Not long after the boy left, the supervisor of Zhuge Tower came to the stage in a hurry.

The patriarch of the Ling family took the initiative to walk up to Ye Yuxi and Bai Jinyi, and bowed slightly, "Master Shaogu, Miss Ye, the Shanjia Pagoda and Zhuge Pagoda were the most severely damaged, and the management personnel to fill in, do you have any suitable recommendations for the two. "

"Mr. Ling is being polite. Although the Bodhi Pagoda has been brought under the banner of the White House, it is only external. The internal management depends on a few pagoda owners. It is up to Mr. Ling to decide on the selection of the supervisor."

The patriarch of the Ling family nodded, said a few polite words, and then walked aside to discuss matters with the patriarch of the Ke family and the dozens of supervisors.

Each Bodhi Pagoda will select some excellent alchemists to record in the daily record, so that when a certain seat is vacant, it is convenient to select the right person as quickly as possible to maintain the normal operation of the Bodhi Pagoda.

Like Ye Yuxi who won the title of Alchemy King at the Alchemy King Conference before, it will be directly recorded by the Bodhi Pagoda, and can enter the fifth floor of the Bodhi Pagoda to practice, and is one of the candidates for the Deputy Pagoda Master!

Of course, the Alchemy Conference is held every three years. Not all Alchemy Kings have the opportunity to become deputy tower masters. A deputy tower master may be in power for decades or even longer. Go to other management positions to experience.

Breakthrough to the seventh-rank pharmacist will have the opportunity to be the deputy tower master, it depends on one's own luck!

But now, those talented alchemists who showed their talents at the Pill King Conference have a chance to rise.

As time went by, more and more alchemists arrived at Bodhi Valley. Except for Shan Family's arena, which was a little deserted, the arenas of the other Bodhi Pagodas were slightly crowded.

Especially the Shijia Pagoda and Zhuge Pagoda, these two Bodhi Pagodas suffered heavy damage like the Shanjia Pagoda. After receiving the signal to hold the Bodhi Conference, those subordinate pharmacists rushed here at the first time, faster than the other several pagodas. The Bodhi Tower is at least a third faster!

Especially those strong Huang Ling and Xuan Ling, who suffered catastrophe in the tower, although they would feel uneasy, but deep down in their hearts, they were somewhat looking forward to the convening of this conference.

Because for them, the time has come to decide themselves and their family. Once they can be promoted to deputy tower master, it will not only represent the power of one person, but also the prosperity of the whole family.

"Master Shaogu, Miss Ye, this is the filling list of personnel from the Shan family, the Shi family, and the Three Pagodas of Zhuge. See if there is any problem."

After discussing with the supervisors for an hour, the patriarch of the Ling family came over with a roll of parchment.

Although Bai Jinyi said that these matters should be decided by the pagoda owners, the patriarch of the Ling family is not a fool. Even if he and others made the arrangements in detail, he would let Bai Jinyi and Ye Yuxi take a look at them in the end.

Bai Jinyi glanced at the names on the parchment and didn't say anything. Ye Yuxi suddenly frowned, raised his head and said to the ancestor of the Ling family, "I remember that one of the juniors of the Shan family was named Shan Zicheng. He didn't on the list?"

"Shan Zicheng?" The ancestor of the Ling family frowned.

"Well, the great-great-grandson of Pagoda Master Shan is now a fifth-rank pharmacist." Ye Yuxi nodded slightly.

The patriarch of the Ling family focused his eyes for a moment, waved his hand over to a follower, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The boy nodded, then turned to convey instructions to the supervisors of Shanjia Tower.

"There is Pagoda Master Lao Ling." Seeing that the patriarch of the Ling family had temporarily changed the appointment, Ye Yuxi nodded towards him.