“……” Fu Shiyi glared at the intruder.


This is his brother's girlfriend. What's his heart?

Gu Weiwei dry smile, "thank you for your praise, Mr. Gustav."

"Nice to meet you." Anthony Gustav said, reaching for a Western hug.

Gu Weiwei smiled and quietly stepped back, extending her hand to show that she only accepted the handshake.

Anthony Gustav sighed regretfully, reached for her hand and raised it to kiss it.

Fu Shiyi's eyes were fast, and he put his hand on Gu Weiwei's hand.

So Anthony Gustav's kiss landed firmly on the back of his hand.

All of a sudden, the air around was quiet.

Gu Weiwei stared at the scene in front of her eyes. Anthony Gustav was stunned. He looked down at the hand he had just kissed. He couldn't believe that he had kissed a man's hand.

Several guests around them were also shocked by their amazing scene. The Swedish Prince seems to like the 10 billion movie queen very much. Otherwise, not so many female guests just shook their hands, but they had to kiss when they came to muwei.

It's not uncommon in the west to kiss hands.

However, Fu sanshao What is this?

It seems to prevent Prince Anthony from kissing muwei, but haven't they always claimed that they are only working partners?

Why is he so nervous now? Is it just necessary to kiss the back of hand?

Fu Shiyi took back his hand, rubbed it on his suit, and asked in a low voice.

"How did you get in?"

"If I can't even identify myself with an invitation card, it's not too useless." Anthony Gustav said directly.

After returning home, she lived in Fu Hanzheng's house, and he had no chance to see the above.

That's why I used a little cleverness to get together with today's activities to see her.

Fu Shiyi rubbed the back of his hand and stared at each other fiercely, warning in a low voice.

"Warning you, stay away from my sister-in-law."

However, Anthony Gustav completely ignored his warning and sat down on the other side of guvivi.

"I'm sorry, my place is right here."

Fu Shiyi clenched his teeth and looked at Gu Weiwei.

"Change seats with me."

Gu Weiwei didn't object. She sat in Fu Shiyi's position and let Fu Shiyi sit in her own position.

Fu Shiyi sat down between her and Anthony Gustav, glanced defiantly at each other, and then sent a message to her brother.

Fortunately, his brother had foresight and invited him.

Otherwise, something big will happen tonight.

Because Fu Shiyi was here, Anthony Gustav didn't come to talk to Gu Weiwei, although he also got involved in the event.

At the end of the activity, Gu Weiwei left early to join Fu Hanzheng and leave.

Gu Weiwei was worried that Fu Hanzheng would be angry, but he didn't mention it again.

However, Anthony Gustav did not appear at the scene of her subsequent announcement, and did not call her at a strange number.

What's more, after a few days, I left China in a state of near collapse.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Weiwei didn't know what happened in the middle, but the only thing for sure was what terrible thing Fu Hanzheng had done.