He was holding the broken bottle and staring at Lin Huizhen and Qiao at ease.

"Go away!"

Qiao an was scared to step back.

She looked at Qiao's father in fury, and looked at Qiao Mianmian and Qiao Chen standing on one side, and suddenly sneered: "Qiao mianmianmian, is this what you want to see?"

Qiao looked at her coldly: "it's your mother who caused all this. She's sorry for Dad. We just let dad know the truth. "

"Qiao mianmianmian, you will not die easily!" "You're not going to die well," Joe said

As soon as Joe finished, he felt as if he was being watched by death.

A chill suddenly permeated the whole body.

As soon as she raised her head, she turned to the extreme coldness of Mo Ye Si's eyes.

The man's dark and cold eyes seemed to be frozen, and there was a layer of cold air around his eyes. Just a glance at each other, Joe felt as if he was frozen by the cold in his eyes and could not move.

A deep fear came out of her heart uncontrollably.

She didn't dare say another word.

She felt that she said another word, the next second, moyesi can kill her.

"If you dare to hurt her, I can make you die now." Mo Ye Si's voice was bleak as if from hell.

Joanne was stiff and white with fear.


a moment later, Qiao Anxin and Lin Huizhen left Qiao's home in a gloomy mood.

As soon as they left, Joe's father seemed to have been drained of all his strength and fell down on the chair.

His face was pale, his lips were still shaking, and his hands were shaking.

Obviously, the mood has not yet calmed down.

This is a big blow to Joe's father.

For a moment and a half, he could not fully accept it.

He was betrayed by the people he trusted most.

Or betrayed in this way.

This is not acceptable to any man.

Because of his poor health, Qiao's face looked a little haggard. After being hit deeply, his face did not show any blood color. He was at least five years old in an instant.

He sat on the chair pale and his chest was still surging.

"Dad, are you ok?" Qiao mianmianmian looked at him like this and asked anxiously.

She felt Qiao Chen was still impulsive.

Even if they want to tell father Qiao that Lin Huizhen has a man outside, they should not choose this time today.

And it shouldn't be so direct.

It made Joe's father suffer too much for a moment.

Qiao mianmianmian is worried that his body will not be able to withstand such a blow.

Because Joe's father looks very bad now.

"When did you know about it?" Instead of answering her, Joe asked another question, "where did you get those photos?"

Qiao mianmianmian Leng next, turn head to see eye Qiao Chen.

"Dad, I got the picture." Qiao Chen also did not conceal, directly said the situation at that time, "Qiao an Xin framed elder sister, has been fabricating sister's negative rumors on the Internet. In order to counter her, I used some means to check the contents of her mobile phone

"By the way, I also checked aunt Charlene and found out that she was very close to the man in the picture."

"My sister and I wanted to tell you about it, but we didn't think you could withstand such a big blow. I'm afraid you will hurt your health if you are too angry and sad, so let me not say it for the time being

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