Chapter 1976

And at the moment, the members of the selection team, each face is full of excitement and happiness!

What's more?

The end is doomed!

It's just like voting for a monitor. If 60 of the 100 votes were cast for one person, the end can be declared, because the victory or defeat has been divided.

"Ha ha ha ha - Princess minlaner wins!"

"I knew that we were the winner

"Feng dance can come up in the early stage, but it is not opportunistic? Now when it comes to hard power, isn't she going to stop? "

"How dare you compare with Princess minlaner? What does she compare with Princess minlaner? "

The harsh words spread to the opposite side.

Feng Xun clenched his fist and tried to refute, but What to refute?

Isn't that right?

The results have come out, they have lost

Fengyu looked at Dugu Yamo with pride: "aren't you very proud? Don't you worship Feng dance very much? Now, all of you are going to die in Fengwu pit. What's your feeling now

Dugu Yamo clenched his fist! Eyes twitch violently!

The reason why his Majesty the ghost king is called his Majesty the ghost king is because of this man Too much fun.

Whether it's the primary team or the Jedi survival team, it's all his pawns.

Since it's a chess piece, it's natural to play with it as much as you want.

Therefore, the evil taste of the king of ghosts suddenly smile, smiling at them, like a smile: "in fact, you may not die."


Everyone looked at his majesty with wide eyes.

"Now, I'll give you another chance to choose," said his Majesty the evil king

What is the opportunity to choose?

Everyone is looking at the ghost king!

His Majesty the ghost king was very proud: "very simple, now you have the opportunity to choose the team again."

His Majesty the ghost king said this --


Everyone was shocked!

The chance to re select the team, what does that mean?!

At the moment, almost all the members of either the primary team or the Jedi survival team were looking at his Majesty the ghost king for fear that he was telling lies.

Fengsang is the most excited, she exclaimed: "is it true? You mean, if I want to go to the selection team now, can I

His Majesty the ghost King's aura is so powerful and unpredictable that he shoots his eyes at fengsang. All of a sudden, fengsang is frozen and unable to move.

What a terrible look

She froze on the spot, numb, and even forgot to breathe.

The king of ghosts, whose temperament is uncertain, suddenly burst into laughter: "you are right. Now anyone can choose the team freely, there is no upper limit of personnel!"

That is to say -

if everyone chooses the main team, it is OK?

"But only the captain is not allowed to choose." The ghost King's majesty smiles and looks at Feng Xun and others whose face suddenly changes!

Feng Xun was really moved just now!

"Why can't the captain be chosen?" Feng Xun glared at his Majesty the ghost king and was angry and defeated.

seems to be enjoying the wind and the wind of the wind. He is not angry, but he is still pleased with himself. "I has the final say," he said. "That's why I can't do that.

"You're unreasonable!" Feng Xun was angry.

His majesty continued to be proud, evil spirit proud face: "is not reasonable, is so wayward, unconvinced ah?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!