With the leader of team 2 of Tiange [Tianba] officially dissolving the team.

The 200000 players in the team spread like a mass of loose sand.

They don't know that their former leader has been permanently wiped out!

They thought they had been released, but unexpectedly, this will be the beginning of another nightmare

On the road from Liuguang city to the dead sea.

The 200000 players of team 2 of Tiange, who were released, hurried back to the city and discussed and planned their lives with each other.

"Now the second team is dissolved, and we are finally free from the claws of Tiange. We don't have to be bound by them anymore. Brothers, where are you going next?"

"I don't care as long as I don't have to fight against the dragon family, as long as I don't have to fight for anyone!"

"I want to create a team and stand aloof from the world. We only pursue peaceful development. Do you have any brothers who want to join?"

"I'll join!"

"Count me in and I'll join!"

While players are talking to each other.

There was a stir in the air.

In the crowd, players raised their heads one after another.

Impressively, a large group of black dragons leaped in the air!

There are hundreds of giant dragons, which are located around this group of players.

The crowd was stunned.

Because the siege around them is a dark war dragon with a level of up to 200 that they have never heard of!

And on the back of each dragon, there is a player riding!

"Dragon... Dragon Knight?!"

When 200000 players of the besieged Tiange team 2 were shocked.

I saw: a "Dragon Knight" jumped off the dragon's back.

Looking at it, I found that it was not a dragon knight at all, but an ordinary player!

Moreover, it is also from the fourth [heaven] family captain in the team list of Liuguang City: lv171 seven turn warrior · heaven and hell!

On the backs of other black dragons, all of them are [heaven] players!

After all, it is the fourth top family in Liuguang city.

For [heaven], the players of team 2 of Tiange have heard of it.

Just in front of heaven and hell, a knight man said to heaven and hell, "you... Where did you get these dragons?"

Heaven and hell laughed and said, "it doesn't matter where you got it. What matters is... Do you want to have the ability to ride dragons like me?"

If you say no, it's false.

Because the dragon family is the sacred race that every player in the Apocalypse world wants!

However, they did not recognize that the dragon family they played was just the dark dragon family.

In the crowd, many people nodded immediately: "think!"

"How can I become a dragon knight like you?"

Heaven and hell said lightly, "just join us."

Just as the players hesitated.

Heaven and hell then said, "dragon knight is still secondary."

"The goal of our heavenly family is to become Liuguang city and even the strongest family in the Apocalypse world! At that time, even Tiange and the dragon family will have to submit to us!"

"Do you want to rule the world with us?"

Among the crowd, you look at me, I look at you, and I hesitate.

But all around, so many level 200 dragons that can be controlled by people are really exciting!

Heaven and hell continued to alarmist: "don't worry, we won't squeeze you like Tiange. If you come to my heaven family, you are also free. As long as the time is ripe, you will rule the world with us!"

Under the encouragement of heaven and hell, someone finally began to shake: "I join your heaven!"

Heaven and hell showed a "sincere" smile: "welcome."

Then, more and more players applied to join heaven.

At present, the level 10 team paradise is already full.

The condition for adding heaven is just to change the ID and change the format to the [heaven] prefix.

On the contrary, it makes this group of human bodies feel free.

And they just quit Tiange. They were going to change their names and live again.

Moreover, heaven and hell deliberately did not take coercive measures.

Two thirds of the 200000 players who withdrew from Tiange team 2 chose to join heaven.

Another third chose to leave, and the players of the paradise family let them go without blocking them.

At this time, heaven and hell opened the friends list and sent a message to the "mysterious man" in the list: "we have incorporated the people of their second team into our heaven by taking advantage of the opportunity of Yinuo to attack the second team of Tiange according to your instructions!"

"Next, when are we going to take action against Tiange and dragon clan?"

"Continue to wait for the opportunity." the other party replied.

Although heaven and hell were a little anxious, they were still patient and said, "OK."

The night is dark and the wind is high.

The news of the demise of the second Tiange team overnight reached the ears of Liuhuo in July for the first time.

Liuguang City, the exclusive meeting room of Tiange team.

In July, Liuhuo quickly convened the four heavenly kings, the captains and vice captains of the three teams and four teams and other officials to hold an emergency meeting.

"What happened? How did the second team dissolve?"

July Liuhuo asked, "does anyone know what they are doing tonight?"

At this time, the leader of the third team of Tiange and the level 172 alien assassin [God] said: "the guy of Tianba is very selfish. He often takes the people of the second team for their own obscene development, as if he was afraid that our third team and fourth team would surpass them."

"It's estimated that you're going to which hidden map is obscene and developed ~"

July Liuhuo asked again, "what about the second team? Why don't one come to the meeting!"

July Liuhuo looked at Tianqi: "didn't you inform the second team of the meeting?"

Instead, Tianqi asked the July Liuhuo in surprise, "didn't you see the friend display?"

Seems to be aware of something.

July Liuhuo opens the friends list.

In the list, the names of several officials at the core of the second team have all turned gray!

Gray, a symbol of death!

July Liuhuo was shocked: "who can tell me what happened to the second team tonight?"

Tianqi immediately said, "listen to several surviving officials of the second team saying that they were going to brush a hidden map tonight, and they were ambushed by yinuoqing city on the way."

"Yinuo Qingcheng used his dragon to take all eight officials of the second team, and then the second team was dissolved."

"It is expected that Yinuo Qingcheng should forcibly take them to a map with the mechanism of in-situ resurrection of death, force Tianba to dissolve the team, and then erase them, trying to completely destroy the second team."

In July, his eyes were blazing and his fists clenched: "a promise is the city!"

"I am at odds with you!"