“If you say your friend’s name, you are acquitted.”

“… … .”

Shuna clenched her fists. Her hands even trembled.

I didn’t rush, I waited.

In deep anguish, she soon looked straight at me.

“I refuse this offer.”


“I did nothing.”

“Really? Is that what you think?” I asked back sarcastically.

“Yes, but you are already offering me a deal on the premise that I am the culprit. Furthermore―”

I focused on not missing the smallest detail.

To observe her eyes, tone of voice, and gestures.

“I cannot sell my dear friends to live.”

“Last question, are you really going to refuse?”


Even in a situation where she could die, she did not abandon her friends.

‘If she was the culprit and had any purpose, she would have accepted the deal now.’

“All right, Shuna.” I smiled. “I don’t think you are the culprit either.”


The bad role was enough now.

“I’m sorry, I was just making a little guess.”

Shuna has a puzzled expression on her face.

“What do you mean… … ?”

“Literally, I was wondering if you were the culprit, so I tested you.”

I got up from my chair.

“As an apology, I will work hard to find the real culprit.”

In fact, even if Shuna accepted the deal, I would have investigated the other two.

‘Because I’ll do it carefully.’

After having a conversation with her, I know she is good-natured and has a strong will. I like her personally.

‘She has the loyalty of protecting her friends.’


‘Are Shuna’s friends really that loyal?’

I expected one of her friends to be the culprit.


After meeting Shuna, I returned to the Viscount’s mansion with the others.

In the meantime, I received an unexpected protest.

“Why did you protect her?”

I sighed. “Sir Laurent, calm down.”

‘I forgot for a moment because I was concentrating on the case.’

Laurent Delphine. A knight who doesn’t trust me.

I should have guessed that this kid was going to object to my opinion.

His deceased cousin seems to have been very close to him. Because of that, he was much more emotional than usual.

“You have to drag her away and execute her, as soon as possible!”

I crossed my arms and asked Ordin beside me. “Did you not explain anything to Sir Laurent?”

He also finds the situation difficult.

“I did explain to him, as well as to Viscount Delphine.”

So it means that he is currently unable to judge rationally because of his desire for revenge.

‘His family is dead, so it could be.’

But I can’t let him continue to behave like this.

Even the people who served tea in the drawing room were restless because of this commotion.

‘It’s difficult.’

There was nothing good for each other when rumors spread that the third son of Viscount Delphine was against the Marchioness Ainel.

‘Of all things, there’s no Aren.’

As his fellow knight, he would be of great help if he were here.

First of all, I ordered the maids who were serving refreshments.

“Leave it all and go.”

It was necessary to calm the opponent in a situation where there were no ears to hear.

But I wasn’t very happy with this situation either.

Laurent and I had very little contact even before I got my past life memory.

In other words, this guy is hostile to me for no direct reason.

From the look of the eyes he sometimes sends to Rupert, I guess he is someone who admires him.

‘Of course, I don’t care about that.’

But one thing is for sure: there’s no need to be polite to a rude person.

I spoke coldly. “Laurent Delphine, if you have any doubts about my judgment, refute it logically. Don’t be emotional like a child.”

He looked like he was going to cry at any moment.

“―I’m not emotional. On the contrary, the evidence is so clear, why do we need to conduct further investigations?”

“You’ve already heard the reason from Ordin, haven’t you?”

“I know there are other ways to blow up the warehouse. But that doesn’t prove that she didn’t use explosive magic.”

“You’re not wrong, but I’m just saying I’m going to spend more time investigating as other possibilities have arisen.”

“You’re just wasting your time simply by your boredom,” Laurent replied sharply.

“Watch your mouth.”

His statement crossed the line.

“Yeah, I could be wrong.”

Does this damn bastard think I’m just meddling out of boredom?

“But I’ve never taken this lightly.”

Rather, I wanted to eliminate the slightest possibility that Rupert would kill an innocent person.

“You are the one who takes this situation lightly.”

“I am not!”

“Now, this is the process of finding the culprit in order to alleviate the injustice of the victims, and one person’s life is at stake. That’s why I want to be careful.”

“… … .”

“But you refuse to confirm the doubts that exist in this case, and you only want to behead the suspect. Do you know what that means?”

