Ye Yuxi felt that she was in endless darkness, and the scene in the space-time tunnel kept reappearing in her mind.

The whole consciousness is groggy, and I want to open my eyes to look around, but the eyelids are so heavy that I can't open them.

As if a century had passed, Ye Yuxi finally waited until the dizziness deep in her brain disappeared.

Ye Yuxi slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was an extremely simple thatched roof.

Breathing slightly hard, Ye Yuxi frowned due to the numbness of her limbs.

Are you still alive?

"you're awake."

Before Ye Yuxi got up, a burly figure stepped to the side of the bed in two steps. He had dark skin, a tall figure, and a surprise and smile on his thick eyebrows and big eyes.

"Who are you?" Ye Yuxi's eyes suddenly showed vigilance, and her beautiful eyes looked at the burly young man standing by the bed.

The boy directly ignored Ye Yuxi's words, came over to take a look at Ye Yuxi, turned around excitedly and ran out of the house, shouting as he ran, "Grandpa, that sister is awake, Grandpa, sister is awake!"

Ye Yuxi didn't stop the child, but got up from the bed while supporting her weak body.

Sitting by the bed, Ye Yuxi realized that the house could be described as barren.

Without allowing Ye Yuxi to think too much, footsteps came from the door again.

"Girl, you're awake, how do you feel?" An old man with white eyebrows and hair came in with a walking stick, followed by a burly young man who just ran out.

"Old man, where is this?" The vigilance in Ye Yuxi's eyes dissipated slightly, and the grandpa and grandson in front of her didn't feel like villains to her.

It can be seen from the fact that he fell into a coma and his clothes were intact.

"This is the outskirts of the Diyuan Mountain Range. Hanwa went hunting in the mountains and carried you back." When the old man said this, the burly young man who followed him scratched his head in embarrassment, with a silly smile on his face.

"Diyuan Mountain Range?"

Ye Yuxi recalled in her mind that there was no name for this mountain range on Ziyun Continent in her memory.

"Old man, the ancient world of heaven?" Ye Yuxi asked tentatively.

"No!" The burly boy named Han Wa immediately shook his head.

The old man on crutches heard Ye Yuxi's words, but his eyes flashed strangely, he sat down on the only chair in the room, and said, "Girl, this Canggu Realm is a subordinate of the Shangcang Ancient Realm. interface."

"Old man, have you noticed a man of about twenty-five years old, wearing a white brocade robe, and very handsome." Ye Yuxi's heart skipped a beat when he heard that this place was not the Ancient Realm of Heaven.

"No, you were the only one when I met you, sister, this is yours." Hanwa reached out and took out a token from her bosom, it was Ye Yuxi's ancient order of the Cangxuan!

"Silly boy, where did this thing come from!" The white-haired old man suddenly snatched Xuan Gu Ling from him, his voice became a little lower.

"I picked it up in the woods, and it was next to my sister. I forgot it in the basket when I came back, and I just remembered it this morning." Hanwa scratched her head again.

"Old man, do you know this thing?" Ye Yuxi noticed the strangeness in the old man's expression, and his heart that had just stabilized was suspended again.

Regardless of whether this is Canggu Realm or Shangcang Ancient Realm, it is a completely unfamiliar place to me.

It's better to be careful about some things.

"God Xuan Gu Ling, girl, tell me the truth, which sect you belong to." The old man's muddy eyes suddenly became cold.