Antique market.

This is a magical place.

There are real goods here, but more fake ones.

Here you can't make trouble when you get fake goods at a high price, and when you get real goods at a low price, you have a good eye. The boss can't make trouble either.

Every day here seems to be overcrowded, because there are countless people who are attracted by the story of the previous generation of low-cost search for real salted fish and want to find a real treasure here to change their lives.

But these people have never bought a real thing in their lives.

Xu Shaochen got off at the door, left four people to watch the car and took eight bodyguards to the antique market.

Although there are many people, Xu Shaochen is still at ease when he is in the way of bodyguards.

At last, Xu Shaochen stopped at the entrance of an antique shop called "antique shop entrance".

The name is a little skinny. If you don't pay attention to it, you think his house is the entrance, and then you walk in. In fact, it's just the name of a shop.

"Oh, this gentleman, what do you want to choose? All my treasures here are treasures. Otherwise, look at this trigger finger, which is an old thing in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty."

The boss is a fat man with a big head and thick neck. Seeing Xu Shaochen, he glanced at the bodyguard behind him first, and then went up.

There are many big people like to come to this kind of place. After all, what they play with in their eyes is stimulation, so it's no surprise to take bodyguards with them.

If you buy fake goods, it's only because you have poor eyesight and can you make trouble with bodyguards? That would be too tasteless.

"Boss, you can name any good thing you take here. If you can recognize it by yourself, you will put it outside?"

Xu Shaochen looked at the boss and said with a smile.

This group of old silver coins, which can be said to be from the Qianlong period, can be said to be from the Xianfeng Period by giving him a broken bowl.

As long as you pick any goods here, he can tell you a 1234.

The boss's face is stiff. If you didn't take the bodyguard with you, you would have been killed in such a way.

"This gentleman is joking, or you can have a look at it yourself?" Although the boss make complaints about this, he still smiles on his face.

Xu Shaochen smiled and began to look at the things on the shelves.

Finally, his eyes fell on a bottle. He didn't know whether it was real or fake, but he felt like it was real.

You can only buy it first. Then you can find someone to identify it.

"Boss, this may be true."

At this time, Long Yi leaned in his ear and whispered.

Xu Shaochen looked at him a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the man with big eyes could understand antiques.

However, this time is not suitable for discussion. Longyi never shoots without any reason. Since he said that, he must be certain.

"Boss, how much is the bottle? I want it."

Xu Shaochen took the bottle down and looked at the boss.

The boss turned his eyes and pretended to say, "Sir, good eyesight, this object has a great beginning. This is the Northern Song Dynasty..."

"Come on, don't talk to me so much. Is it true or false that you haven't counted yet? I'll just buy it back and arrange flowers. Let's open a price."

Xu Shaochen interrupts him directly. Although he thinks it's true, he can't show it.

"Well This number. " The boss put up five fingers.

"Five hundred?" Asked Xu Shaochen.

The boss said, "Sir, you are joking again. Five thousand, take this bottle away."

"Two thousand, I'll go to the next one without selling. Although I don't lack money, I don't like to be treated as a bighead."

Xu Shaochen said that he would put the bottle back on the shelf.

"Ah, don't don't don't don't, oh, forget it. It's as if I made a friend with my husband. Take two thousand and I'll take the loss."

The boss sees appearance to say hurriedly, a pair of loss big appearance.

In fact, he had already laughed in his heart. He had collected the bottle from a country old man for 200 yuan.

It's been more than half a year since I put it here.

I didn't expect to sell it ten times. He has made a lot of money.

"Give it." Xu Shaochen looked at Long Yi and said.

Long Yi took out two thousand yuan of cash and handed it to the boss. A deal was thus concluded.

"Young master, that bottle..."

At this time, a young man came with two bodyguards and a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man saw the bottle pupil in Xu Shaochen's hand shrink, and then leaned over to the young man's ear and said something.

"How about selling this bottle to me, friend?"

Hearing this, the young man walked to Xu Shaochen with a smile on his face and said.

Xu Shaochen looked back and saw the young man shaking his head. "I'm sorry. If you like it, you can pick another one. I've already bought this bottle, so I won't let it out."

When the owner of the antique shop saw this scene, he felt that the rich people were stupid. A 200 piece bottle was still fighting for it.

"This gentleman, I have better here, or I will show you."

The boss looked at the young man entering the shop and said pleasantly.

The young man looked at him and sneered, "is that right? You still have this kind of genuine goods here? If so, I'll take two million. "

"Really Real goods? " The boss was stunned and didn't respond for a long time.

The middle-aged man behind the young man stood up and said, "if I am not mistaken, it should be Jun porcelain of Song Dynasty, and this bottle has a long history, otherwise I will not recognize it at a glance. Do you think it is genuine or fake?"

Other passers-by heard this in a great uproar. They looked at Xu Shaochen strangely. Their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

"Jun porcelain of the Song Dynasty, how could it be worth millions?"

"Fart. It's said that I made a Jun porcelain in Song Dynasty at the beginning, with a transaction price of 10 million yuan."

"Ten million..."

"My God!"

When the boss heard this, he looked at the two thousand dollars of cash in his hand. He cried out with a loud voice, and his mind was in chaos.

Fortunately, he was just complacent. For two thousand yuan, he lost tens of millions of NIMA. This was a blood loss.

He has seen a lot of successful owners being picked up by others in the antique shop. At this time, he would gloat and laugh at them.

But he never thought that he had been picked up for a day, and the whole heart was dripping blood.

"Boss, he's right. It's really Jun porcelain of Song Dynasty. At the beginning, I used to do some antique transfer business for my employer, so I'm familiar with this business."

Said Long Yi to Xu Shaochen.

Xu Shaochen turned a white eye, and God stepped on the horse to help employers transfer antiques.

He was hired by his employer to steal antiques from other people's houses. It's so reasonable.