Words fall.

The atmosphere on the field condenses.

Cheng zihuai's face turned black and blue!

Pei Yunge is comparing a dog with him??!


Before Cheng zihuai said it, Xia Luqing noticed Mrs. Huo's displeasure and immediately said with a smile, "in our opinion, Cheng is very talented. I wonder if Cheng has ever thought of joining the research team of the group?"

This is to hold Cheng zihuai, but also hope that old lady Huo in Cheng zihuai's identity, not too short.

Cheng zihuai regained his look, but his tone was hard and cold, with a bit of irony, "of course. However, there must be no other choice for qingchong computing center to make friends with Wen family. "

Everyone knows, this is the choice of Wen family!

"The teacher said it would help me win the Higgins project."

When Cheng zihuai said this, he glanced at Pei Yunge, with a sneer, "but miss Pei is so clever, maybe you can try these questions."

Cheng zihuai has long heard that Pei Yunge has no reason to quit school.

For more than half a year, he has been working hard in the computing center day after day. He has not been at the same level with PEI Yunge.

Pei Yunge just sneered and sat on the sofa to tease Arras.

"Well Zihuai, pass on these questions quickly

Xia Lu cleaned up her eyes and Pei Yunge, but she couldn't help but turn up her mouth and said to Cheng zihuai.

Hearing the speech, Cheng zihuai quickly passed on the content.

Among them, there are also Hongzhen's pens.

But unexpectedly, Nie Yu sent a voice over.

Xia Luqing can't wait to open the point, everyone heard it clearly.

Her smile grew stiff.

"Miss Xia, I think you may have misunderstood me. This is just a simple test basis, Marcus's requirements are all right.

Only students in schools need to look at grades, and real research can't tolerate a drop in the bucket. "


Cheng zihuai's composure on his face also disintegrated, and his face was instantly ugly!


Which test should be all right?!!


Cheng zihuai heard a not light or heavy sneer, he quickly turned his head, gnashing his teeth, "Pei Yunge?"

"Classmate Cheng, you can't. isn't there an old one?"

Pei Yunge's slow and leisurely playing taste is still defiant and publicized.

Mrs. Huo said

What Yun Ge said was "old", isn't it Hong Chongzhen?

People on the field doubt that Cheng zihuai will go on the spot, but fortunately he tolerated.

"Pei Yunge, if you really have such great ability, you can take this project for Huo Shi."

Cheng zihuai sneered.

If he can't, Pei Yunge is even more unworthy.

Xia Luqing said, "yes, Miss Pei and zihuai are in a high school, and they are about the same age.

Since Miss Pei dares to drop out of school and thinks there is nothing to learn, is this basic test OK? "

In fact, Cheng zihuai didn't finish the paper independently. Hong Chongzhen also helped.

After removing the moisture, Cheng zihuai's correct rate is only about 50%.

Pei Yunge glanced at those unread text messages, just a casual hook lip, "it seems unfair."

This makes Xia Luqing think Pei Yunge is afraid.

"Miss Pei can be so valued by Huo's, it must also be brilliant. We are looking forward to miss Pei's performance." Xia Luqing is intriguing.

All these words have been said, Pei Yunge will be ridiculed by the group if he does not agree.

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