Ye Yuxi glanced at the shopkeeper, and replied without a trace, "Come here and buy some wild ginseng and ganoderma."

"Miss, you are a woman, listen to my advice, don't go to the city to the west, the road is not safe, even if you meet those natives of the Western Regions, a girl is easy to suffer, if you don't mind, I can help you contact some vendors who go to the west all the year round, you can buy from them, although the price is a bit more expensive, but it will be safe anyway, what do you think?"

The fat shopkeeper looked at Ye Yuxi with a smile, and he didn't care at all whether Ye Yuxi would buy other accessories or not.

The shopkeeper knew very well that even if he doubled the price of these animal bone ornaments in the store, he would have earned a maximum of 1,800 gold coins.

But those medicinal materials such as wild ginseng and ganoderma lucidum can easily make tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of profits!

Ye Yuxi knew what the fat shopkeeper was thinking, but it was impossible for such a small shop to have what she was looking for.

"Thank you shopkeeper for your kindness, but I finally came out. I have always been curious about the wild western regions. I should go there in person. I want these two items. Pack them for me." Ye Yuxi casually took a giant The python's teeth were thrown beside the snake bone.

"Okay, you can give me 1500 for these two things."

Although Ye Yuxi rejected his kindness, the smile on the fat shopkeeper's face did not diminish at all, and he smiled and accepted the money, "Miss, please go slowly, welcome to come again next time."

It wasn't until Ye Yuxi walked out of the shop that the fat shopkeeper straightened up, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually turned into a sneer.

He reached out and shook a brass bell behind the counter, and the sound of the bell echoed in the room, crisp and sweet.

A secret door on the wall was pushed open, and several thieves came out quickly.

"Shopkeeper, what's your order?" A guy in the lead came to the counter and bowed.

"Did you see the woman who bought something just now?"

"Yeah!" The three guys nodded one after another.

"You three, change your clothes and follow her out of the city." A greedy smile appeared on the corner of the fat shopkeeper's mouth.

The three guys turned around and were about to go back to the dark room to change clothes. The leader turned halfway and then turned back, asking for instructions, "Shopkeeper, if that woman meets those wild wolves and bandits outside the city, do we still want to go?" Shot?"

The fat shopkeeper rubbed his double chin, and there was a flash of calculation in his small eyes, "She will definitely not go alone, if those wild wolves come out to make trouble again, first let this woman suffer a little bit, and then you take action, you know what to do do it."

"Don't worry, shopkeeper. It's not the first time we've done this. After saving that woman, I'll tell her that our shopkeeper fell in love with you. After you left, the shopkeeper didn't feel at ease. That's why I let you go." I brought someone out to take a look, but I didn’t expect something to happen.” The man said as if he was taking credit.

"Well, I don't worry about your business, go down and prepare." The fat shopkeeper nodded, squinting his small eyes and seemed to have seen hundreds of thousands or more gold coins waving to him.

After Ye Yuxi came out of the shop, she casually threw the two animal bones into the corner of the street.

This kind of rags, Ye Yuxi thinks it would take up space in the ring!

After walking half a street, a brawny mercenary appeared from both sides from time to time, following behind Ye Yuxi.

When Ye Yuxi went into the shop to inquire about the news, Meng Yi and the others were not idle. They also went to some tea stalls, wineries and other shops to inquire about it.

"Ma'am, young master, they are having dinner at a restaurant in front."