then traveled through the flames and returned to the Red Crystal Magic Academy in the south of Brakada. He once launched a surprise attack from the coast here, and based on this, he attacked Brakada in an all-round way. the southern region.

In that battle, Rhodes harvested a lot of magic wizards under Deken and transformed them into magic corpse witches. Some of these corpse witches continued to fight with the undead army, and some stayed in the Red Crystal Magic Academy to replace the shadows. The lady sorted out the gains in the academy, the unique knowledge that belonged to the mages.

Walking through the academy, in addition to the undead, Rhode saw a lot of people dressed as thieves. The thieves set up a market in the mage's square, and there were constant shouts of hawking in Rhodes' ears. Since the undead army has fully marched, the Red Crystal Magic Academy at the southern end of Brakada has been left to the Thieves Guild and has become the base camp of nearby thieves.

According to the covenant with the Thieves Guild, the undead creatures will not attack any thieves, but instead provide them with protection, which also makes the black market for thieves more prosperous, whether it is rare treasures or magic scrolls, they can be bought on the black market , many legion members will also choose to sell loot here. Even when night falls, the fire on the black market has never been extinguished.

In order to avoid trouble, Rhodes covered his face with a black cloth, only revealing his scarlet eyes. He didn't want all the undead on the street to salute him after his identity was recognized. Although he trusted Sally, he was a mixed bag of thieves. There must be a sorcerer's eyeliner in the middle, and his sudden visit to Sally will inevitably arouse Morril's vigilance.

Fortunately, in a town dominated by thieves, masking is not uncommon.

Looking around, Rhodes saw at least dozens of thieves covering their faces in front of the thieves' booth. They were either wearing masks or, like Rhodes, casually covering their faces with cloth. A few looked upright and showed their faces. The thief also has traces of camouflage Dafa on his body. Maybe other thieves couldn't feel the traces of magic, but Rhodes felt it clearly.

"I want golden spider down, saprophytic moss, and phoenix tail feathers."

As Rhodes was marching, the words of a thief reached his ears, which made him frown slightly.

"Those are not for sale." The stall owner replied flatly.

"Not for sale, that's for people who don't understand their value." The thief's voice was hoarse and low, wearing a mask of a banshee, he couldn't see the true face below, and then threw a space ring, "My bid will satisfy you."

The stall owner took the ring, and after investigating, an uncontrollable smile appeared on his face: "I don't have phoenix tail feathers, phoenix disappeared a hundred years ago, and no one has seen them at all, until now. , I'm afraid they're all dead long ago. The last time I heard about Phoenix's tail feather was at an auction more than ten years ago. But if you want dragon teeth, dragon horns, or even complete dragon wings, I can do it here. supply."

"Only the first two." The thief replied quickly, turning his eyes slightly at the same time, scanning the surroundings with his peripheral vision, keeping full vigilance in his heart.

After finishing the transaction, he circled around a few times and came to another booth. The mask on his face turned into a rough stone mask at some point. After confirming the items on the booth, he said: "I want a dragon. King Beard, Moon Eating Insect, and Phoenix Tail Feather."

"There are no phoenix tail feathers here." The short-statured stall owner quickly gathered all the materials he wanted, and the two completed the transaction.

After several times, he gathered all the materials he wanted from the nearby stalls, but the phoenix tail feathers never landed, which made him secretly anxious, and what made him even more nervous was that he seemed to be being watched, then A person is like a gangrene attached to the bone, no matter how concealed he is, he can't shake the opponent away, and that person always follows behind him.

Finally, in the depths of a deserted alley, he stopped, and two slender snake-shaped daggers appeared in his palm: "Show me, I know you're following me."

Rhode's figure came out, and the pair of scarlet eyes also stared at the thief's heart, and the dagger in his hand became more and more clenched, and the person did not cooperate, so he launched an attack: "Who sent you here? What's your purpose?"

"It seems that you don't need Phoenix tail feathers? Maybe I found the wrong person." Rhode waved his hand and said lightly.

"Wait." The thief stopped Rhodes, who was about to leave, and asked suspiciously, "Do you really have phoenix tail feathers? As early as hundreds of years ago, phoenixes disappeared."

Rhode stretched out his hand, and a bright red and slender feather appeared in his palm. The feather glowed with a warm luster like a flame. As soon as it appeared, the temperature in the vicinity rose rapidly. Looking at the unique feather, the thief His breathing also became rapid: "This is the phoenix tail feathers we are dealing with."

"I didn't say that." However, under the puzzled eyes of the thief, Rhodes rejected his proposal.

"I didn't say what kind of reward I would give in exchange for the phoenix tail feather in your hands. Believe me, you must not have the heart to refuse this reward." The thief's words were a little more eager.

"No matter how precious the reward is, how can it compare to the brain-eating worm you refined?" Rhode said lightly, and the thief's expression changed drastically.