Chapter 128 - New Friend

By evening, they were all settled back in the ship, ready to sail back home. They all admitted that they missed this ship and were glad to be back here. At the same time, they missed the island. A lot had happened during the past 13 days. There were times of fun and also heart wrenching moments to go with it. This was truly one holiday to remember. 

"Are you okay? You look worried." Reen asked Joreen who was looking out the window.

"I... am good..."

"No, you are not. What's wrong with you?" She asked.

Joreen knew she could not keep it from her so she began to spill it out. "I'm worried. A lot of things is making me worried."

"I'm... listening." Reen urged her to continue.

"I can't just stop thinking about the fact that there is someone here who is probably keeping an eye on me. I was a little bit relaxed in the Island since we were in an enclosed space, but coming back here..." 

She left the window to sit on the bed. "We haven't found the person who sent me those chocolates also." 

"Go on. I know there is more." Reen urged her.

"There... has not been much progress with unc— I mean, Hoy. I don't know... I think he... likes me... but doesn't like me much. Maybe because I am too young and he wants a more mature lady?" She asked thoughtfully. 

"Aww.. I think you are thinking too much." Reen said, sitting beside her. 

"I think uncle Hoy likes you a lot. It's obvious to everyone. He cares about you, always worry about you and his eyes are always on you. I think he actually likes you a lot so let's leave that out. Next, the creepy guy who gave you those chocolates, I know he is doing a good job hiding from us, but we are going to find him. You don't have to worry about him too much. We are all here to protect you. And for the stalkerish reporter or whoever he is, I don't think he is going to try nonsense anymore considering the number of people involved now." 

Joreen visibly relaxed.

Just then, a knock came on their door. 

"I'll get it." Reen said before heading to the door. 

She was surprised to see Hoy standing there. This was rare. 

"Hello.." He greeted rather awkwardly. 

Reen raised a questioning brow at him. There were two impossible things in this world, the sun rising from the West and the second one, seeing Li Hoy nervous. 

"Is Jo in?" He asked. 

"Yes. She is in. And I was just about to go out." She said and quickly left the room to scout outside.

"Who is there?" Joreen asked when she no longer heard Reen's voice. 

Reen didn't answer and when Joreen heard the door begin to close. Her imagination began to run wild so she stood up from the bed quickly and turned towards the door. There, she saw Hoy. 

She was very surprised to see him standing there and it showed on her face. 

"What... are..." She blinked a couple of times in confusion. "What are you doing here?" She asked. 

"I can't stroll into the room across mine and say hello to the occupant?" He asked seriously like it was a natural thing to do so.

She thought about his question for a moment before shaking her head, "No.. you can't."

That made him chuckle a bit before his face returned to normal. 

"I... just wanted to know how you were doing. You look.. fine." He said, looking her up and down. She was well dressed in a shirt and trousers but his imagination began to run wild. 

"I'll just leave." He turned around immediately and began to head for the door but she ran after him and stood between him and the door.

He tried not to look at her but it wouldn't make sense to just stand there while looking elsewhere so he looked at her face. 

He noticed she didn't seem to know what to say. She had simply stood in front of him to stop him from leaving? 

"I have to go." He said quietly.

"I met a guy!" She blurted out.

That seemed to get his attention and he raised a brow.

"He wanted us to hang out later tonight. You have met him before. He sang during the talent show here a few days ago. He met me today and asked if I wanted to hang out later. I told him I would think about it. We... I mean... you and I... we aren't dating so it's okay for me to go hang out with him right?" She asked, looking directly into his eyes. 

She noticed how his facial expression changed but it was only a flash and he kept a serious face. 

"You mean the boy with a blue hair who handed you a rose?" He asked. 

She blinked in surprise, "You did remember him!" 

Of course he did! Why would he forget that? He had practically been flirting with her and she had allowed it, looking at him with love in her eyes. 

That had reminded him so much about their age difference. A lot of young girls these days liked guys who looked like kpop idols, dyed their hairs and wore earrings, but he couldn't look like that. Why would she be happy with a boring and aloof guy like him? Maybe it was best he let her go? The thought was painful but he tried to keep a smile on his face.

"Okay. Have fun. And be careful." He was almost reaching to pat her hair like he always did, but he withdrew his hand and found his way towards the door. She didn't stop him this time, she let him go while looking crestfallen. 

She wondered what was up with him and why he always held himself back. 

She kept having contrasting feeling when it got to do with him. One time, she felt like he loved her a lot. She had had that feeling this morning when she remembered how he treated her on the night of her birthday. He cooked for her and gave her a really nice gift. Then she got drunk and after he dropped her on her bed, she remembered he leaned down and dropped a kiss on her forehead. She had thought it was a dream but she clearly remembered it this afternoon. After he dropped the kiss on her forehead, he kissed her nose and then her cheeks before be abruptly stood up like he had done something wrong and left the room instantly.

The memory had made her blush until she remembered how he had treated her this morning during breakfast. It was as if she hadn't been there. He simply focused on his meal. And then when they returned here, he also didn't spare her a glance. It had made her confused and sad but all of a sudden, he was here again. He wanted to know how she was doing. It had also excited her but then, he didn't mind her hanging out with another guy? Wasn't he jealous? 

Since that was what he wanted, fine. She was going to go along with what he wanted. She got dressed and sent a message to blue haired boy, letting him know she was free to hang out tonight.

So that evening, he came to her room. 

He was wearing a leather pant and jacket with a black boot. His hair was still a striking blue colour and was combed to the back but some stubborn strands fell on his forehead. He smiled when she came out of her room. She had chosen a red turtleneck shirt tucked in a black leather almost—mini skirt and a sneakers. She let her braids down and wore a mild makeup which Reen had helped her with. Since inside the ship was usually warm, she didn't bother to carry a coat. 

"You look stunning. As expected." He said with a dimpled smile.

She returned the smile but it wasn't as sincere as his. Her eyes went to the opposite door which was locked and it lingered there until he asked,

"Shall we?"

She nodded and began to follow him. When he draped a hand around her shoulders, she quickly shrugged his hand off and moved away from him which caused him to stop and raise a questioning brow, 

"Sorry. I don't like being touched or held like that." She said apologetically. 

"Oh..." He looked a little confused. "But you are an actress. How do you cope with it?" 

"Well... that is a different aspect of me. This is reality." 

He chuckled. "Let me guess, there is someone you like? You don't really look keen on hanging out with me." 

"Sorry." Joreen said awkwardly while looking at the side. She couldn't deny it. 

He reached for her chin with his hand and turned her head to face him before he remembered she didn't like being touched. He was actually a very touchy kind of guy so he hoped he would always remember. 

"Sorry about it." He raised his hands as if he was surrendering. "I'm quite an observant person and I've noticed you looking at the CEO of G‐GLOBAL in a very interesting way."

Her eyes shone and she looked around to be sure no one else heard him since she could not deny it if he had truly took note of that. Just how many more people knew about it?

"I heard he is like your caretaker. I won't blame you for falling for him. He's really... something." He winked at her and continued to walk. She quickly followed him. She didn't even know what she was supposed to say at that point. 

"So I noticed how dull you looked today and wanted to cheer you up. I'm glad you agreed to hang with me. A bunch of the other kids think you are too cool and unreachable but we are.." 

Joreen didn't know how to feel about this guy who seemed to know too much about her. But for some reason, she felt like they could be friends. He wasn't creepy or making her uncomfortable. 

"Do not look at me like that." He said in amusement. "Let's just hope we bump into him and make him jealous. Hmm?" He winked at her again before he continued to walk ahead.