Under the joint efforts of hundreds of magic mages, the frost shrouded the Legion members, just breathing. There was no Legion member who could move freely. Instead, there was a huge ice, in which everything on the ground was completely sealed.

After completing the spell, many magic mages bent down to breathe, and others sat directly on the airship deck, with a look of detachment on their faces.

On the main ship, deken looked at the scene below, but his frown did not stretch.

Magic mages work together to cast spells that ordinary magic can't achieve in any case. In order to make the eternal ice smooth, deken first threw countless self exploding mages to raise the water magic elements in the space to a higher level, and then relied on the Pearl to dissolve Rhode's burning field, which made the spell completely take shape.

"Great Dragon slaying hero, we have done it. The hateful necromancer has been frozen forever!" a magic mage cheered beside deken.

However, the dark skinned deken just shook his head: "you're wrong. Maybe the ordinary enemy will be frozen by that spell forever, but the dead mage won't. from the field he has, maybe it won't be long before he can get out of trouble smoothly when the jewel in my hand loses its efficacy."

Hearing the speech, the magician was anxious: "ah? What should we do?"

"What to do?" deken glanced at the ice that wrapped everything under his eyes. "That's not what we can worry about. The magic guild asked us to delay the task of the necromancer, which has been completed by now. Let's leave it to them."

Listen to deken's orders, the nearby magic mages have no doubt. Compared with the battlefield in front of them, the college attacked in the rear is what they pay more attention to. If it weren't for the matter of the necromancer, they wouldn't want to stay here.

The bright golden portal was opened. This time, without the obstruction of the burning field, the remaining airships quickly entered it and returned to the magic school devastated by the dragon.

"Rod..." deken's main ship was the last to leave. Before leaving, he looked at the huge ice below and said slowly, "your field can be suppressed by this treasure. Are you the legendary element monarch? It's obviously impossible..."

Deken sighed deeply. With doubts, the airship master finally passed through the slowly closed portal.

With the departure of the airship troops, the whole space suddenly became quiet. The roar of the cold wind was the only sound that could be heard here.

I don't know how long, maybe a few hours, or a few days, when the sky darkened, all around fell into darkness, and a flame ignited from the solid ice that frozen many Legion members.

Under the fiery flame condensed by the elemental monarch, the solid ice that will never melt is thawing little by little. The fire is getting bigger and bigger. In the twinkling of an eye, a prairie fire is formed. Soon, a group of Legion members can get out of trouble.

"Lord... Man..." he broke away from the solid ice and dragged his frozen stiff body to rod's side. His skin had no blood color and his limbs became stiff. If he tried hard, he could even dismantle all his joints completely, "please... Give me... The glory of death."

Not only him, but also all the members of the nearby Legion. They were sealed in solid ice for a long time, which made their blood coagulate and had no combat ability at all. Even those great demons, under rod's command, did not dare to use the flame to hide away, and could only bear the eternal ice of the magic mage.

Only rod, relying on the body of the dead who lost their flesh and blood, remained in good condition. He looked at the nearby Legion members, burned all the flames and quickly swallowed them. For the great demons who resisted the flames, rod raised the arrow of Titan.

Soon, a group of ready Legion members reappeared in front of rod. The ability in the field of death sweeps away their injuries and weakness caused by freezing. At the moment, each of them can come up with the most perfect state.

"Master, you have given us the glory of death, commander farezer, pay high tribute to you." when everything was finished, farezer said respectfully.

"My burning field has just failed. Otherwise, I won't be trapped by those magic mages."

Looking at the completely dark sky, rod's face sank. From the timing of the system, rod knew that the Legion members had been trapped here for at least half a day, and those mages were bound to make more preparations by using these time.

Seeing that rod just waved his hand, farezer quickly added: "the most important thing now is to find out what means those mages used to invalidate the great master's field. If they don't find out this and find out the way to counteract it, they will use this means again next time."

The analysis from farezer attracted a burst of approval from other Legion members. They don't want to taste the ice again.

"I already know." facing farezer's proposal, rod just said faintly. His words also surprised the Legion members. They never thought that rod could see through the means used by the mage in such a short time.

"Please answer the master's questions," farezer asked rod, half kneeling.

"Those magic mages rely on a treasure to make the burning field ineffective. I have obtained the same treasure before, but the corresponding magic elements are different."

Recalling the red jewels deken took out, rod said in a deep voice. If rod is right, the Red Pearl deken took out is the fire spirit ball, one of the most precious treasures of the fire system.

Rod could recognize the origin of the Pearl at a glance, thanks to the fact that he had obtained a similar treasure. In the underground world alien competition, rod's final treasure reward is the water spirit ball.

In terms of style, the water spirit ball is very similar to the fire spirit ball. The only difference is that the color of the water spirit ball is ocean like dark blue, while the fire spirit ball is fiery red.

What rod didn't expect was that deken suppressed his burning field by relying on the power of the fire spirit ball. You know, the field of burning embers is the field of the fire element monarch, which is not comparable to ordinary spells. Even so, it is still suppressed by the fire spirit ball, which makes rod have a deeper guess about the efficacy of those spirit balls.