I laughed briefly. “You don’t want to catch the real culprit right now, you just need someone to vent your anger on.”

“… … .”

“Now, is it me or you who take this situation lightly?”

He paused. As if he was stabbed in his conscience without him knowing.

“It’s okay if you don’t like me personally. But not being able to distinguish between the top and bottom is a problem, and it is even more problematic to lose judgment due to being swept away by emotions.”

“… … .”

“If you are a knight of the Ainel family, act accordingly,” I said in annoyance. “If you can’t, shut up.”

I jumped up from my seat right away.

As I stepped out of the drawing room, Ordin followed me.

“Haah… … .”

To cool off, I took a few deep breaths and exhaled.

Ordin waited patiently for me until I calmed down.

I turned around and asked, “Why are you following me? I thought you’d be with Sir Laurent.”

“What can I do to soothe a person who is lost in emotion? He should at least reflect on himself.”

“Why are you on my side?”

“Madam is right about this. Sir Laurent crossed the line because he was swept away by emotions, and his attitude was rude. He needed to say something to calm himself down.”

“Did he know?”

“He would have known. Even if he is young, he is not that stupid.”

“I’m glad then.”

Hesitating, Ordin added, “… You’ve been through a lot. Thank you for your hard work.”

I laughed briefly at the unexpected remark.

The first time I heard a compliment from him was after I scolded his subordinate.

Somehow it felt a little ironic.

‘But it’s a bit comforting though.’

I couldn’t stay put. I coughed lightly and spoke a little brighter to change the mood. “Okay, let’s think about Sir Laurent later. It would be best to settle the urgent problem we are facing right now.”

“How are you going to find out if the real culprit is among the two remainings? Shall we take all three of them to the Ainel estate and investigate them?”

“No, let’s leave it as something to do if the way I came up with fails.”

“You have an idea.”

A rather classic and common way, but it does exist.

“Let’s dig a trap.”


“The two remaining suspects are not in prison, but are in quarantine, right?”

“Because we haven’t been able to completely clear the charges.”

“Then call them both, lock them in a warehouse full of sacks of wheat flour, and turn on the light.”


“Because the culprit will know that the flour will explode. Whether running away or using a Shield, the one who will take action is probably the real culprit.”

Ordin was puzzled. Judging by his expression, he seems to be looking at me like a vicious devil.

“Are you saying you want to kill everyone now?”

“What do you see me as? I can’t kill anyone,” I grumbled.

If I wanted to solve it that way, I wouldn’t have to suffer like this.

“No one will be hurt, so don’t worry. Instead, it will be a bit cumbersome to prepare.”

Of course, I was planning to leave the troublesome preparations to Ordin.


Shuna’s friends’ names are Joan and Diane.

Joan is the third son of the Viscount, his academic grades are not very good, and he is meek and quiet in conversation.

“I can’t believe Shuna is still doing that… … .”

Diane is the eldest daughter of a Baron and has a fresh impression. She has a strong sense of pride and doesn’t flinch in front of me at all.

“She’s not the type to harm anyone with magic. There must be a reason.”

“I’m going to check it out as thoroughly as possible. So I need the help of you two, wizards.”

Diane and Joan answered,

“Just tell me, Marchioness.”

“… what is it?”

“It’s not dangerous.”

It’s not a lie.

It’s a trap, but not dangerous.

“I have a personal question.”

Having said that, I went with the two of them to the warehouse prepared in advance with the help of Viscount Delphine.

It is a place full of sacks of wheat flour, like the previously exploded warehouse.

“What place is this?

“Another Viscount Delphine’s warehouse. I wanted to look back on the situation at the time. For that, a place with the most similar conditions is better, right?”

“That’s right.” Diane agreed.

Joan hesitated and followed. “But we’re not as good as Shuna, so we can’t show you the explosive magic… .”

“Don’t worry, I won’t make you overdo it.”

I induced the two to come completely inside the warehouse.

“Can you two tell me where the explosive magic was installed at the time? I don’t know anything about magic, so I can’t figure it out.”

“To blow up a warehouse of this size, the location would have been in the center.”

Two people came inside.


At that moment, the warehouse door closed.