The distance from Moonlight City to garrison camp is not short.

At full speed, it took them half an hour to get here.

When I came to the garrison camp again, I found that yinuoqing City, which had been guarding at the entrance of the camp, and the dozens of dragon archers, were all gone!

"Where are they?"

Stop outside the camp and look around Xianjian.

Myth didn't care: "I guess I was scared away?"

"I know we're coming from outside. We can't use this map outside. No matter how powerful he is, he can fight thousands of our three major teams alone?"

"Leave that crap alone!"

After a pause, myth then shouted, "brothers, go in and get the boss. When we blow up the boss, we will take back ten times what they owe us!"


Myth and fairy sword led more than 2000 players behind them to rush into the garrison camp again.

And now.

In the camp, the fighting is still very fierce.

Under the massacre attack of the magic dragon wukana, only a thousand of the original people of the three major teams have been hung up.

The Qi and blood of wukana also fell to half the position!

Facts have proved that there is no boss who can't be pushed down in front of the crowd tactics.

So, united with the teammates who came from the city again, the three teams gathered 3000 people and continued to attack the half blood boss.

Until wukana's blood volume fell to 30%, suddenly, her whole body was red.


A deafening roar, wukana, changed


The players of the three teams can't stand their inner joy.

"Variant 5-star dragon boss, this is the rhythm against the sky!"

"What kind of character are we? God wants us to rise!"

Seeing the mutant magic dragon and the myth and fairy sword hiding in the distance, they couldn't stop itching.

"I feel like we're going to be invincible!"

With the myth, the voice just fell.

The fairy sword laughed and said, "yes, the mutant 5-star dragon boss can explode 6-star equipment?"

"I'm not sure! Anyway, the team building order and the minimum 5-star God costume can't run away. Even the dragon's hidden task scroll and the dragon's hidden occupation can burst out!"

Speaking of this, the two became more excited.

"Later, when the boss mutation period passes and enters a weak state, we will go too!"

And just then.

Among the crowd, near the exit of the camp, a cry came suddenly.

"Yinuo Qingcheng came in and robbed the boss!"


He was cooperating with his teammates and went all out to fight against the king of wukana. He was stunned.

"Yes, he hasn't gone yet!"

As soon as the voice fell, a little brother of King's landing shouted: "I told you earlier, that guy has been hiding outside. He must be waiting for us to cripple the boss, and then he comes in to harvest!"

King Lin hesitated: "how many of them?"

"Just... A promise is a promise."

"A man is afraid of an egg?"

It was said that the other party was only alone. King Lin was full of confidence and shouted, "a person dares to come in and die. Go to a group of brothers and kill him for me!"

"Soldiers go with assassins. In any case, close combat can't hit the boss. The knight stays to protect the back row. Come on!"

Under the order, a large group of soldiers and assassin professional players immediately withdrew from the boss war, copied the guys and rushed to Zhang Yi who was walking slowly outside the camp!

Here, Zhang Yi enters the garrison camp alone.

When all PK modes and equipment special effects are fully opened, the golden light and red light bloom all over the body, just like a God coming to earth.

Hold the storm wand.

Staring at the three approaching assassins and soldiers.

This posture!

Zhang Yi was besieged by so many players at the same time. From the last life to this life, Zhang Yi met it for the first time.

It makes people feel a little flattered and in a surging mood.

In the distance, the mutant wukana is fighting fiercely with the main forces of the three teams.

In the mutation state, the combat effectiveness of wukana, whose attributes have been greatly improved, has increased sharply. The players of the three major teams can't resist it, and the rate of death has increased sharply.

According to this situation, wukana is invincible in the next five minutes.

When the 5-minute mutation time passes and enters the weak state of weakening all attributes, it will be immediately won by the players of the three major teams.

In other words, the time left for Zhang Yi is only 5 minutes.

In five minutes, he will kill all the blockers.

Then, take wukana.

So he looked at the enemy coming from the front.

Zhang Yi's eyes suddenly became wild.

The storm wand, with silver light in its hands and bursts of energy flowing, makes a sound.

Before that, all the hatred, tonight, make a one-time end.

Look opposite.

Naturally, the soldiers and assassins who galloped in knew the enemy at present. The level was as high as level 52. As the first human animal defense division in the list of Moonlight City, Yinuo had the strength of the city.

What gives them courage is that there are no teammates around each other.

As a lone wolf, Zhang Yi's threat to them is not so great.

Therefore, facing Zhang Yi who has opened the whole PK mode.

A cry came from the approaching crowd.

"Brothers, rush! Explode all his equipment!"

The golden flash effect means that all the equipment on Zhang Yi is enhanced.

Moreover, the first and second five-star God costumes [destroyer] and [dark ruler] in the equipment list of Moonlight City are all on Zhang Yi.

The equipment in other parts is naturally invaluable.

Even if one of these equipment is exploded, it can support a small team.

Moreover, Zhang Yi opened all PK, died in this state, and lost all his equipment!

If you can explode Zhang Yi.

Their harvest is even greater than that of wukana, the boss of the 60 level 5-star variant dragon family behind them!

Under the temptation of such huge interests, the soldiers and assassin players of the three major teams, who could only stare in the boss war just now, rushed to Zhang Yi like crazy.

In sight.

Just wait for a group of assassins to reach an effective range of less than 50 meters.

Zhang Yi cast the spell immediately.

The storm wand waved lightly, and eight black hurricanes rolled forward.

Death storm!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Lock in different targets. Against the eight assassins who bear the brunt, they were hit by the hurricane and jumped up high damage of about 5000 points on their heads!

1035 agility attributes.

There are five critical hit injuries of more than 10000 points among the eight injuries, and directly kill five bloody assassins in a second.

The remaining three residual blood were collected by a lightning chain followed by Zhang Yi.