In the battle evaluation guild, Chen Ping had followed the instructions of that person, left the test stand, and found the area divided by the battle zone.

Although there is no test here, each person will be assigned a combat zone based on their specialties.

Some people are used to using mechas. Although they already have a certain strength, in order to further strengthen their combat power, they will choose to use mechas to increase their combat power.

And there are still some people who like to research, invent and create machines.

So they have a lot of mechanical beasts, robots, as their combat assistants.

Of course, it's not just some mechanical beast robots, there are also many auxiliary combat tools and auxiliary combat equipment.

As for the last group of people, it is also the most numerous.

It's people like Chen Ping who fight by relying on their own strength.

This kind of number is the most numerous, of course, Young Master Wang is also among them.

It's just that what Chen Ping didn't expect was that there were three people beside Young Master Wang at this time, and these three people should be specially arranged.

As for the purpose, Chen Ping can see it through the young master Wang's eyes.

It must have been prepared against him.

However, Chen Ping didn't care too much, anyway, the soldiers came to cover them up, not to mention their strength is not strong yet.

After the region was selected, Chen Ping was assigned to the seventh war zone.

And Young Master Wang is also in this war zone just like him.

Through the introduction of the people here, Chen Ping knew that in the so-called seventh war zone, the level of entry into the virtual battlefield was determined by the points obtained from the completed customs clearance results in individual battles.

But this time, a staff member sent a chip for everyone to insert into their own communicators.

"Everyone, according to the war zone you have divided, walk into the gate of your corresponding war zone, and start your personal battle there."

Chen Ping was no stranger to personal battles. He had participated in such tests when he was in the Iron Division.

What he didn't expect was that when he just entered the gate of the seventh war zone, he suddenly felt his body stiffen, and then the scene in front of him changed.

A burst of electronic synthesis sounded in his mind.

"Personal battle goal, to prevent the enemy from invading the middle layer, the goal completion time, 35 minutes."

Hearing this reminder, Chen Ping realized that the middle-level building was restored in front of him.

And the place where I am is in front of the battle evaluation union.

However, as far as Chen Ping could see, gunpowder was already filling the air, and battles were going on everywhere.

Seeing this scene, Wishing began to think about how to pass this level.

Such a chaotic scene not only tests the strength of the individual, but also the ability of the forest farm to make decisions, including which things should be dealt with first and which things should be dealt with later.

This should be the key to personal warfare.

Chen Ping immediately discovered the problem.

At this time, the east side of the simulated middle layer is mechanical beasts and robots.

Their combat intelligence is automatically compared by the computer AI, and their attack methods are also the most violent.

The thermal weapon attack, coupled with the metal body, no matter which direction the strike is from, it cannot be underestimated.

There are quite a few people in the west, of course they are all simulated people, and their attack methods are all innate elements.

These two waves of enemies are rapidly advancing towards this side.

Chen Ping didn't need to use the electronic notification to remind himself that once he was captured by them, his personal battle would definitely be considered a failure.

It's just that at this moment, what should we do?

Chen Ping tried to activate his own fire element to attack those who were gifted with elements, but he found that the attack was canceled out by the same gifted elements from them before it fell on them.

This is not normal. With so many talented elementalists, it is impossible to launch an attack just to offset their own fire elemental attack.

This also means that your approach is wrong.

Immediately, Chen Ping launched another attack towards those robots and mechanical subjects, but to his surprise, although these attacks had an effect, the speed was very slow.

The effect of the attack is limited.

Obviously, this is not the optimal solution.

Suddenly, Chen Ping had a bold idea in his heart. If he guides the two of them to attack each other, will it be effective?

Chen Ping immediately rushed towards those robots and mechanical beasts, but the difference this time was that his attack this time did not directly intend to destroy them.

Because Chen Ping found that every time he attacked them, he could bring them closer to him, and when Chen Ping turned to the side, these robots and mechanical beasts all came towards him.

At the current speed, it is absolutely possible to bring them together.

It's just that Chen Ping felt that such a personal battle test was a little weird.

According to this idea, Chen Ping directly led these robots and mechanical beasts to the talented elementalists.

And with the last attack, Chen Ping jumped into the crowd of these talented elementalists.

This time, those gifted elementalists all had strange changes, and they began to attack each other, and those robots and mechanical beasts also joined the melee.

In just 5 minutes, Chen Ping's personal battle was over.

Immediately, his eyes went dark, and when Chen Ping opened his eyes, he had already returned to the door of the seventh war zone.

Seeing that Chen Ping woke up and stood in front of the door and raised his hand to signal, none of the staff could react. They looked at Chen Ping with doubts on his face.

"You completed the personal combat test so quickly?"

You must know that the personal battle test weakens the strength of the testers, so that they can have the determination to fight the middle level to the end.

So no matter who it is, the final result of the personal battle is a dead end.

This is to tell all those who come to participate in the battle evaluation to have a spirit of sacrifice, and to give up on yourself at critical times.

"Yes, my reminder is that the test is complete." Chen Ping said flatly.

Hearing what Chen Ping said, they were all taken aback for a moment, and then found the video of Chen Ping's personal battle.

And the more they watched the video, the more frightened they became, and they didn't even know what to do.

"Is this a loophole?"

"That's right, after so many tests, there has never been such a problem."

"No, let's go to the elder of the Wang family to have a look and see how he evaluates this matter."

Originally, in this test, whoever persisted for a long time would get better results, but because of Chen Ping, everything changed.