Chapter 1568

Emperor Wu saw Feng dance at a glance and frowned for a while.

This phoenix dance What a troublemaker.

"Bring them here." Emperor Wu ordered Duke Bai.

Uncle Bai nodded and walked quickly.

At the moment, Feng dance saw that Princess saifeiluo had to compare with her. She was about to promise to come down. The feud of a whip was so easy to eliminate?

But before she spoke, Duke Bai arrived.

As a result, although they were reluctant, they were all invited to Emperor Wu in the end.

"What's going on?"

Emperor Wu, who was high on the throne, swept his eyes from the faces of all the people present, and finally fixed himself on the face of Feng dance.

Speaking of Emperor Wu's impression of Feng dance It's really full of emotion, even he doesn't know what attitude to treat Feng dance.

This girl is an amazing talent, but she is disobedient like Jun Linyuan.

"She's going to kill me." Feng dance is simple four words, but the present people were scared.

Saifeiluo princess also did not expect, Feng dance unexpectedly so bold!

For a moment, everyone's eyes are focused on the face of saifeiluo princess!

Saifeiluo's fierce eyes stare at Feng dance!

Feng dance stands proud, not threatened by her.

Seiner Khan glared at Princess saifeiluo with a slightly reproachful tone: "you girl, how can you do this? You're too arrogant, you know? "

Is that a scolding tone? Emperor Wudi was dissatisfied.

Princess Saifei whipped her whip and snorted, "it's just a little slave. If you kill it, you'll kill it. What's the matter? What a tiresome thing

Is it a little slave girl? Princess senor's eyes swept the Feng dance, and secretly praised in her heart that she was a pretty little slave girl.

In his heart, seiner Khan didn't care about killing a female slave, but he still pretended to show it to Emperor Wu.

Then, he glared at Princess saifeiluo again: "you girl, why are you so wayward? Do you think she's a slave girl on the grassland and can be killed by you? Do you want to apologize to your majesty

What senar Khan meant was that Princess saifeiluo could kill female slaves at will on the grassland, so she didn't deliberately target the female slave now. Moreover, if Emperor Wudi was concerned, it would be that he would not tolerate.

At the moment, Emperor Wu's majestic tiger eyes squint dangerously. He stares at Princess saifeiluo.

Emperor Wu is a very protective and contradictory person.

When there are no external contradictions, his attitude towards Feng dance will be somewhat complicated, but once there are external contradictions, Emperor Wu will start to protect his weaknesses.

Princess saifeiluo was very reluctant, but in the end she came forward neatly and clasped her fist to Emperor Wudi: "Your Majesty, you were so angry that you killed her in public, so that you could see the joke. Feiluo apologized to you. Don't be angry."

Emperor Junwu almost didn't die of her apology.

The implication of saifeiluo is that she apologized for killing Feng dance in public. In fact, she should have killed Fengwu secretly.

Emperor Wudi's dangerous eyes burst out with cold light. Instead of speaking to Princess saifeiluo, he turned his head, and his cold voice was sweating at senor.

Emperor Junwu: "who said she was a female slave?"


Seiner Khan heart a Lin, suddenly have a bad premonition.

Standing not far from the three princesses and others, the heart is also awe inspiring!

No, your Majesty's words are clearly dancing towards the Phoenix. , the fastest update of the webnovel!